Little Tohsaka Rin trotted over, and Rin was almost a meter tall wearing a youthful skirt of Zhaoxian Lolita. The red skirt was like her character.

Compared to the restless Rin, Sakura Tohsaka, who is her younger sister, is a little more ladylike. Sakura is more quiet and introverted. Pulling her mother's skirt, her small head slowly emerges, staring at the boy who got out of the car with scrutiny eyes. .

Dancheng Kui is always so quiet, her dark green hair hangs straight down, showing a scholarly temperament, and her light green dress even shows her tranquility.

Yashin Yue got off the car and immediately squatted down and opened her hand at Tohsaka Rin who trotted over.

I have to say that there will always be one kind of person in the world, and that is Tsundere.

If it is not given to her, she will snatch it. If it is given to her, she will be critical first and then accept it under the constant push of others.

The current Tohsaka Rin is such a little awkwardness.


He snorted softly, then stopped just 30 centimeters away from Ye Shenyue's embrace, "If you haven't come back for five years, I don't know you anymore."

What is the concept of five years?

Five years... It's close to junior high school or the best stage for a teenager to develop a character. Of course, for Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura, they are far from the age of young girls, they can only be regarded as young girls and above.

The education of young girls at this stage can also affect their whole life. If the father is not around during this period, it will indeed make the daughter very dissatisfied.

"Rin... As a qualified eldest lady, you shouldn't bully your father like this. Besides, doesn't Yue come back every summer and winter vacation? I remember that your room is full of gifts from him... …”

Seeing Ye Shenyue a little embarrassed, Dan Chengkui squatted down and touched Rin's head to help him explain.

"Hum hum... That's just his compensation, not what I want."

Rin turned her face away unnaturally, which made Ye Shenyue almost laugh out loud. She obviously chose to ask for it herself. Every year on her birthday, Dan Chengkui asked Dan Chengkui to write a letter and make a list of them for him to buy.

As the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Rin is the most expensive.

Tohsaka Rin didn't move, just with Yashenyue allowing Yashenyue to hug her. The girl was too young, and Yashenyue didn't dare to exert force for fear that she would be injured accidentally, but that belonged to the young girl and Lolita's breath still made this senior Lolicon a little hard to extricate herself from.

"I didn't hug you on purpose, I was forced by you."

Tohsaka Rin's flaming pink face appeared awkwardly refusing, but this refusal might as well be said to be deliberately hugged.

Ye Shenyue kissed Rin's forehead and looked at Dancheng Kui.

The two smiled at each other.

Ye Shenyue hugged Rin and put her down, squatted down in front of Tohsaka Sakura, if Rin is a little arrogant, then this sister is a quiet child with the same temperament as her mother, growing up Absolute tenderness.

Ye Shenyue is more affectionate to Rin because of her character. Every time Rin takes the initiative to act coquettishly, play cute and roll around and beg for hugs, but Sakura is always watching silently, so Yashenyue has less contact with her.


Ye Shenyue called out softly and the little girl ran from behind her mother and threw herself into Ye Shenyue's arms.

At the same time, Jiuyu Maiya also got out of the car and stood beside Ye Shenyue in black clothes. Dan Chengkui's eyes matched her dark color.

It's just that the weird look or the look of hidden dissatisfaction under normal circumstances doesn't even have the chance to burst. To be precise, it has ended before it even started.

because of their identities.

One is a woman who is ready to marry into the Tohsaka family and abides by her duty as a wife, and the other is a person who lives in the dark just to be content with being by "him".

Between them... there is no intersection. If you have to find that intersection, then it can only be Yagami Yue. Unfortunately, the current Yagami Yue has her back to them and the black-haired Sakura doesn't know the back. what happened……

The secret room of the Tohsaka family.

Although the Tohsaka family is rich and their favorite is the magic of gems, but Ye Shenyue looked around, the space was only a dozen square meters with an ancient atmosphere, and there was a book in the display cabinet that was no longer elegant. It seems to be an heirloom magic book from the Tohsaka family.

Ten meters above the ground, a defensive magic circle was built around a large amount of gems. It was the safest place for the Tohsaka family, but this place didn't even have a lamp.

Only candles are used to illuminate.

Although as a magician, he snapped his fingers and instantly lit a whole row of candles, it was very handsome, but the brightness was obviously not enough. Hey!

Ye Shenyue looked around with critical eyes, but she was just looking at it...

While rubbing the little heads of Rin and Sakura, Yashin Yue killed him... No, he rushed into this secret room, because he knew that Tokiomi Tohsaka must be here.

Tokiomi likes to study magic and likes to stay here, because in three years the Holy Grail War will begin and he needs to build up his strength.

"I disagree!"

Ye Shenyue refused directly, without any hesitation.The cluster of candles that clapped heavily on the table with both hands almost went out.

"Ya Shenyue, why don't you know? As a member of the Tohsaka family, you must always maintain your demeanor. Even if you are angry, you shouldn't do things like rude people like slapping the table."

Tokiomi wore the red suit he liked and touched the sharp beard on his chin. He didn't look angry at all, but looked at Yagami from above.

Tokiomi paused and continued, "Besides, don't you know? A magician's family can only have one perfect successor, and only one person can inherit the family's secret techniques."

"A magician with two children has such troubles that he can only pass the secret technique to one of the children, and then set the other child free... That is to make her an ordinary person, but... Rin and Sakura's talent is very good, and if you cultivate it, you will become a powerful magician. Now we are faced with such a multiple-choice question, which child should we cultivate? Which child will inherit the Tohsaka family in the future? Me too Magicians will also have the heart of virtuous, and it is better to give her another environment to survive than to give up 0.8 of them and let her talents die."

Tohsaka Tokiomi's voice gradually increased.

"So... how excited I was when the Matou family proposed that one of our Tohsaka family should adopt a person to inherit the Matou family in the past!"

"I just find it unreasonable!"

In contrast, Ye Shenyue calmed down, and he already thought Tokiomi was broken. "According to what you said, letting Sakura go to Matou's house will allow her talents to be brought into full play, but it won't be overwhelming, but..."

"I can use her talent more than the Matou family, because... Tokiomi... You can't beat me at all. How can I decide my child if you can't beat me!"

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