Men who are not male protagonists do not have the halo of pig's feet.By the way, this is the second update of the day!There are two more to come.

Chapter 0028 The gathering of heroes (for flowers)

ps: If you have time, please collect the "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" sub-period, thank you very much.

Emiya Kiritsugu directly ordered that Saber use the Noble Phantasm!

And Saber has only one Noble Phantasm, and that is the holy sword in her hand that uses the magic of the wind to hide her figure because of Emiya Kiritsugu's order!

The Sword of Oath Victory will represent her identity once it appears!Emiya Kiritsugu, who originally wanted to hold this sword as his trump card, showed his trump card early.

At present, Emiya Kiritsugu has a good plan. He made Saber appear, which means that he is in a forced position, and now it has become the focus. The only thing that can be done is to force Lancer back unscathed and find him. A chance for Saber to use his ultimate to kill Lancer directly.But now let alone the second strategy, the first and the most important, now Saber can't take him and let him retreat!

This is already a disadvantage, and if you let lancer join forces with this new dark thing, you are likely to lose directly!


Getting out first is the top priority right now!And it's a must!

Emiya Kiritsugu thought of a strategy in an instant. He asked Saber to use the holy sword's ultimate move to kill the lancer first, and then in front of the ultimate move, no one could continue to attack and would just stay stunned!And the same goes for the dark guy. Taking advantage of this free time, he made saber pretend to take him away directly, and then when the dark guy was stunned, he made it big again from the other side. Attack the dark guy!

If it goes well, then the two SErvants can be solved, and in the end, it is only necessary to single out their master and destroy it.


Saber's head doesn't have so many twists and turns. Since the master said so, she can only do this. Although I'm sorry that Lancer can't decide the victory or defeat with the knight's tricks, but this is also a helpless move. After all, she also I noticed a dark guy in the corner.

That dark guy was full of irritable evil and violent aura, which made her very uncomfortable, and always felt that the other party was deliberately targeting her.

No matter what, the life of the master is important now, so Saber has no hesitation.

Taking a deep breath, the long sword held in both hands showed its original appearance a little bit upward from the handle.

Gorgeous and beautiful.

And... dazzling!

Golden, with a splendid brilliance that makes people unable to open their eyes, this is a long sword that seems to be able to take away the color between heaven and earth.

The golden light shone, as if time had to stop at this moment.

"Sorry, Lancer, I really wish I could have a real fight with you."

Saber spoke softly, both hands had already stood up the sword, and then held it high, not only the sword but also her whole body became golden, "It's okay, this is also your master's order, but, I didn't expect to be able to Fighting against the legendary king of knights, I am worth it..."

There was no disappointment on Lancer's face, and he recognized Saber's identity when he saw the dazzling light.

Even though he is a spearman, the lancer also demands of himself as a knight, and now... being able to meet the legendary king of knights and fight against her is... enough.


The sword in his hand was about to fall, and Saber was ready, but at this moment, the figure of Lancer who gave up dodging and knew that he could not dodge at all was "I'm sorry, my master fouled."

Lancer's voice has not fallen and his figure has disappeared from the absolute attack field of the King of Knights.

It wasn't that he could dodge it himself, but his master, who used the power of the Command Spell to summon the lancer directly to his side!

Master's Command Spell can force the Heroic Spirit to order three times, whether it is a strong cancer-causing Heroic Spirit making an order that goes against his heart or directly summoning the Heroic Spirit to his side!

Because the Command Spell is directly provided by the Holy Grail, the speed at which it is summoned to the side is unbelievably fast, and it directly escapes the attack range of Saber!

And until the attack was useless saber had withdrawn the sword.But that gleaming sword is still the same... yo eye!

Identity continues to be exposed.


Emiya Kiritsugu snorted heavily.At this point, it was found that the saber who attacked was useless. "Saber, hurry up and take me away!"

Emiya Kiritsugu's face was terrifyingly black, and the plan was completely invalid!Not only did his own trump card explode, but he couldn't even kill the lancer, and his plan to take the opportunity to attack the dark guy was aborted.

There is nothing more sad and infuriating than not being able to steal chickens and not even pick up a handful of rice.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I haven't enjoyed it yet!"

At this moment, a bold voice sounded like a sudden explosion of thunder and lightning from the sky.

The sky suddenly twisted and a magnificent chariot appeared. The King of Conqueror with the reins in both hands appeared in front of everyone. The King of Conqueror's face was full of excitement, "I didn't expect to meet the legendary knight here. King, in order not to appear rude, I, King of Conquest, Iskandart, are here to let me know!"


Webber, who was afraid of heights and hugged the King of Conqueror's arm tightly, had a panicked look on his face. The big man looked at him and pulled him directly into the car and rushed here. He didn't say that he had to monitor first and then act. what?

My Servant... what the hell is going on!Such... rash!

"I just witnessed the wonderful duel between saber and lancer, it was really refreshing, and the... dark guy over there, do you want to hide your face in the armor forever? Or is it that you can't see the light the little man!"

The King of Conqueror's voice suddenly increased and then directly aimed at the dark armor-kun who continued to exude a violent aura in the shadows.


However, at this time, the Armor King didn't even look at the Conqueror King. He was still motionless, but his violent aura had increased countless times.

" looks like it's aimed at the King of Knights."

The King of Conquerors didn't care.It's just that he was about to say something, but suddenly frowned.


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