She doesn't have the slender vampire fangs, and she doesn't have great power.The pure red eyes carry only the curiosity and surprise of looking at the outside world.

Her hands were lying on the spotless glass, and the pure white and extremely decent noble skirt was also tightly attached to the glass. It is conceivable that if there is no such window, she would probably jump directly outside.But now, she is a person who is imprisoned, or can not be called a human, she is just a humanoid, a doll of the Einzbern family, made for the Holy Grail battle, can be mass-produced and then choose among mass-produced The best performing puppet.

Ye Shenyue raised her head to meet those curious and inquiring red eyes.

Very strange feeling.Not only Yagami, but also Irisviel.

Ye Shenyue felt that some weak place in her heart was touched, that kind of eyes, the kind of eyes that yearned for freedom and pure simplicity.It's like a... pure silver-white gem in a box.

The most beautiful gems are also packed in boxes, in other words... they are imprisoned.

There was an impulse in Ye Shenyue's heart.

It seems that the heart is no longer beating for itself.

"Bang bang bang..."

A heart is beating violently again for others.

He suddenly realized that he had come here not too late but... just right.It’s impossible to come too late, and it’s even worse to be late.

It's just right now, it's just time to take her out of here.

If the most beautiful gemstone can only be put in a box, even if the box is so beautiful and no one appreciates it, then the gemstone...isn't it very sad?

This is not liking or respect, and it is not love. If I love her, I will let her go, let her be free, and give her freedom.

A gem can only show its true brilliance and gain true glory when it is exposed to people.

Like Ye Shenyue, the silver-haired girl also looked over. Originally, she was only surprised by the sudden pouring rain, and if she could, she even wanted to touch it in person.


Looking forward, she saw a figure.

I saw my grandfather, the patriarch of this Einzbern.It's just that the patriarch is opposed to a young man.

Then she saw that the boy controlled his grandfather and walked towards the castle. The boy was neither tall nor short, but there were many places to see, such as a young body wet by the rain, such as a clean and soft face, such as a miraculous one who only took a step but Walked several meters of magic.

But she didn't care, what she cared about was the other person's eyes.

His eyes are very beautiful, like the deep stars seen from the castle, but if the stars are still buried in those eyes, he is kind, gentle and tolerant... as well as resolute, courageous and unmatched domineering.

This was the first time she saw the eyes of people other than those in the castle, but it was these eyes that made her unforgettable.


She finally woke up from the "gaze", she clearly saw the face of the young man who had appeared under the castle at some point, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly, revealing a smile.

Then his lips moved.


The heavy rain that was still pouring stopped instantly, and a colorful rainbow that had never been seen before appeared under his feet.And the other side appeared by the window where she looked out.

One step, two steps, three steps.

He actually walked up on a rainbow that was only seen in books.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, and she felt strange.Why is my heart beating so disobediently?The face also became very strange, as if it was burned by fire, and the whole body became hot.

She is not a fool, she can learn about the outside world from books, she has read the novels of knights, and the novels of knights are always so romantic and fascinating.

And now the beautiful scenery of the scene from the other side of the rainbow to her side made her heart tremble uncontrollably.

This young man who came from the rainbow and was shrouded in golden sunlight, his every move seemed to have an irresistible charm that made her heart beat even more uncontrollably.

"Woman, smile."

This is his voice.


The silver-haired girl widened her pure red eyes and looked at the boy who was already half sitting on the windowsill. 637 What is laughter?The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, spontaneously blooming with a happy mood.


She didn't do it.


As if she was self-taught without a teacher, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and the muscles on her face began to slowly change, which was an action she had never tried before.


A blooming smile that made people's hearts purified and washed bloomed in front of him.

"Woman, you have to come with me."

This smile seemed to inspire Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue's smile also appeared, he stretched out his hand and said something that could not be refused.

At the same time, the window, which was frequently wiped, disappeared in an instant.Ye Shenyue's hand stretched out, he sat on the windowsill and looked at her with a smile, his expression was indescribably free and easy.

However, there was a terrifying sound.

"who are you?"

In the corridor, a man in a black suit with a pale face and a thick beard like a slovenly uncle appeared.

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