Emiya Kiritsugu.

"It is indeed Emiya Kiritsugu. We in Einzbern only brought him here early this morning. We in Einzbern need him."

Even the always strong Ahad felt strange that he actually told the truth.Or it was because of the opponent's strength that he had to tell the truth.

"Irisviel married him."

Ye Shenyue's voice became very cold. He could imagine how powerful he was in the past. He could travel through time and space, and even now he could have the ribbon given by Miss Yuko to travel through time and space, but he traveled through time and space to change the cup. Change what he doesn't like.

but now.

He can also go back in time, however.

Things have already happened, even if he travels to the past... but it is different, even if everything is repaired, and Emiya Kiritsugu arrives before he arrives, there is still a stigma in his heart.

The source of this stalk is Emiya Kiritsugu, and the previous source is this... Ahad.

It's this guy!

"You are guilty."

Ye Shenyue's voice sounded.Then he takes a shot.

Ahad was shocked to find that his body had shortened!No, I was actually sinking, as if I was walking on the flat ground and then suddenly fell down, but the thick snow moved to both sides instantly as if I had encountered something I liked, and a huge snow was revealed. Pit him down.

Then, the snow and water merged and spread from bottom to top to his shoulders without even blinking an eye. It is conceivable that he could be buried alive in a single breath.

Ahad is the patriarch of the Einzbern family. He has participated in two Holy Grail battles with great power and prestige, but at this moment... death is so close to him!so close!

Fear, he finally felt fear, and the erected spine was trembling slightly.

The reason why Ahad contacted Emiya Kiritsugu this time is because he had always failed in the previous two Holy Grail Wars due to the lack of Einzbern's strength. This made him very dissatisfied, so This time... I chose the powerful Emiya Kiritsugu, hoping that he could represent Einzbern in the Holy Grail War, and even to marry Irisviel to him.

However, this is just the beginning.

When he heard the cold voice of the boy who suddenly broke in, Ahad suddenly woke up. Yes, speaking of Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel, this terrifying boy he...wanted It's Alice Phil!


Ahad, who was about to be buried alive, suddenly gasped, and he felt that he could live.

"and many more……"

Ahad called out regardless of his image, "Irisviel... Irisviel hasn't married Emiya Kiritsugu... She hasn't married yet!"

Ahad roared loudly as if all the power had burst out.

Then, after shouting, Ahad felt the rain and snow that had drowned down his chin and stopped and didn't continue to spread!


He really pressed the right treasure!

"Can you say that again!"

Ye Shenyue froze for a moment.

But Ahad's face showed the expression of rebirth, Yagami Yueyi stopped and then asked him, which means that he would not die.

As the patriarch of a big family, the excitement of being almost buried alive and then being reborn in such a short time made the expression on his face a lot more vivid, "Emiya Kiritsugu has not married Irisviel yet. , I originally planned to marry Irisviel to Emiya Kiritsugu and let him take the place of our Einzbern in the next Holy Grail Battle, since you are here... then I will give you Irisviel …”

Ahad felt that what he said was absolutely correct. He was happy to find that his body had changed from being buried deep to standing on the ground, and the anger of the other party had disappeared.

"I can give you Irisviel, and then I will clone another Irisviel for Emiya Kiritsugu. We will each take what we need... Hey... you... uh..."

Before Ahad could finish speaking, he found that he had not had time to breathe a breath of fresh air before being reburied into the hole just now.

He couldn't say anything. He could only close his mouth because the mixture of rain and snow had covered him from beginning to end. If he opened his mouth, he would have swallowed the liquid.

Cold, disgusting and sticky, all kinds of feelings came, and Ahad was angry and uncomfortable.

But it was Ye Shenyue who was even more angry.



The artificial man of Einzbern is the product of the ancestor Ahad. No matter how many generations and years have passed, he used his ancestors as a model to make man 2.8 during the Holy Grail War, that is, to achieve the Great Holy Grail" The Little Holy Grail" and Irisviel is an android, one of the infinite clones.

Clone... In Ahad's eyes, Irisviel is just one of countless clones.A product that can be cloned indefinitely as long as the original embryo exists.

"You are guilty!"

Ye Shenyue walked forward without looking back. Although it was a kilometer away, he had already seen the silver-haired figure looking out at the pouring rain with beautiful and curious eyes of wine red through the window.

ps: Let’s make a third watch first. If the author has passion, he will finish the prequel of King Arthur and the finale of Xiao Kuang San immediately.

In addition, everyone can support "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" currently has three updates a day, and ten updates have been released on the shelves.

Chapter 0005 woman, you have to walk with me

ps: I still haven't code this book today... Continue to save the manuscript on the top.

Silver hair and red eyes.

Really noble and beautiful race.

Ye Shenyue of such a race knew someone, and that was a lady vampire with a noble and beautiful appearance, who combined power and cool characters, but now this... a girl with silver hair.

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