Webber, who probably knew what kind of person his Servant was, got nervous, and then he saw a piece of gold.

Glittering gold.

Wearing dazzling gold shining armor.And behind him, there are all kinds of treasures that are enviable and envious, which are also glittering with golden brilliance.

"Hmph, this king was originally disdainful of appearing on the stage, but... just these two little reptiles will pretend to be kings, so... this king will not agree! Let you know... what is the king!"

Extremely arrogant tone, extremely arrogant and arrogant.

Everyone recognized the sudden appearance of the golden glitter.This was the Heroic Spirit that killed Assassin in the news they first got.

"This Gilgamesh!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was observing the situation with a crystal ball in the castle, sighed heavily. He had summoned the most powerful Heroic Spirit, but...

This heroic spirit is not obedient.Appearing directly in front of everyone is really... too rash.

"Hey...this is..."

However, Tokiomi's eyes suddenly widened, because two figures appeared on the roof opposite where the King of Knights was.

That...isn't his brother.

The person named Ye Shenyue?

ps: Please support "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and thank you very much.

This is the third one!The next chapter, duel, Icarus VS Golden Shining!

The armor-kun has entered, who can you guess? The students who said they like shredded potatoes are sorry, and he and he will exit the stage soon.

Chapter 0029 Icarus VS Gold Sparkle (four more flowers!

Ye Shenyue appeared on the roof opposite the King of Heroes, and both sides could see each other.Just as the King of Heroes was about to open his mouth to say something to Ye Shenyue, he noticed that the dark armor-kun below made a violent sound.

"Where did the powerless garbage come from, the person who insulted King Arthur...die!"

The voice seems to have been modified so that you can't tell the gender, but the angry and irritable momentum makes people shudder.


Ye Shenyue was a little stunned. According to the original book, the one in the armor is Lancelot, the Knight of the Round Table of Saber, but Lancelot is the kind of character who can't speak as long as he wears a mask, but now he does!

What has changed, and he is still so angry, if he didn't know it, he would have thought he was on the side of the King of Knights.

Everyone looked at the king of knights, the king of knights shook his head and expressed his confusion, but then the king of knights also noticed the boy standing opposite the king of heroes... no, the boy who is sitting down with his legs hanging on the ground now.

Heroic spirits have good eyesight.

You can see the calm expression on the young man's face, as if watching a good show.

He should also be the master, how can he be so... calm?

Unlike his own master, his face was grim.


"that person……"

The King of Knights raised his head and looked up at the roof, focusing on the young man. How could she feel... a familiar feeling, as if... she had seen it somewhere.

The Knight King was stunned, and Emiya Kiritsugu, who wanted to take him out in the chaos, became dissatisfied.

And now the situation on the field has become more serious.

"Haha... Really arrogant! Then this king will let you know what a king is! I'll deal with you first!"

Pride and mockery appeared on the face of the King of Heroes.At the same time, the huge treasure that appeared behind him shone with golden brilliance, and a sharp long sword adorned with gems stood up, "Shoot!"

The King of Heroes gave an order like rain, and the rain poured down, but if it rained now, that's all, but this is a lingering long sword!A long sword that can completely cut a person's flesh and blood in half!

And this pouring sword rain like violent rain directly stabbed the talking armor-kun!

Armor-kun has no weapons, so there is no way to resist, and if there is no way to resist, he can only be shot through!

There was a bloodthirsty arc on the corner of the King of Heroes' mouth, but when the first sword was about to pierce the armor's left abdomen, the armor's left hand suddenly lifted up without any hesitation, without any pause, and directly grabbed the speed. Flying with a powerful lethal attack his sword!

"Bang bang bang!"

A crisp yet frightening voice.

That was the sound of the first sword touching other swords ぉ The dark armor-kun touched the other swords with his sword and threw them aside!

"Damn offal, how can you take this king's sword!"

The King of Heroes has already seen the doorway, this dark guy actually took the first sword he threw as a weapon, and the first sword also had black and red patterns.

In other words, his sword was taken away by the dark guy!

The dark armor is so awesome!

Others used the same way to do what they did, but he directly grabbed the opponent's weapon and regarded it as his own treasure!

For some reason, Yagami Yue suddenly remembered something Musashi once said, "What's yours is what's mine, what's mine is still mine, not what's yours!"

Now the weapon that fell into the hands of Lord Armor has become his treasure!What is no longer the King of Heroes is no longer under the control of the King of Heroes!


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