Emiya Kiritsugu frowned slightly, as if he hadn't heard Lancer's taunting at all. If someone like him was emotionally fluctuated because of the other's taunting, he would have hung up a long time ago.

Emiya Kiritsugu was terribly annoyed by being forced to, and now he wanted to make a quick decision and then quickly evacuated.

Because he knew that Lancer's swaying here definitely attracted a lot of people's attention, and now he also appeared in "Even the opponent who is about to fight to the death can't announce each other's name, but can only use the title to call this kind of The bondage is too unbearable. But let's call you saber, I think even this time I want to fight you for real, with the fighting style of a knight!"

"Okay! Lancer, I'll take it!"

The Knight King nodded, and at this time, Lancer, who was holding the spear in both hands, suddenly met the Knight King's dark green eyes, and the black mole under the bright right eye looked extremely sexy.

Yes, it is sex. In this world, not only girls can be sexy, but boys can too.

In charge, there will be no Hoshikawa Huiluo who is only obsessed with men's buttocks and the legendary "fart love".

"Lancer?" The king of knights held the invisible long sword in both hands and looked at Lancer strangely. She prepared to let Lancer shoot first with the manners of a knight, but Lancer just looked at her intently without any intention of doing it.

what happened?

Lancer paused for two seconds, then shrugged slightly, "I have a talent that as long as a woman sees my tear mole, she will be fascinated by me, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on you now. I thought that even if it was not completely Capturing you can also temporarily decrease your defense, but from the current situation, it seems that you are not hit at all."

"I admit that I took a shortcut just now, and now... I will use all my strengths, saber, please take it!"

While speaking, he clenched his spear in both hands and charged towards Saber.

Feelings just used the lancer to use the handsome man!レ That's right, Saber is a girl, even the king of knights is still a woman.

Although she wasn't bewitched. Υ Emiya Kiritsugu frowned. He felt that women were troubles. To this day, it was still difficult for him to imagine that the most powerful King Arthur in the legend was actually a girl. The fate of the entire country rested on this girl?

This girl doesn't know how to resist?

This is very much at odds with the morality that Emiya Kiritsugu insists on!

It's just that he doesn't think about it himself, and he himself is not alone to resist the pressure of saving the world on his shoulders?

This is just fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps!

The speed of the heroic spirit is very fast, and it has already started a close combat with the King of Knights. People always have paranoia about the left and right hemispheres, which makes the flexibility of the left and right hands very different. Cooperate.

Not to mention a direct battle!

But now it's different. Saber's two-handed swords just blocked lanSEr's red spear, but then the blue spear came again, so she had to step back quickly to avoid it.

"This man... is very strong!"

Saber's heart froze!It's just that there is no dissatisfaction and distress on her face, but a smile on her face.

Seeing the opponent's happy smile.

The stronger the enemy, the happier it is, because it is more interesting to fight in this way!

There is nothing more satisfying than being able to play against a master!

"I like!"

Conqueror King, who continued to monitor the tall buildings in the building, drank heavily, his face showing a satisfied color, and Webber, who was holding the iron plate tightly because he was afraid of heights, almost fell in fright.


Webber roared at the Conqueror King but found that the opponent's fiery red eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, "How come there is a spoiler at this time! And it's still two-on-one? It seems that the other master can't bear it anymore."

Webber couldn't help but look in the direction of the pier, but he and the heroic spirit are very different after all. He opened his eyes and was blown by the strong wind. He couldn't open his eyes. But he still scolded his rough servant in his heart.

It's still the dock, but now something new has happened.

"I can roughly measure even an invisible sword!"

Lancer and Saber have already met dozens of hands. His attack is not random stabs, but takes advantage of two guns through continuous attacks. One hit first hits Saber's invisible sword and then the other gun. The length of the sword is calculated by continuing to stab forward and comparing the defense against Saber.

"It's not that I want to hide you, it's just that my master asked to hide his identity, so I'm sorry, but since you have figured out the length of my sword, it won't affect our battle."

Saber's long sword collided with Saber's two spears, and he took a step back.

"Haha...that's it too."

Lancer nodded, after all, he also used "Lust, Seduction" just now, which is also unfair.

It's just that when he occasionally looks at Emiya Kiritsugu, he can't help but take on a sarcastic color.

An upright knight like Saber was really buried with such a master.


Emiya Kiritsugu has been despised N times by the blue spearmen. He originally wanted to investigate and was forced to become a "fish" hanged by the lancer. The bad mood in his heart has accumulated a lot. It's the lancer's contempt from time to time, he's always holding on to himself and being on guard.


Emiya Kiritsugu noticed that a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the corner, which seemed to be covered by violent evil and terror.

That was the guy who appeared suddenly, he didn't make a pact with anyone, which means... at this time, only the enemy can appear!

One lancer will make Saber struggling, so wouldn't another one kill him?

"Saber, fight quickly! I allow you to use the Noble Phantasm directly!"

Seeing the black armored knight Emiya Kiritsugu groaned in his heart, he really fell into a trap.

It's just that Emiya Kiritsugu was Emiya Kiritsugu after all, and he made the best strategy in an instant.

ps: I'm sorry for the children's shoes who like shredded potatoes. It's not that I want to hack him, but that this book doesn't use him as the male protagonist!

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