Ilya had jumped out of her mother's arms, stood up straight, and pulled her parents with her little hands.

Ye Shenyue and his wife looked at each other and smiled, feeling a touch of warmth.

It's just that Ye Shenyue looked at the footprints behind the three people on the way back. There were only faint footprints in the snow, while the footprints of the maids were deep.

It's not that there is something wrong with the maids, but...Irisviel and Ilya's physiques are deviated. They are all derivatives of the Holy Grail battle, and they can be used to summon the Holy Grail during the Holy Grail battle.

I am afraid this is also the reason why the Einzbern family participates in every Holy Grail War.

However, from him, the history of the Einzbern family will be rewritten...

After dinner, Irisviel asked the servant to take Ilya to rest and digest, but she pulled Yagami Moon into the room.

"Oh... that's right, Ye Shenyue, my father has already made a move."

Irisviel paced around the room for several times, then pressed her white fingers to the side of her face as if she was thinking about something, and then walked a few times. Finally, when Yagami Yue wanted to speak with some doubts, she took matters into her own hands. Say it.

"Father has found a clue and is going to dig out the scabbard of the legendary ruins of King Arthur!"

In recent years, Alice's knowledge is no longer so poor, and gradually becomes richer, so she also understands more things and other knowledge of the Holy Grail War.

Like King Arthur.

It's just that King Arthur is not King Arthur, and Ye Shenyue definitely has evil intentions, directly instilling in Irisviel that King Arthur is actually a girl, and then how to draw the sword in the stone and how to get the sword of oath victory and then meet To the goddess of the lake or something.

The story is so meticulous that even the knight king tamed the lion king. Anyway, the final effect is that as long as Saber appears in front of Irisviel, Irisviel will have a familiar and friendly feeling towards her.

Listening to Ye Shenyue's indoctrination is like watching all the secrets of a person, how could it not be intimate?

And Ye Shenyue's purpose is even simpler.

Doesn't it mean that girls become close and inseparable friends is the beginning of sisterhood?

That's why Ye Shenyue's hidden phrase "You two become sisters!"

It almost came out like that.

In short, thanks to Yagami's indoctrination, Irisviel immediately understood the sword of victory that the King of Knights swore!

Summoned Servants in the Holy Grail War can be summoned as long as they have the relics of the heroes or related things that they wore during their lifetimes, and this scabbard belongs to the King of Knights. King of knights.

"Do you want……"

Irisviel was silent for a second, then made a tempting suggestion, "Should we wait for Father to snatch the scabbard from him when he gets it?"

Grab it!

Grab it!

Then summon Saber yourself?

"This one……"

Well, Ye Shenyue is indeed tempted, really tempted.


Ye Shenyue shook her head, "Alice, how can we do something so unscrupulous... It's a bit too much to summon something after robbing it, it's better..."

Ye Shenyue's voice was slightly lowered, as if she was about to say something shameful, "Why don't... let's wait for Emiya Kiritsugu to summon Saber and grab it!"

"That's right... so we can summon two servants."

The wife also showed a smile, the husband and wife both laughed at the same time, laughing... so unscrupulous.

"That...Alice, now that things are settled, there's still about we also do exercise after cooking?"

Ye Shenyue and his wife were very close, and the beautiful breath penetrated into his nostrils, causing his body to heat up all of a sudden.

"This...if Ilya hasn't come back then..."

The wife seems to talk well.

"It's okay, when you sent the maid to take her away, I asked the maid to let Eliado read the book today... So time... We have enough..."

Ye Shenyue gently bit the girl's earlobe, and the wife's body stiffened and then obeyed.

Then, and then no more, when Miss Elijah came back, one of her parents was sitting upright reading a book and the other was learning to knit a sweater.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

but.Ahad, who was setting up his hands to dig out the scabbard of the King of Knights, couldn't help shivering.

What happened to yourself?Didn't you sleep well last night?

Ahad never dreamed that he was already being targeted, and at this time he raised his head proudly, "Damn Yagami, actually pulling so hard in front of me... Now I will let Emiya Kiritsugu The summoned heroic spirit... hum..."

ps: No more flowers, Ahad glared, and then "Hum..."

If you have free children's shoes, please support the sub-period of "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" and I am grateful.

Chapter 0019 Make plans early! (begging for flowers)

ps: Gentlemen, your flowers are not very powerful!The author's addition chapter of bacteria has not been released yet!This is the second one!

After a few days in Einzbern's castle, Yagami finally returned to the Tohsaka family.Although it's good to tease Elijah every day here, but he is not a wife and a daughter in this world, even if he can't be fair, at least he has to be a little fair.

When I got home, Rin and Sakura were not around, and I was seeing Dancheng Kui sitting on a chair in the yard reading a book. The weather was very good. The light of the sun shone down from the woods, showing mottled circles on her long dress. shaped stamp.

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