It really hit the wall.

Looking at Dan Chengkui who was driving seriously and the two daughters beside her, Ye Shenyue smiled, the corners of the wall were upturned and healthier.


Waiting for Rin and the others to get to a safe place, the only thing left to prepare is... Tokiomi.

ps: Students who are free, please collect the link of "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" at the top of the comments.

Next Chapter: The Stairway to Failure (Tokiomi Tohsaka Arc)

Chapter 0020 The Ladder of Failure (Tokiomi Tokiomi)

ps: I am still begging for flowers, I have been begging for flowers, and I have never stopped.This is the third one!

Ye Shenyue returned to the Tohsaka family's mansion, just in time to see a rather old but still strong old man wearing a black priest's costume and a small silver-gray cross on his chest, which looked like a decent people.


his eyes.

Ye Shenyue hurriedly glanced and frowned, these eyes were like silent pools of water, without any fluctuations, it was not a blackening of heartbreak but... ready to go.

This man is dangerous!

Dangerous to Tokiomi!

If you don't know the plot, Yagami Yue can only analyze so much, but... who knows the plot, he knows even more that this young man ruined Tohsaka Tokiomi.


With a light snort, Ye Shenyue followed, Tokiomi led them to the hall, while Ye Shenyue was lying on the railing on the second floor and looked down.

"You are here."

Tokiomi had been waiting for a long time, and seeing the old priest Kotomine Risei and Kotomine Kirei finally relaxed the muscles on their faces.

"Kirei, I think you must be very puzzled why your father brought you to me."" The curse mark that appeared on your right hand is the proof that you were selected by the Holy Grail, and it is for our master to drive you. SErvant's stigmata."

Tohsaka Tokiomi poured himself a glass of wine, and the purple-red liquid poured into the transparent goblet, creating a fascinating arc.

"Battle of the Holy Grail? But...why did you choose me?"

Kotomine Kirei seemed a little confused. After all, he was not a magician, his father was a priest and so was he, and he belonged to the church.And the place where he was, where he could not see the light, was a hunter of magicians like Emiya Kiritsugu.

How can people who are inherently invisible get selected?

"Originally, the seven masters in the Holy Grail battle were all magi. But someone like you who has nothing to do with magic was also selected, which means..."

Tokiomi paused and continued, "That is to say...there is a certain meaning."

Tokiomi listened while speaking with a frown, then looked at the railing on the second floor and said.

"Who is this……"

Tokiomi looked over there and said indifferently, "That is the younger brother Yashin Yue, and he is also a participant in this Holy Grail War."

If Tokiomi said these words in person, it meant that he didn't have the heart to fight with Yagami, and it seemed that he wanted to join Yagami, or he wanted Yagami to come to him.


The old priest glanced at Tokiomi, Tokiomi nodded and said that Yashinyuki was no problem here, so the priest continued, "The purpose of the Holy Grail battle is for the Holy Grail, but this Holy Grail is not the Holy Grail that contains the blood of God. , this Holy Grail is known as the almighty wishing machine."


Kotomine Kirei nodded, if it was really the Holy Grail that contained the blood of God, then the lackeys of the church would have been ordered to take this cup away.

"Because the heart is full of desires, I will be attracted by the Holy Grail, and the seven master manipulators SErvant will fight and the one who finally wins will receive the Holy Grail, and then all wishes can be fulfilled. Our church will supervise the Holy Grail battle for justice, and I will be He is the overseer of this Holy Grail battle."

Father was still talking, but Kotomine Kirei's brows were slightly wrinkled. He was attracted to the Holy Grail because he had a wish, and there was a curse mark on his hand, which means...

He has wishes.

Does he have a wish?What does he wish for?He is a person with no wishes, and he doesn't even feel so sad when his wife dies, he just thinks that it should be so and shouldn't be stopped.

So what else is there?

Is he living in the dark and doing tasks every day to get free?

No, he has no desire to go to the bright side either.

So... what is his wish?

"But... if the supervisor's immediate blood relatives are also participating, then the Holy Grail battle is fair..."

Kotomine Kirei was the son of the old priest, so if he participated, he would be suspected of cheating.

Kotomine Kirei's words were interrupted by his father, "It seems that Kirei, you still don't understand the meaning of the Holy Grail War, what I told you just now is just an appearance, the Holy Grail requires seven Masters and their Servants to fight, but……"

"But the world has finally stabilized. If there is a Holy Grail for those with evil hearts to get it, it will be a disaster for the world, so in order to prevent this terrible ending, our church will supervise and let the Holy Grail fall on those who are suitable for it. In the hands, although the Tohsaka family is a magic family, they have always been connected with the church, and the purpose of the Tohsaka family is to reach the "root" of the magician and obtain a steady stream of magic power, and it will not harm the world. Compared with other The master of the Holy Grail makes despicable and superficial wishes... so we church..."

"That is to say..."

Kotomine Kirei already understood when his father said this, "In other words, my father wants me to support the Tohsaka family."


The old priest nodded, "Also, Kirei, you have no wishes, you are a special case among the masters."

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