And the country is inherited by the next leader, it seems to be called Mordred?King Arthur's child?

The book doesn't tell King Arthur's female identity, but he has a child?

Ye Shenyue is a little strange, Saber should not be married... how...

And, according to history, this Mordred should be... Morgan Le Fay using her and saber's eggs?A man-made man?

Thinking about Morgan Le Fay's dissatisfaction with Saber, under the possibility of being jealous of Saber's achievements, this elder sister could really do some unimaginable things.

What a mess!

If he was still in that world he could figure it out.


It's all over... Only Saber can tell him.

Yagami Yue's mood is much better, because the world he is in now is the world where Saber will definitely appear.

only.If King Arthur's empire is not destroyed then...then the King of Knights will still be Saber after his death and appear only as Saber So what is her wish?

In addition to having great power, a true Servant also needs a strong wish when being summoned by the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is regarded as a wishing tool, so both Servants and Masters are those who urgently need to make a wish.

England is not torn apart, so how can the knight king as King Arthur be summoned because of his strong desire?

Ye Shenyue closed the book and pondered, if Saber had no wishes and could not appear in this world because of her own guidance... Hehe... What kind of Holy Grail world is a Holy Grail without Saber?

Did you do something wrong?

Wouldn't it be a big sin if Saber was not allowed to appear because of himself?

The Servant behind Ye Shenyue Silent also kept silent, even breathing deliberately, hoping not to disturb him.

After being silent for a while, Yashenyue's eyes showed strong confidence. If she had to experience the king of cups because of the summoning of Saber, what use would he have?What he likes is that Arturia doesn't like her suffering from cups!

If Saber can't appear without a most...he can't go to Alaya or Gaia, then go to Miss Yuko, these women are top-level existences, these are their existences.

Thinking about it like this, Ye Shenyue's mood is much better.

"Master, here is a letter from Tokiomi Tosaka."

There is no need for Ye Shenyue to speak and the Servant directly took the book from his hand, put it back in place, and respectfully took out an envelope from his pocket.

This is Kuu Maiya.

If there is no accident, he will become a loyal supporter of Emiya Kiritsugu, but it was an accident that Yagami came here.

Butterflies can flap their wings, let alone him?

Ye Shenyue still remembered what he said when he met her.

"War is cruel and ordinary people destroy ordinary people's cups, but ... not every ordinary person has to follow this law."

"That is the strong. If you want to become stronger, follow me. Instead of being the food and prey of soldiers and wolves at any time here."

At that time, Kuyu Maiya's face was sluggish and his eyes were blank.

Another man devastated by war.

Ye Shenyue admitted that at the beginning, he just rescued a person casually and didn't even think about who she was. It was only when the little girl slowly grew up and showed her true face that he realized that he had rescued this one. The girl was actually Maiya Kuu who followed Emiya Kiritsugu in the original novel.

It seems that I accidentally dug the corner of the potato shreds again.

However, after digging up Ye Shenyue, they didn't send it back.

After Ye Shenyue read the letter, the corners of her mouth curled into a mocking smile, her fingers gently flipped a cluster of small but hot flames from her fingertips, completely burning the letter.

In the letter, Tohsaka Tokiomi said that recently the Matou family asked him to send a member of the Tohsaka family if they wanted to continue the alliance because they had no magic power.

And Tokiomi chose Sakura just like the original.The youngest daughter of Ye Shenyue and Dancheng Kui now.

The corner of Ye Shenyue's mouth showed a mocking smile, Tokiomi, ah Tokiomi, you want your younger brother to save you.

"Maiya, I think we need to go back to Japan."


Jiuyu Maiya remembered that when she was still thin and weak in the corner, it was this gentleman who rescued her from there with gentle eyes.

At that time, she was just an ordinary weapon of war. She saw too many deaths and cups, and she only knew that she was alive.

But it was this adult who gave her the will and faith to live.

ps: This is the second update, and there are three more!

You can support "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" currently has two updates a day, and ten updates are on the shelves.

Chapter 0011 3 Years and Return (For Flowers)

ps: There are now 131800 flowers, and there are still 900 flowers left!Come on everyone!

Tohsaka family.

The Tohsaka family has a long history and wealth is also accumulating more and more, but it is just an antique house but it is not willing to change it.

"Finally back here."

When I got out of the car, I lowered the window first and saw this kind of antique room. After all, Yagami's mood was surging. Of course, it was not for Tokiomi Tosaka, but for the little one who had walked out of the house and was on fire. Little man with red bow.

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