"Xiao Ye, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, why do you miss Ye Ye? Ye Ye doesn't want to be separated from you for a moment..."

Ye Ye's voice was glutinous, and her little face kept turning, even the peaks and ridges attached to Ye Shenyue's face were the same, bringing a sense of relief to Ye Shenyue.

"Hmph...Yishinyue-san was thinking about his girlfriend at this time. If you know shame, let go of this puppet..."

A cold voice that was more doll than Ye Ye's came from behind Yagami, and Tobiichi Origami sergeant hugged Yagami's arm even harder, letting the female advantage attract Yagami.

"You don't know shame!"

Ye Ye raised his eyes and bit the red belt on his chest with his small mouth, "A truly qualified doll shouldn't hide his love for his master, he should... um, be honest! Tell your heart. come out."

"So it is."

Tobiichi Origami's voice was slightly hesitant, but it seemed to acquiesce to Ye Ye's statement.

"Since that's the case, then I'll come and tell the truth."

Origami's voice was the same as before, it seemed that there was no fluctuation, "" "Stop stop stop! Origami, stop talking!"

Ye Shenyue really can't listen anymore. If the girls just stared at him with only Pikachu's million volts, then it has risen to 07 million volts... No, it's still increasing!

He could imagine that his character had fallen from the ground to hell.Everyone will think that he changed the origami master, master... I really didn't teach you these words.

"What a shameless person... Shame or something has long been left behind by you!"

The cat-eared girl who fell from the sky and fell from the tree moved her ears gently.Then he pulled Ye Shenyue's arm from the side, "Let go of you all, the young master is mine alone~~" This was Feiju's voice.

If it comes to entanglement, Feiju can also take part in it.She is no weaker than the master origami who can even rush into the men's bathroom without hesitation.

It's just that the scene where two women were fighting for one man quickly changed into two women versus one woman.

"You just have to let go."

In a cold tone, Master Origami's calm eyes seemed to be able to launch mines.

"You have to let go first."

The excited tone, the dark eyes of the automatic doll burst into infinite fire, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation.

The two directly confronted Fei Ju, who was "declaring sovereignty" and "declaring sovereignty".

"What kind of onion are you!"

Ye Ye never knew what abstinence was, and was immediately annoyed. She was glaring at Origami, but now she was glaring at Hiji.Just staring at Feiju's chest immediately became intense.

Tobiichi's army officer also flicked his gaze on Hiiju's chest and immediately had a battle plan.

"The plan has changed, first kill this cat girl and then deal with the shameless automaton."

The origami master has also decided on this side, but can we not say what these decisions have been made?

Origami master, you are a black heart all the way. You want to pull Ye Ye as an alliance and finally shoot her a black gun without hesitation!Moreover, the word shameless is actually used to describe Ye Ye, if it is a pure girl like Rihe, it is nothing to say it, origami master, you are a "talent" that can rival Ye Ye!

With Yagami Moon as the center, the atmosphere in the circle with a radius of one meter has become extremely terrifying. The things called women's anger, women's jealousy and women's possessiveness, women's jealousy are rapidly rising, don't take ten seconds. The bell is about to create a storm called a fight.

Fight, fight, anyway, it's best not to talk at this time.

Ye Shenyue has also gone through various Shura fields, knowing that if he speaks at this time, he will definitely become the focus, and there is a 90% chance that he will be pulled into it by a girl, and the possibility of making the girl black and then niceboat will change. It's 100%!

"Hey... Ye Shenyue, didn't you agree to wait for someone at the door with the president?"

Having already landed on the ground, the president, who watched the situation developing rapidly, finally moved his lips slightly.

"Or...you're a little bit reluctant to be in the...situation?"

The last two words of the president were particularly heavy, and Ye Shenyue felt the volts of [-] million volts attacking him.

Got hit by such an electric shock.

"President, let's go."

As expected, the effect was outstanding, and Ye Shenyue didn't know where the strength came from. First, she pulled Hiiju's hand away, then pushed Origami away from behind her, and finally released Ye Ye with her feet on his waist. down.

"Why...you don't agree?" Guildmaster Gao Hui Chang was satisfied with Ye Shenyue's actions, only to see the unkind eyes of the three girls who had been let go and glared back immediately.Draw a circle with the president as the center and a radius of two meters. There was a powerful storm in this place. Whether it was Ye Ye, Origami or even Feiju, all the hair stood up, and the hair stood tall, and the whole person was confused. .

This is an explosive full attack, and it can also limit the attack range.

"No...you...you go first."

"Enjoy it first."

The three dazed girls froze for a while, and then shied away from each other, completely bowing their heads!

President... Are you so arrogant?

How holy is it!Could it be that if you have a good relationship with Yuko-san, you can gain such power...

Ye Shenyue glanced at Miss Yuko, who was wearing a large kimono while drinking with Makona and didn't look this way.It seems that she is not squinting, no wonder, Miss Yuko's gaze just now contributed at least tens of millions of volts!

"President, the person you're waiting for is... eh..."

Ye Shenyue finally came to the gate side by side with the president. At least when she looked up, she saw a small figure with double ponytails. The girl was holding a map and seemed to be looking for something.

Then a small hand was placed on her shoulder, and the girl with golden double ponytails was startled and turned around to see a girl about her height.

This is a little girl with black hair, and she also wears double ponytails, but it is different from hers on the back of her head. It is placed in front of the collarbone, with a soft smell.It's just that these are not the places that people care about the most. One of her eyes is covered with her hair and has a mysterious smell.

"What are you looking for? If I can help, then I can help you~" The little black-haired girl smiled softly, showing a little charming style.

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