Such a person, what is the reason why he wishes him to participate in the Holy Grail War?

But for such a person, Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the profiles of several contestants and found that the one who seemed to be the most difficult to control was this Iwamine Kirei, but how could this person, whom he considered to be intractable to deal with, lose just like that!

It's so weird!There must be something wrong there!

So to sum up, I can only say that this Yanfeng Kirei... still has a problem!

What does he rely on?

Could it be related to Tokiomi Tohsaka? To participate in this Holy Grail Battle, Tokiomi Tohsaka has been preparing for more than ten years, and Emiya Kiritsugu has also been preparing for eight years!So it was already arranged when the first Heroic Spirit was summoned.

There are not only [-] cameras installed in various places, but there are also hundreds of them. These are the most direct sources of his intelligence.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who continued to receive signals in the room, was immediately caught by another screen. He saw that the lancer had been hovering over the pier, without any intention of dodging, just walking around, as if waiting for his opponent to come to the door.

This is the bait.

Who is so easy to take the bait?

"Can you hear Saber? Follow me out, you continue to maintain the state of heroic spirit, I want you to show up again when you show up!"

Emiya Kiritsugu took a deep breath, then opened the suitcase he was carrying and took out silver bullets from the inside. This was given to him by his adoptive mother. Only a few dozen bullets were shot through his hand and possessed the magic of a magician. The ability of the circuit to directly destroy.

This is the secret weapon!


If Saber is not redundant, the King of Knights will always be so resolute.

The Conqueror King and Weber on the other side saw the killing of Assassin through the camera.It was the brilliance of the golden treasure, and the swords standing on it looked extremely terrifying.

"This is also a treasure... It seems that this time is really interesting! You can play against so many heroes!"

Compared to Weber's seriousness and the strong tension of feeling his opponent, the King of Conqueror seemed much calmer.Or rather he became more excited.

The King of Conqueror is such a person. The stronger the enemy, the happier he is, because... in this way, he will have more desire for his children to conquer, because... he is called the King of Conqueror!

"Yeah...what are you thinking...others are so powerful..."

Webb already wondered if it was the right thing to do in this Holy Grail battle.

"It's interesting to be strong... Boy, hold your chest up, I'm also very powerful."

The King of Conqueror patted Weber on the shoulder, but Weber pursed his lips, "I didn't find any strength, I was lying in bed shopping all day, looking at the world map, and when I was summoned, I didn't know where the heroic spirit was. It jumped out of the window directly and broke the window, and repairing the window is also a cost!"

"Hahaha... remember what to do so clearly? Since it looks like this... come out... my chariot! I'll show you how strong I am, and at the same time... let's monitor those SErvants! I can't stand it anymore. Stay, I really want to fight with them!"

With a wave of the King of Conqueror's big hand, a majestic chariot appeared immediately, carrying Webber's body and jumping up...


The chariot ripped apart the space like a whirlwind and went to its destination.


When Weber woke up again, he found that he had appeared on the steel plate of a [-]-story building that was under construction. Thumb-sized figure, this... how tall is this!

"It's did you bring me to this place!"

Webb lost his temper again.The King of Conqueror touched his head, showing a little clumsy cuteness. "It was you who wanted me to show my strength!"

Of course, some laymen also knew the news. Caster's huge body moved and then rolled his huge eyes, "Huh? Someone is out so soon... Ryunosuke, are we going to attack?"

"No no no... lord, this holy grail... oh no, the blood is really amazing, and the skin of this man is also very good. I like what my lord is doing now more than the holy grail that I don't know about!"

Ryunosuke, a young man who likes to kill, turned around in a circle. This is a dark and damp low cave that was discovered by Caster and brought him here. In the past few days, he followed the caste5.0r to torture and kill children, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

As for something like the Holy Grail that I've never heard of... Hmph, who cares!

"Okay, it's so beautiful. Wonderful. It turns out that there is also Ryunosuke. You know me. Only a master like you can bring out my talents. Since you said so, let's start looking for more prey. …”

Caster's face was moved, this master was too much for his taste.

Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter.

How beautiful and wonderful.

Caster looked at Ryunosuke's face, Zizi laughed, the magic book in his hand glowed dark red, his huge fingers clicked and then a sticky and disgusting tentacle monster appeared and hung on the wall. The corpse of the child was swallowed.

ps: Please support "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and thank you very much.

Chapter 0026 Passive Emiya Kiritsugu! (One more request for flowers!

ps: Gentlemen, can’t you break a thousand flowers in one day?Keep asking for flowers!

"Assassin really got killed?"

Leaning on the sofa at home, with his wife's soft hands on his shoulders, and sitting under his feet a cute little angel with small wings, this taste is really... not too human, see the night Shenyue asked Icarus and nodded, "Yes Master, the above is the process of beheading the object named Assassin."

Icarus's face turned slightly, and then her dark green eyes projected two dark green rays of light, and then the rays of light slowly turned into a picture.

It was the scene where Assassin was completely slaughtered by the King of Heroes.

Even the line shouted by the King of Heroes, "Who made you a reptile look up? A reptile must look like a reptile, look down obediently and bow its head, and then...die!"

This is madness.But he did have that capital, and the countless swords of treasure flashed behind him. This was just a few swords he picked out with 07 to attack. Wouldn't it be very scary if all of them came out?

"This is... is this the enemy Ye Shenyue wants to deal with?"

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