"The battle of the Holy Grail, when the battle of the Holy Grail begins, that is, when Ellie sacrifices, I will not let her suffer any harm, not even the Holy Grail."

"Ahad, I remember I told you that the androids of Einzbern disappeared to Ellie and stopped at that time, and there will be no more androids! So..."

"I will destroy the Holy Grail...!"

When the root is gone, will Einzbern still create androids?

This is Ye Shenyue's idea, and it is also the most direct idea.

But in Ahad's view, destroying the Holy Grail is definitely a brain-damaged behavior. Is it necessary for mere androids to use this?How many androids have been created over the years to fight for the Holy Grail?He was numb.So he couldn't understand.

Ye Shenyue didn't need him to understand either.

For the sake of his wife and children, he is the enemy of everyone, so... why not?

ps: This is the fourth update!

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Chapter 0013 Matou Family (For Flowers)

ps: There are still 750 flowers away from Jiageng!Come on everyone!

"Sakura, do you feel scared?"

Ye Shenyue touched the little girl's soft, straight shoulder-length black hair and felt that it felt good, so she didn't let go.

Sakura's body was gently attached to her father's body. She hadn't seen him for a long time. Every time it was her sister who was in her father's arms and she was always in the back because of her personality.

Because Rin is an older sister, there is no way out.


Now, Rin had gone to class and she was the only one left here.

She was still a little confused. She couldn't understand the big call that her father said to her. She only knew that her father was going to take her to a place called Matou's house, and it seemed that she would stay there for a while.

Or just knowing that is enough.

"No, Sakura won't be afraid as long as she's with Dad."

She thought very simply, as long as she was with her father, what was there to be afraid of?

Ye Shenyue hugged Sakura's small body, fortunately there was enough space in the car, otherwise, wouldn't it be possible to hit the back of the head playing a "lifting up" little child?

"Okay, this is my daughter."

Ye Shenyue pinched her daughter's face, while the scenery outside the window was constantly retreating.

"Okay, Kwai, park the car here."

Ye Shenyue looked out the window and saw an old mansion with an antique flavor.

The whole house is bathed in the faint sunlight, but it is obviously warm and bright, but it seems to have a bad feeling, because this house... The windows of the house are covered with thick gray-tone curtains, like Can't see the sun, or say... can't see the light.

Because this is the Matou family, the Matou family of the three imperial families, the founding family of the Holy Grail.

The darkest and most shameful family.

Ye Shenyue opened the car door and walked down with Sakura in her arms, then she waved to Aoi who was in the car. Aoi nodded and took a deep look at Yagami and Tohsaka Sakura before starting the car and leaving.

This is what they agreed early on, let Aoi take him and Sakura over and then turn the car back.Because what happened next was a little inappropriate for her.

"Hmph, Tokiomi, since you want Sakura to settle in Matou's house so much, then I promise you."

A mocking smile appeared on Yashinyuki's mouth. Since Tokiomi Tosaka was so looking forward to letting Sakura adopt to the Matou family, why would he agree?


He will make the Matou family regret it.Regret making such a request!

Tokiomi didn't say anything about this, anyway, in the end, it would be fine as long as Yashinyuki sent people over to represent his promise.

The rest is not up to him.

"I didn't expect the Tohsaka family to be so talented..."

Ye Shenyue held Sakura and stood at the gate of Matou's house for a while. The door was suddenly opened, and then an old man with a shiny head and a lot of wrinkles on his face appeared. His back was slightly arched, and he didn't look like an ordinary old man. what a difference.But Ye Shenyue didn't think so, the old man's eyes, dark and deep, didn't look like the turbidity of an ordinary old man.

The appearance of the body can hide people but the eyes cannot, because the eyes are the window to the soul and the window to the soul!

No matter how much a person disguise his eyes, he can't deceive people!

The person in front of him is a cunning person and a ruthless person.

"I didn't expect that there would be no one in the Kiri family after so many years... Even the most basic magic circuit can't be activated, so someone else needs to take over."

Ye Shenyue also had a smile on her face, but Dirty Inkstone smirked and Ye Shenyue laughed.

"Ha ha……"

Dirty inkstone smiled again. "It's really making you laugh, then... Since someone sent it, please go back, I'm really grateful."

An expulsion order was issued.

Hmph, it seems that Dirty Inkstone's palace is not very deep.

Ye Shenyue was a little disappointed, but she was in a good mood soon. After all, everyone wants teammates like gods and opponents like pigs.

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