This time, she didn't cover her mouth and smile. Her other hand was holding a kitten, and the kitten was close to her feet.

"Yeah... Do you know this place? Don't worry, as long as you help me find this place, I'll give you [-] million! If it's not enough, then [-] million! This place is very important. According to the big sister who is very powerful, I will give you [-] million. That abominable father is here."

The opening is to repay with money, and the upstart is full of breath.

Who is that rich daughter Sanqian who is not Ye Shenyue?

It's just that Ye Shenyue almost fainted. The distance between them is only [-] meters from here, so they still need to ask for directions. This child of [-]... is there really no problem?Would you really not get lost if you put it outside?

"Damn father? Ah Lielie... Then it's really nasty. I'm also looking for someone, and this is the place. I'm looking for someone who deceives my feelings. He took my seventeen-year-old body and five Eleven times, every time it hurts..."

The fear on Xiao Kuang San's face seemed to be real, "Also, it's okay for that guy to not give money when he's finished enjoying it, forget it if he doesn't give love, forget it if he doesn't give time, actually... Man left in that world stopped time completely."

"Then it's like opening the refrigerator, letting the time flow and taking it out when you want... woo woo..."

I really smell sad and see tears. "It turns out that in his heart, I was just a popsicle in the refrigerator, not even an ice cream, but when he wanted to use it, he took it out abruptly... woo woo... why did I die like this? ...why...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Little Kuangsan burst into tears, and the pitiful appearance was heart-wrenching.

"Meow~~" The cat named Xiaosan also kept sticking to the owner, as if this could ease the owner's grief.

"Night God Moon..."

"You bastard!"

XN "You can do something so shameless!"

At this moment, a frantic sound broke out in the courtyard.That is the sound of crusade.

Ye Shenyue knew.

This flower viewing party has just begun, it has just begun... It is about to enter the black ending.

With Ye Shenyue as the center and the entire temple as the radius, a storm called niceboat broke out.

"How about this reunion gift? Yeshenyue..."

Looking at Ye Shenyue, who was drenched in panic, both in front and behind, surrounded by women, Xiao Kuang San 200 finally said the rest.

"Sister should have said this earlier..."

Ye Shenyue, who was endured with hundreds of billions of volts, really... almost fainted.

I came from the dark and went back to the dark.

Ye Shenyue fainted.

The next day or the Nth day, he can't remember how many days, how many days he persisted in the sensuality in the room. He can't remember at all.

when he woke up.


He struggled to get up, but found that his feet were almost useless.The whole person has shrunk twice.

On tiptoe, he found a man named God.

That is the boring Gaia-san watching anime.

"Oh... that's right, Gaia..."

Gaia called out, "I want you to do me a favor."


Gaia's eyes blinked, "Okay... I see how pitiful you were yesterday, not only fainted but also drained... That state is really..."

"Wait...don't say these words..."

Until this time, listening to these words, Ye Shenyue still has a deep dark history of allergies. This is only three people from each world. If all of them come... then he...

Ye Shenyue subconsciously covered her waist.

"Okay, I won't make you sad. As God Gaia, I am very sympathetic. I understand what you want. This is a favor... I helped. However, you don't think you need to sleep first. Have a good night's sleep?"

"It's like this... as if every cell doesn't want to move..."

Ye Shenyue nodded, Gaia is so considerate.


I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's delusion, but Gaiasang's eyes flickered.


The last drop of cold sweat was left behind.

Cool swish.

(End of volume on April [-]) ps: I finally filled in this hole, and I will start to update Fatezero with all my strength tomorrow, and update the [-]D!

Flowers, when the time comes, the author only needs flowers. There is no recommendation for this book. As long as it can be listed on the flower list, it will be on the homepage. Please everyone!Hand over all the flowers in your hand!

Tomorrow will be five shifts, [-]D updates, one shift in the morning, one shift in the morning, one shift in the afternoon, and two shifts in the evening.Well, that's it.



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