Ilya puffed up her cheeks slightly, "Dad must have lied to me. I've seen this kind of kiss and I haven't noticed what happened to them. There's no little Ilya!"

"Uh... Ilya, where did you see it?"

Ye Shenyue was a little stunned. Could it be that Ilya saw some bad videotape?He remembered that he clearly put it into the space pocket every time he used it up... how...

Could it be that there is a problem with the space pocket?

There are too many leisurely lives, so Yashenyue occasionally has strange interests in leisurely life, such as being a teacher herself and letting her teach the ignorant Irisviel some "knowledge" or something.

It's just that every time he cleans up the "endgame", does it mean that he has missed something?

Ilya pouted, "I've seen my father and my mother kiss many times, but..."

Elijah's voice suddenly lengthened.

"But... Ilya waited for a long time, and I didn't see my mother give Ilya another sister!"

"Cough cough..."

Fortunately, I didn't drink water, otherwise I would not have been choked by Elijah.The feeling is that she saw him and Iris Phil!

Sure enough, it is difficult to guard against thieves by day and night. Well, that's not right. It should have set up a huge net to guard against 237 Ahad, but finally ignored Ilya.

That's right, although Ilya has been with them all the time, she has her own room. It is also possible to wake up in the middle of the night and look at her parents' room. However, when Ye Shenyue enters a state, she becomes more attentive to her surroundings. The environment was negligent... so that led to Elijah seeing them in...

Eh, see them there?

"That... Ilya is the best, can you tell Dad, have you seen what Dad and Mom are doing?"

Ye Shenyue's voice was a little hesitant, and there was no way he could do it, even though his face was admittedly not thin, it was really just to discuss this kind of animal problem with his biological daughter... it's too animal!

"What are you doing? Ilya doesn't know~~" Ilya raised her head suddenly, and then showed a sly smile, "Ye Shenyue, I want to sit on your shoulders!"

"Otherwise...I'll tell Mom, I saw you guys playing wrestling last night...and you're not even wearing clothes..."

Wrestling game?

wrestling game!

Or a wrestling game with no clothes on!

This, this... Ye Shenyue is like an epiphany and like going deep into the fog, does this Ilya... know or not?

Ye Shenyue paused, and then resignedly lifted Ilya's hips and made her sit on her right shoulder, while her right hand grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground.

ps: Students who are free, please support "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" and thank you very much!

Chapter 0018 Can you grab Kiritsugu's saber? (begging for flowers)

ps: Asking for flowers, I have been begging for flowers, and I have never stopped.

Sitting on Ye Shenyue's shoulders, Ilya happily danced her hands and kicked her feet unrestrainedly.

It's like an elf in the snow, but this elf is a little naughty.

"Ilya, don't move, if you move again, you will kick Dad."

Although Ilya's body is very light, less than five kilograms, there is a kind of air... ah, it is as light as a dictionary, and it is nothing to put on the shoulders, but this is just weight, her strength is very large, at least ten more than ordinary. Five or six-year-old girls are older, so this kick should not be underestimated.

Moreover, Ye Shenyue was worried about hurting Ilya and didn't use the legendary body protection magic, but only strengthened her body, but even though it was just so insignificant, Ye Shenyue would not suffer any harm to Ilya. The little feet are like scratching it, but Yagami doesn't want Ilya to become a violent woman.

For example, Aria, such as Aria, who has two swords and two guns, shouting "Open a hole, I want to open a hole for you" all day long will definitely make people's eggs shattered.

Elijah is as pure as a little angel, but don't become a violent woman.


Ilya was still a good child at this time, and when Ye Shenyue said this, she calmed down.

Just to be quiet, just to stop kicking the small delicate face still has an angel-like sweet smile, Ye Shenyue is high enough to hold her, she can reach the stout one, all the leaves have faded away, and she is getting ready The sprouting branches are very excited once they find the buds that have already sprouted.

What a kid.

Ye Shenyue is also happy to play with her daughter.

After playing for a while, Ilya saw that a shawl-haired woman with silver hair came out of the castle and immediately jumped off Yagami's shoulders.


After trotting a few times, he threw himself into the arms of the woman who had already bent over. The woman's long hair was not tied up, but poured out directly. Some of the silver long hair poured down and slipped onto Ilya's small face. Ilya's face There was no unhappy expression on his face, but he rubbed his mother's cheek with his little face.

There was a gentle smile on the corner of her mother's mouth, "Ilya, are you having a good time?"

"This child, I just said that my father is the best, but now I don't want my father when I see my mother."

Looking at Ilya is like Xiaoyan returning to her nest, Ye Shenyue's heart is a little sour, no matter which daughter it is, it seems that she is more close to her mother, and now he is focusing on cultivating Ilya. His father really has a sense of failure.

"Well... Then Ye Shenyue should also go to mother's arms..."

Ilya was finally released from her mother's arms, but what she said was unbelievable. It has always been a girl to a boy's arms, okay? Could it be that something strong will happen when he gets here?

The crowd frolicked for a while.

"Cough cough... Are you still coming up?"

Ye Shenyue said to Ilya that it was at least [-] meters from here to enter the castle, if little Ilya didn't want to walk and continue to sit on his shoulders.

"No, I'm going to take my father and mother's hand and go back."

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