Although leaving the world of vampires has solved the problem of chemical reaction when it touches water, Yagami has traversed this forest several times and still has not found any traces of the enchantment.

It shouldn't... Absolutely shouldn't...

Ye Shenyue sat down on the spot.

He closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

His magical capacity is so huge, and with the guidance of the enchantment expert, Haruna, a genius magical girl, it is impossible for him to be unable to find even a single enchantment.


It's not his problem.

can only be.

Tosaka Tokiomi's problem with the provider of this news.

Yagami Tsuki suddenly remembered the firmness that flashed across Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes when he asked Tokiomi again about Einzbern's castle.

It wasn't that Tohsaka Tokiomi wanted to insist that Yagami Yue came to Einzbern to provide information, but he was determined not to let him Yagami Yue find Einzbern's castle.

I don't want him to get involved with the people of Einzbern.

Tokiomi, you won't die if you don't do it, why don't you know?

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth.

He could understand the little Jiujiu in Tohsaka Tokiomi's heart, and Yashinyuki said that he didn't want to participate in this boring Holy Grail, because this mere Holy Grail could not fulfill his wish at all, or he didn't have any strong desire, he even created The three people standing at the top of the world all know how it is possible to fight a battle and then realize their wishes?

not to mention.

The women of the Einzbern clan are the existences that are regarded as the little Holy Grail.In order to obtain the Holy Grail, they must be sacrificed.

In simpler words, it means that Irisviel and Illya are actually only human-shaped Holy Grails. They suck the souls of defeated Servants into their bodies and finally create the Great Holy Grail. It can be said that they are the Holy Grail. If you want to obtain the Holy Grail, you must first Sacrifice them!

This is something that Yagami can't allow, but it is also known to Tosaka, von Einzbern, and Zuo Yan, the founders of the Holy Grail War.

Others may not know it, but Tosaka Tokiomi, the head of the family, must know it. He knows that if Yagami gets involved with the people of Einzbern and then falls in love with the androids... then he will definitely destroy the Holy Grail. War becomes the enemy of his opposite!

and so……

Tohsaka Tokiomi deliberately told Yashinyuki the wrong direction, hoping that he could find the place and come back obediently.


Tohsaka Tokiomi was wrong.

This time it wasn't "my stupid brother" but "my stupid brother" Ye Shenyue's mouth showed a faint mockery.

"It's all Tokiomi's fault."

This sentence is correct at this moment.

You misjudged yourself and you misjudged me.

The strong self-confidence in Ye Shenyue's heart was inspired.

Tokiomi Tosaka, maybe you will miss an ally because of your hasty actions.

The snow wind of hunting blew away Yagami Yue's sleeve, and a dark red curse in the shape of two pistols crossed appeared on the back of his hand.


The first contestant in the Battle of the Holy Grail appears.

ps: After waiting for Fatezero for a long time, we finally meet again after half a year.But don't worry, as long as you subscribe automatically, you can read six chapters at once.The author has set a timed upload. Ordinary readers can only watch it when the time is up, but those who subscribe automatically can browse the chapters first two hours later.

Those who are interested can support the "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" link in the top of the comment.

Chapter 0003 Late?


The branches that were about to die were really unable to support the thick white snow covering the branches, making a soft noise and the snow fell.

With a flick of Ye Shenyue's hand, the frost and snow that should have landed on him who was standing under the branch immediately flew off and landed quietly.The snowflakes seemed to be rigidly prevented by some barrier, and the landing was very neatly arranged in an arc on the ground.

Barrier indeed.

The corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth slowly revealed a sarcastic smile.

That is sarcasm.

"found it."

Found the barrier and protected the barrier of Einzbern's castle. Tokiomi Tosaka didn't want him to touch Einzbern because he was afraid that he would become his enemy, but the more he was not allowed to do it by Yagami Things Ye Shenyue will do more and more.

Because, not everyone, Miss Yuko, can order him.

Yagami left the direction that Tosaka Tokiomi had previously pointed out and ran directly to the areas where Fuyuki City might have the atmosphere of an enchantment. After another three days, he finally arrived at his destination.

It is also a snow-covered area, but now the snow has stopped and there is mild sunshine.

Footprints appeared one after another in the snow, but every time Ye Shenyue took a step forward, the place his feet set on made him feel deeper.

The first step is to fall on the snow, but the second step is to fall on the enchantment.

Every time he took a step forward, the barrier collapsed.

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