Ye Shenyue immediately apologized and almost got angry at Tohka, rubbing her head, Tohka groaned comfortably, "Are you going to do something next month?"

Tohka's eyes sparkled.

Although everyone's cooking was very good and delicious, she somehow looked forward to what Yashinyue cooked.

"Well, Tohka, just... um, stand at the door of the kitchen to prevent evil elements from coming in!"

Yagami originally wanted to get Tohka out of the kitchen, but it would be like driving her away, so the same goal was changed.

"Okay! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Sure enough, Tohka wasn't happy at all and didn't appear to be "Next..."

Ye Shenyue took a deep breath and started the chef's move. The strength of her body was finally merged together, but the first time she used it was...


" powerful!"

"It's too fast to catch it."

In the eyes of Haruna and the others, Ye Shenyue's hand had disappeared, so much so that they could no longer be seen.

After it disappears, whether it is washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, or even the temperature of the flame is ready.This is a high-skilled cooking show!


Although Ye Shenyue was very fast, half an hour had passed since he actually finished preparing the food, and when he walked to the door, the president just took a long look.

"Oh... by the way, Ye Shenyue, I'm going to pick up guests at the door, do you want to go with me?"

The guild leader jumped down from the tree with a swish, and the skirt fluttered. Ye Shenyue glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and never squinted again, because the guild leader was still wearing safety pants.

Nothing but short safety pants to see!

Safety pants...I hate you!

Nodding, Ye Shenyue was startled when she looked into the yard at this time.

It seemed strange to have prepared several cushions at first, but now... most of them are seated on the cushions, and they are all familiar people, people who are inextricably linked to him...

Yuko-sama was sitting in the upper seat, drinking with the woman in black uniform beside him, and seemed to be talking.

The woman in black uniform has black hair and black eyes. She didn't show it, but she also showed a mighty aura. She made the stalwart Whistle sitting next to her to sit a little further away, Yuuko, who was beside Miss Yuko, drank tea quietly and seemed even more calm.

It's just that Aihua-sang, who was sitting next to Yu, moved to the side silently, and then next to Aihua was Ariel, and Ariel-chan also moved to the side for some reason, as if she was avoiding something.

Ye Shenyue knew.

This is the momentum.

If you don't know it, it's already a blockbuster. You seem to be easy to be kidnapped, but... don't forget that there are people who are more than [-] years old there.

There was an invisible sword battle here, and the girls on the opposite and two sides seemed to comfort a lot, some were talking and some secretly drinking.Different people have different personalities, counting from left to right, that is Rinko, Riko, Xiaoai, Banbei, Shinna, Nagamasa sister, Fan Mengxiang, Bai Xueyi, and Hu Meng, Frei, Fengyin Rihe , and Chu Yuan.

Jing, Xiaokui, Rinko, Riko, and Shinna are talking. People from different worlds seem to have more in common. Xiaoai and Hanbei are watching the face of Sister Nagamasa, who has a bulging belly, and Sister Long March. The brilliance of motherhood is shown on it, which is what fascinates the loli the most.Even the drunk Chris showed a strong interest.

As for the Three Principles, he was encouraging Hiramatsu, while Silas was reprimanding Yuuki who seemed to be getting drunk.

A lively scene.

This 0.8 colorful shadow made Ye Shenyue's head dizzy.

Is it...

Miss Yuko is going to hold a meeting of the big wives and the little wives!

This guy is almost done!

"Every night..."

With an urgent call, Ye Shenyue felt a blackness in front of her, and her face seemed to touch that soft indescribable thing.

Then behind him, a pair of snow-white arms wrapped around his neck, and there seemed to be something indescribable behind him...


ps: It seems that no one reads the novels that are passed down during the day... Sure enough, I should choose to upload them at night...

Ah, ah, [-] words have been written today.

There will be another chapter at 22:[-].

Today, this book is specially updated, and "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" can only be updated by one.

Tomorrow, starting in July, special update fatezero!The [-]D update, gentlemen, let the sub-period burn!

that's all.

Chapter 0486 Promise (ends on April [-]st)

Hot and soft.

Front and back as well.

Ye Shenyue has a feeling of being innocent and guilt. This feeling is that when there is a gap, he can still touch it once or twice, but now it is extremely hot both in front and behind.

If it is a pair of eyes, it can be described as a pair of burning eyes, but this... has long since surpassed ten pairs of eyes staring, staring, squinting, squinting, and all kinds of vision. You must be "see through your heart" by these eyes.

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