A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Zi Yan, I think you seem to have made a mistake, I decided to send Sakura over and become your pawn to participate in the next Holy Grail pawn, but... you seem to be still in charge. Didn't figure it out!"

With the fall of his words, a huge power erupted from Yashenyue's body, covering the entire Matou Mansion at once, and Sakura beside her hurriedly hugged Yashenyue.

She opened the dark green eyes inherited from her mother, and looked curiously at the silver-white transparent brilliance that seemed to be like the splendor of moonlight, shrouding the entire Matou family.

This is... an enchantment.

"It seems that we really can't talk. I didn't expect such a person from the Tohsaka family..."

Zuo Yan's eyes were dark and gleaming with sinister colors, "Since you want to speak with your strength, then I will fulfill you. Please follow me."

Zhuo Yan immediately turned around and turned his back to Ye Shenyue.

"Sakura, don't be afraid no matter what you see later."

How could Ye Shenyue not see that Zhuo Yan was setting a trap for him?He could probably guess what Zuo Yan wanted to do. He could bear it himself, but that didn't mean Sakura could. She was still such a small child.


The little girl nodded, but her hands slowly tightened.She seemed to hear something, the disgusting sound of a mass of dense things moving.

"Good, Dad will make that old man regret it, and then you will become the head of the family like Rin. Swallow this Matou family."

Ye Shenyue touched her daughter's head and followed Matou.

This is his real purpose.

He is opposed to adopting Sakura to the Matou family and then being tortured by Matou Zoran, but well... Since people took the initiative to present the entire family to him, wouldn't he be saying that he was too narrow-minded if he didn't accept it?

"Hmph... you should take advantage of the moment to talk big."

Ye Shenyue's words didn't use the small barrier to block the communication between Tong Zuoyan and heard it, only after hearing it did she snorted softly, "Young man, it will always fall into the hands of the old man."

ps: The addition is complete!It's [-] today...

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Chapter 0014 cunning dirty inkstone (for flowers)

ps: A new day begins, and if the flowers reach [-], they will be added today!Come on everyone!

Ye Shenyue came to Matou Mansion and set up a barrier without saying a word. What was it that she came to challenge?

Zuo Yan kept his composure until he opened the secret room of Matou Mansion before he smiled.

He looked like an old man on crutches. The secret room was illuminated by a torch every five meters, but the light was not very bright enough to give a hazy feeling, which was a bit similar to Tokiomi.It's just that I can still see it under the not very strong light. At the end of the layer of stairs, it is a deep pit of at least the actual square size. It seems to be covered with a group of things.

One just pushed each other and scrambled up after hearing the sound.

The tentacles and the body collide with each other.

There was a loud, disgusting sound.

That's... Countless bugs!

Insects raised by the Matou clan!

"Young man, this time you should know what it's called... Jiang is still old and spicy!"

Dirty Inkstone's voice suddenly came out and Ye Shenyue realized that the steps under her feet were actually shattering and falling continuously. It only took less than a minute to be swept away by the countless army of insects below!

"Heh...is that so? It seems that you didn't just want Sakura, but you also took aim at me!"

"You can still laugh now, and later you will know how hard it is to even laugh!"

Zuo Yan's body was also falling, because he was also standing on the stairs, and when the stairs were destroyed, he would naturally fall.It's just that he didn't have any panic, as if he still had the chance to win. "The Tohsaka family's seedlings are really good, but I want to see how long you can last, one day or two days? Under the devouring of the insects, your Tohsaka family's magic circuit will completely disappear." "Sakura, close your eyes."

The opposite Zhu Yan was laughing, but Ye Shenyue ignored him, and instead said to the little girl who was trembling but her eyes were open when she saw the constantly moving insects.

"No... Sakura, Sakura is not afraid."

However, the little girl shook her head firmly.

"Okay, it's really a good seedling, it seems that my Matou family is expected to be revived."

Dirty Inkstone laughed and stammered, but Ye Shenyue still ignored him.

Ye Shenyue snapped her fingers, and a golden-colored barrier immediately wrapped Ye Shenyue and Sakura, and her feet had completely fallen into the worm's package.If there is no accident, the bugs can only be pushed away abruptly, but the bugs here seem to be different. When they see the enchantment, instead of retreating, they rush up directly. .Sharp teeth are slowly showing.

"Cough cough..."

Dirty Inkstone also fell into the worms, but he didn't support the enchantment or control the swarm. Instead, his entire body fell into the worms, as if he wanted to feed the worms, "Jiang is still old and spicy, Yeshenyue, My bugs like to feed on mana the most, they absorb as much mana as you make, and then evolve and evolve! I'll see how you get rid of them. Or... I'll see if you can make me What a posture the insects have become...cough..."

The last bug covered his face, and his last voice gradually became quieter.

Because the bugs had already devoured him, "Yeah..."

Seeing such a scene, Sakura finally called out, but it was eating people, and insects were eating people.Dirty Inkstone's old body was completely eroded by insects, and the insects gnawed at Dirty Inkstone's body with their claws and teeth.


Not only was the dirty inkstone eaten, but Ye Shenyue found that the barrier on her side also fluctuated, and a large number of insects were still attacking and absorbing the magic power.



The insects that could only crawl on the ground began to fly, extruding sharp claws from the original old shell a little bit, and the wings of a fly that seemed to be a hundred times magnified constantly flapping.

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