Maiya was fine, but Aoi seemed nervous. Although she was in a family of magicians, she was surprised to see such a powerful enemy, Aoi.

"It's okay, no matter how good he is. Because Icarus is even better than him!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the submissive Icarus who was kneeling below, "How many minutes will it take for Icarus to win against him?"

"Answer Master, the other party's information has not been fully analyzed. If according to the existing information, he can only throw weapons of this level, then he needs a final weapon pollo to destroy his weapons."

Icarus continued to analyze, "If there are other more powerful attacks, then it may take an hour of fighting time, because considering that if he has a more powerful attack then that weapon is not much lower than Apollo's weapon. Analysis, if the actual situation his weapon is not so powerful then the time can be compressed again, 10 minutes to 30 minutes, or less."

"Well... Gilgamesh has a sword that is said to be capable of destroying the heavens and the earth, similar to Saber's Sword of Oath Victory. It is a weapon for attacking the city. If this is the case, then it is only a little lower than your pollo. .If it's the original book, it might be a little higher than Saber's Sword of Oath Victory, but I don't know that right now."

Ye Shenyue thought about it, it seems that this hero king is really a bit tricky, but...

Still not enough!

Gilgamesh's star of deviance did not come from a god, but Saber's sword of oath victory came from a god. Although it is only a pseudo-god (chairman), it is also a god, there is no doubt about it. , As for Icarus... It seems that it was made by the top god among the three gods that Yagami Yue knew, Miss Yuko. The gods are also graded, and the weapons they are equipped with...

Icarus is greater than King Arthur than the King of Heroes!

It can be said that from the basic equipment, from the starting point, Gilgamesh lost.Because even though Gilgamesh's ultimate weapon was given by a god, that god is no longer there, but the god on his side is still alive!

One is the God of the past and the other is the new visible God. Who is more powerful, needless to say?

Who doesn't have a strong and sturdy big leg hug?

Thinking of Saber, Ye Shenyue is a little impatient. According to his time, it has been ten years. He hasn't seen a person for ten years, and he is still someone he admires and likes. Can you not be nervous and anxious?

"Icarus, can you get Saber's images?"

"Yes, master, please wait ten seconds, I will receive the image over there immediately."

Icarus nodded expressionlessly, she couldn't make expressions without an emotional system.

Ten seconds later, the pictures taken from all directions have been synchronized to the page.It's good to have Icarus. You don't need to install camera bugs in advance, and you don't need to worry about the camera being destroyed. The elites in this field directly transmit signals from satellites and convert them into images. This is the best surveillance. Monitoring function!

One point more than the other seven masters!

It's nice to hold Yuko-san's big legs.

Ye Shenyue's heart was incomparably at ease, but she couldn't help being shocked when she looked at it and looked at it again.

Because how could he see that Saber was doing a knight's etiquette to Lancer!

"Hey... How did Emiya Kiritsugu take the initiative to attack? And he still appeared directly. Isn't this killing him? How could he do such a thing?"

You must know that there is no Irisviel around Emiya Kiritsugu. In the original book, Irisviel pretended to be the master to attract other people's attention, and then his strategy of acting in secret could no longer be used, because Irisviel At this time, I was still staying in the castle and coaxing Elijah to sleep.

In other words, the current Emiya Kiritsugu has been recognized as the master of saber by everyone; the means of trying to make a false impression and fishing in troubled waters in the dark have failed, since this has become a passive and not dominant situation, why... Emiya Kiri Will he take the initiative to attack?

Let Saber meet Lancer directly?

In fact, Yagami is wrong to blame Emiya Kiritsugu.

It's not that he wants to take the initiative to show up, Emiya Kiritsugu, in fact, he is also passively forced! Originally, he just thought that the lancer was deliberately using the bait to find other masters to attack him with the servants. This game is too obvious. .

However, what he thought was that no master would be too far away from the follower, so the master of the lancer is likely to be nearby. The so-called mantis catching cicadas is like this. He wanted to secretly hack the master of the lancer!

He just sneaked and ran over, and found a hidden place to find and monitor the lancer's master. He didn't expect to find a scene that shocked him. A figure with a human bone mask on the face 617 of the white robe.


Wasn't it already killed?How could it be here?

Could it be that... someone else was killed?

In the original book, he was able to discover Assassin because of the help of Kuyu Maiya, but now unfortunately, he is the only one and his luck is still so bad, so he met the master directly!

The shocked Emiya Kiritsugu was immediately noticed by Assassin. Seeing that he was just one person, he attacked immediately. Emiya Kiritsugu was very skilled, but that was only for magicians. The ability is not comparable to that of a magician, otherwise there is no need for a heroic spirit to become a contestant's bargaining chip.

In the end, in order to protect Miya Kiritsugu, I could only summon Saber!

At this time, Lancer, who heard the sound of fighting, ran over, and Assassin, who was in bad shape, ran away, leaving only Emiya Kiritsugu, and then it became a passive situation where Saber protected himself and confronted Lancer.

This time... it's really a big loss.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was holding the pistol in his hand and vigilantly guarding the surroundings to avoid other onlookers or the master of the lancer who shot the black gun, felt very depressed.

ps: Please support "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and thank you very much.

Don't worry too much about Gilgamesh's strength, this book is just for entertainment.

Chapter 0027 Knight to Knight! (begging for flowers)


Lancer, who was wearing dark blue armor, held a long "spear" in each of his left and right hands, facing Saber, who was also in armor and uniform.

"It seems that there is no waiting here. You are the one who came at my invitation, but... your master must be too careful."

Lancer's voice was slightly sarcastic, but this sarcasm was not aimed at Saber but at Emiya Kiritsugu.

Because if it wasn't for Assassin, then Emiya Kiritsugu would probably continue to watch and even not summon Saber, but just wait for an opportunity!

What Lancer hated most when he was a knight during his lifetime was the act of hiding in the dark, so he made a mockery of it.

On the contrary, he looked at Saber very highly, stared at him for a while and then said, "Looking at this clear fighting spirit, you must be Saber!"

"saber... get rid of Lancer quickly, preferably when the third master and his SErvant come to pick up the bargain!"

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