Since there is no wish, it is useless to obtain the Holy Grail.

"Okay, I support Tomisaka Tokiomi."

Kotomine Kirei nodded.

At the same time, a figure appeared behind him, that was the Servant Assassin who had been summoned.

The Servant wore a black tights, and then wore a mask on his head, which looked a little scary like a human bone.

"Well, we can figure it out later."

Tokiomi glanced at Yashinyuki and ended the topic, Kanemine Kirei and his son also said goodbye soon.

"Ya Shenyue, as a big brother, I invite you again, do you want to join me in this camp, you see even the church is on my side, and with the support of Assassin, this time the victory will be in We are on the Tohsaka family's side."

Tokiomi put down the wine glass and watched Yagami go down the stairs slowly. Yagami also poured herself a glass of wine and took a sip, "It looks like the preparation is perfect, but... I still refuse. I have own pursuit."

"Then there is no other way. I believe you will change your mind when I summon the Servant."

Tokiomi didn't force it either. He thought that in the end it was up to his strength. He had already obtained the sacred relic of the most powerful hero, and he would be summoned soon.

"Huh... is that so?"

Ye Shenyue put down the wine glass, "I want to tell you, I have decided to move out with Aoi and the others, and let this house be your fortress.

"That's fine, you can keep them out of this battle," Tokiomi nodded, "Then...what about your Einzbern? Einzbern has already decided to use Emiya Kiritsugu. "

"You don't need to care about this, Emiya Kiritsugu may be very strong, but Kotomine Kirei will deal with it, and you... you have to pay attention to Kotomine Kirei, this person... is very dangerous to you!"

Although Yagami didn't like Tokiomi very much at first, he actually wanted to prevent him from going to Einzbern for his own sake, but now it seems that he still has a little conscience, at least he knows to care about his family, so he said "how to say ?"

Although Kotomine Kirei was already on his side, compared to his younger brother, Tokiomi believed in Yashinyuki even more.

"You will know later, let me give you a piece of advice, people... will change!"


Tokiomi smiled, "I will care, and I believe that when you see my Servant, you will stand on my side again and give up that doll of Einzbern... um..."

Before Tokiomi finished speaking, Yagami grabbed the collar and dropped it, "Don't say Alice is a doll, even if it's my brother... I'll beat you up!"

"You can do it yourself!"

Ye Shenyue threw Tokiomi down, Tokiomi, not only did you choose the wrong partner, you also chose the wrong SErvant!

Others make a mistake and hate forever, but you are down the ladder of failure step by step!You created the ladder yourself!

People will not die unless they die!

Originally, Ye Shenyue wanted to remind him about the King of Heroes, but now... it seems that he no longer needs it.

ps: Du Niang took a look at the relationship between the Little Holy Grail and the Great Holy Grail. When you say what is the "root", "outside" and "inside" of a magician, I am completely confused.The author will write according to his own understanding. If you follow the original interpretation, it will only become more and more confusing.

Next Chapter: Their respective calling

Chapter 0021 On their respective summons (seeking flowers)

ps: Continue to ask for flowers!This is the fourth update!Whether or not the author can make the fifth update is up to everyone!

England's School of Magic.

On the podium, the young lecturer Kainas looked around at the students and said, "A magician's bloodline can probably determine a person's pros and cons. It's a well-known thing."

He paused and continued to speak, "The reason is that the magic of magic cannot be accomplished by one generation alone, so parents will pass on their achievements to their children, and then the children will continue to integrate their own training and pass it on. That is to say, the bloodline The longer the history, the higher the achievement of the child. It is accepted. But…”

Kainas deliberately lengthened his voice, "But I received such a paper titled "In Search of Magic in the New Century", and this paper disputed what I just said. He proposed that only through a deeper understanding of magic Using acquired efforts can make up for innate deficiencies.”

"It's amazing... I read it and it was an eye opener..."

Kainas seemed to be complimenting, while Weber, the young magician who wrote the paper, was a little excited. After all, it was a joy to be praised by this old-fashioned and mean teacher.

It's just that his joy continued, and Kainas continued to say, "But... to put it bluntly, this paper is just a delusion!"

Kainas threw the paper on the podium at once, showing no politeness at all, "The strength of a magician is determined by his bloodline, which cannot be overturned by tradition!"

Kainas glared at Weber, who stood up because he was angry, "Student Weber, it's really deplorable and shameful to have such a delusional student among my students!"

Everyone laughed, and Weber felt that his face was also red, but he was red with anger.


"Damn it, damn it!"

Weber roamed the corridor angrily. "How dare you look down on me!"

Weber's paper was not accidentally given a zero by Kayners, and he was mocked at the same time, which he couldn't bear.An angry Weber directly thought that Caines was jealous of his talent by giving him zero points.


However, when he was running fast and furiously, he collided with the worker who came to deliver the courier.

"I am so sorry."

Although Weber is still a student, there is no doubt that the people who can come here to study are magicians, but the ordinary worker immediately apologized, and then said, "You seem to be a student of the seance, can you give this package to your teacher, Aqibo. What about Ludd?"


It's actually for that guy, Kaynas, that damn guy... If I give this package to...

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