"That... brother... where is the Einzbern family?"

It's a bit of a mouthful to call out the title brother, but now Yagami is just idle at home every day, teasing Rin who doesn't know whether it is precocious or genetically superior, who can walk, talk and talk back, and has no idea where Alice's castle is.

She has always been in the castle, and it is impossible to meet her outside, so she has to find her by herself.

"Why are you asking this?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned, that place and them have always been well water and not river water.

"Just ask."

Rao is Ye Shenyue, the cheeky one, can't say that he is going to prepare to hook up with others.

"In the forest in the west of the city, there is a barrier covered all the year round, and most people can't enter unless you break the barrier, but you should have that ability, go to battle, and gain some practical experience to deal with the upcoming Holy Grail battle. "

Although Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't quite understand Yashinyuki's intentions, the magic power and talent of this younger brother made people envious. It's just that this guy is too lazy, he is sleepy when he reads the magic book, and he doesn't practice at all. talent.Might as well let him try.


Ye Shenyue was speechless, how come Tokiomi only has the Battle of the Holy Grail in his eyes.It's just that he misunderstood.

"I will participate in the battle of the Holy Grail but my goal is not the Holy Grail."

My goal is to call, endless call.

Don't talk about yourself, as long as you summon Yujiang or Ariel sauce as their demigods, the King of Heroes will be instantly gameover.

"My stupid little brother...you definitely don't know the importance of the Holy Grail..."

Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned, he didn't want the Holy Grail?Is there such a fool?The words are indifferent and there is no brotherly emotion at all.Ye Shenyue was speechless for a while, he is not Sasuke, and Tokiomi is not Uchiha Itachi, why use the name "stupid brother"?

Even if it's a big brother, that's a cheap big brother, okay?

Ye Shenyue really wanted to cover her forehead, "But I really don't need the Holy Grail. I don't need the Holy Grail, an ideal full of desire, evil, and darkness to realize. My dream will be realized by myself."

"You will definitely change 933."

Tosaka Tokiomi dismissed Yagami's words. In his opinion, the Holy Grail is supreme. As long as you win the battle, you can get the Holy Grail and fulfill your wish. This is the truth.


Yagami doesn't like arguing with Tohsaka Tokiomi. Compared with this cheap brother, he prefers to tease Rin and Sakura, who have become more intelligent.

"As the eldest young lady of the Tohsaka family, you have to act like a big sister. For example, who should this apple be given to now?"

In her own yard, Yagami took the red and bright apple from the servant and handed it to Tohsaka Rin.

If he is in fatestaynight, he doesn't need servants to provide apples, he can just use his projection ability to project the real thing.

Projection is simply a means of cheating. Projecting gold and gold is the most loving, and it is the most loving for the Tohsaka family, who needs to consume precious gems because of the training of magicians.

Who can use gems to train, and only the Tohsaka family is so generous.

It's just that stupid Tokiomi doesn't know that no matter how much money there is, there will be a day when it will be exhausted?

"Of course... no one will give it!"

The petite and lovely daughter pouted and ignored Ye Shenyue.


"But my father said that Rin is the eldest lady, she wants a lady, and she has to be humble, so... Rin can be everyone else, but she must exclude her father."

"Why not give it to Dad?"

Ye Shenyue asked while holding her breath.to everyone else?Does everyone also include the servants here?to the servant and not to him?This daughter is really... dear.

"Because Dad is a villain...not within the scope of the lady's consideration to be humble."

Jiao Xiao's daughter stared at Ye Shenyue with wide eyes and said.

Ye Shenyue was speechless, who is this daughter like? Like all his daughters, they are all heartless.

Ye Shenyue suddenly had the urge to have another daughter.

Chapter 0002 The rift between brothers

What does the snow look like?

Weiruo catkins are caused by the wind.

The fluttering snowflakes are pure and white on the palm of the hand, showing a clear appearance. Even from a distance, it is a beautiful scenery, but for Ye Shenyue, it is a labyrinth that is constantly attacking.

Snowflakes and withered trees, this is the most direct feeling of Ye Shenyue.

It's already the second day.

Ye Shenyue spent the days of playing with wives and wives and children occasionally in her own nest. It was a happy life, but he was still unable to sit still when he returned to Xiaoyao, because he thought that it was during this time that Emiya Kiritsugu Became Einzbern's son-in-law.

He didn't come here for nothing to pry at the corner of Tokiomi's sin, and Irisviel, who was as clear as snow, was also what he wanted to protect, Emiya Kiritsugu only brought her hurt and endless sadness.What Yagami couldn't accept was Emiya Kiritsugu's last murderous act.

I did not kill Boren Boren but died because of me.

At least, Yagami can't guarantee that he can bring endless happiness to Irisviel now, but he can bring her peace.

So, after asking about the location of Tokiomi Einzbern's castle, Yagami Yue came non-stop, and came here because the snowflakes like goose feathers fell.

This is a country where it always snows, whether it's the weather or the enchantment.

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