When his footprints were printed on the snow, the barrier that ordinary people could not see or touch when they walked here and was immediately misled to run in other directions had been torn abruptly, and the opening was still going on. The expansion expands as he progresses.

Ye Shenyue's eyes stared ahead, and the world, which was originally only silver, became clear, and the huge towering but exotic castle stood tall. This is Einz wrapped in the barrier. Belém's home base.

Ye Shenyue continued to move forward, he hated having something blocking him, even if it was an enchantment.

"Stop! Who are you!"

An old but majestic voice came, and then at the place where Ye Shenyue continued to take ten steps forward, a majestic old man with white hair and pure white robe appeared. Although the old man had wrinkles on his face, his The back is quite straight, and from the back, it seems to be old and strong, but the tone is very old-fashioned. "Young boy, hurry up and leave before the barrier can be repaired, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Although you are welcome, the originally still snowflakes seemed to suddenly move, piled up in the air and swirled at high speed, like a tornado, and fell on the top of Ye Shenyue’s head in a blink of an eye, and slammed it from top to bottom!

It was closed like a lid.

This old man is too shameless, and he has actually made a move.

First, Tokiomi Tosaka was deceived by Tokiomi to spend the winter on the top of the snow mountain for a few days, and then he wasted his magic power to find the barrier for several days. Yagami's tolerance has long been destroyed. Now this old man is so shameless Ye Shenyue was angry.


Actually attacked him with snow.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Shenyue smiled, but it wasn't a hearty smile, it was irony, this old man is really an idiot, for a magician to use magic is to consume the magic power in his body, so it is the best and most worry-free to use local materials , just use snow in front of him, use this snowflake that is transformed from water...

This old man is really... I don't know what degree is!

"Deserving it."

Seeing that the tornado had already enveloped Yagami, Ahad's expression was slightly calm, "It was already troublesome enough to find Emiya Kiritsugu, but now another casually intruded and still broke the barrier, I really thought I was Is Ahad old?"

In Ahad's eyes, the tornado directly swept the intruder away and flew to the sky. He didn't know where to go to the ravine. He took a deep breath and wanted to leave.

It's just a mutation, and he doesn't even have time to react.A hand was placed on his shoulder, he didn't even have a chance to move, and the whole person was enveloped by a terrifying aura.

"What did you say?"

A slightly cold voice.

"Emiya Kiritsugu has arrived!"

Not a question mark but an exclamation point, not a question but a tone of truth.

Yagami Yue had a feeling of being trapped. Tokiomi Tosaka who deceived him had already made him dissatisfied enough, and now Emiya Kiritsugu has appeared.

Ha ha.

Are you really playing him?

Yagami's anger exploded, and when Ahad spoke out about Emiya Kiritsugu, it ignited the anger that had been accumulating in his heart.

cheat to play with.

Such words should not have appeared on him and he was not allowed to appear on him, but now... all of them appear.

Ha ha.

Now Yagami just wants to say an angry scolding, and she exhausted her magic power to search around, but Emiya Kiritsugu was personally invited by Ahad and led him into the castle. Compared with Emiya Kiritsugu, who was sitting and enjoying it, he was like a be a fool!


The sky suddenly flashed a gleaming brilliance that made people unable to open their eyes.


There were no dark clouds, but it was raining in the sky.

Irisviel came to the window. She had never been out of the castle. Only when she looked out of the window did she feel that she was alive, but she usually saw only white snowflakes. Is the rain written in the book?

The poor girl even found the sound of rain beating on the window so pleasant.

Because...that's something she's never been in contact with.

the outside world.

PS: Let’s pass on three chapters today. The author’s update time is as follows.

Guarantee four more.

1:14 am, 19:21 pm, 23:[-] pm, and [-]:[-]. If the update is added, it will be added at [-]:[-].

In addition, everyone can support "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" currently has three updates a day, and ten updates have been released on the shelves.

Chapter 0004 Infinite Duplication and Sin

The pouring rain poured down.

The crackling sound was especially clear in the ears of the two people standing in the snow.

There was an unspeakable fear in Ahad's heart. There is an enchantment here, and it is impossible to rain. At most, it is snowflakes for disguise, but now it is raining!It's not drizzle, it's not a drizzle, it's a drizzle, it's a pouring rain!

The sound of rain makes the sound of raindrops falling, like cannonballs, which will be firmly established by the greatest ancestor, Einzbern, and the enchantment has no ability to resist in the face of the heavy rain, etc. When he took two deep breaths, the enchantment had disappeared, completely disappeared.

However, Ahad found himself still in the hands of Ye Shenyue.His shoulders were held down. The magic in his body was like a mouse seeing a cat. He couldn't even resist. The magician's circuit stopped as if time stopped.

He suddenly felt his mouth dry.

But the boy's cold voice was still in his ears.

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