The King of Conqueror's eyes were wide open. The girl who stood out before was the legendary King Arthur, so what about this girl?Which god came down to earth?

It must be said that the blow of Icarus has become an insurmountable mountain in the hearts of everyone.

Dashan, why are you so powerful?


The King of Conqueror laughed out loud. "Today is really eye-opening... Eye-opening! I really want to drink!"

The King of Conqueror deserves to be the King of Conqueror with a natural and unrestrained laughter, with infinite pride.

The stronger the enemy, the happier I am! After a brief absence, the King of Knights was also very open-minded, but when his dark green eyes focused on the boy above, that familiar feeling reappeared.

That boy is... who is it?

It's like a blurry figure in my heart.Dressed in a white robe and hat, his face could not be seen clearly, but there was an infinite gentle smile and tolerance at the corners of his mouth.

"King of Heroes, I will spare you today because I still have a mission to do, otherwise, next time, I will not aim at your king's treasure but... you!"

Ye Shenyue, who was sitting on the wall and continued to watch the play, ignored the unbelievable King of Heroes after saying this. He jumped down directly according to the gravity, and in a blink of an eye, his body had fallen to the ground, no longer high above. But no one dared to underestimate him.

Everyone couldn't help but raise their hearts.

They are all heroes of all ages, but now... they have also tasted what it means to be... fearful.

"Most of you are seeing me for the first time, so let me introduce myself, Tohsaka Yashinyuki."

Ye Shenyue gave a generous introduction, but the whole scene seemed a little strange.

Not to mention the Conqueror King's excitement, Saber's faint disappointment, Weber's nervousness and curiosity, he wondered why this young man of the same age would become so powerful?

Poor Weber had already thought that the power of Icarus was the power of Yagami.

To Emiya Kiritsugu's side.

He heard the name again.

"It's that guy again, it seems that the biggest enemy this time is that guy!"

Emiya Kiritsugu's heart was extremely complicated. That person named Yagami Yue was almost his god of plague. Ever since he first saw Einzbern, he felt flustered...

Originally, he didn't take the opponent to heart, but now... he has become an invincible and almost invincible enemy!

"saber! Evacuate quickly!"

Emiya Kiritsugu was the one who reacted first and was the most calm, because in his heart, as long as he evacuated first, he would definitely find a way to find the opponent's weakness!

What happened tonight made his mind confused, and the current scene made him even more chaotic, troubled and helpless, it was really full of flavors.


Damn, at this time, Emiya Kiritsugu is still thinking about the best way to escape. A knight king in front of these powerful enemies... It seems that it is not enough.

Emiya Kiritsugu was depressed and there were people who were even more depressed.

"Damn, one Emiya Kiritsugu solved it but things got more complicated!"

At this moment, Kotomine Kirei and Tohsaka Tokiomi, who were being monitored by Assassin, were just as bad in their hearts. After investigation, they had long regarded Emiya Kiritsugu as an important opponent, but the current Yagami Yue was even more difficult to deal with!

Tokiomi felt bad that the King of Heroes was directly attacked. If he had forcibly summoned the King of Heroes back earlier, he might have prevented the King of Heroes' treasure from being destroyed.

The King of Heroes 2.0 scene that has suffered a loss... seems to be out of control!

Tokiomi's face was both worried and excited.

The trouble is the king of heroes and the excitement is Yasaka. The sentence "Tohsaka" declared by Yashinyue is really pleasing, it belongs to the Tohsaka family!The strength of the Tohsaka family!His younger brother actually has such a powerful SErvant, which means that the next battle can only be chosen between him and his younger brother.

No matter who wins... This match is won by the Tohsaka family magician!

Tokiomi's heart, who was proud of his family, was silently twisting.

ps: The next chapter, snatch! Saber's choice!

If you have spare children's shoes, please collect "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" and I am grateful.

that's all.

Chapter 0031 Snatch! Saber's choice!On (Second, ask for flowers)


The King of Heroes, who vomited another mouthful of blood, raised his head angrily. Not only was everyone not afraid of him, but now he was ignored. He was a dignified King of Heroes, how could he be treated like this?

The reptile can only lie on the ground and look up at him!

"Miscellaneous, this king will remember your humiliation to this king today, you should be happy, you actually angered the oldest king!"

The King of Heroes didn't know where he brought a gem and swallowed the turbulent blood in his body, and it slowly returned to normal. It was the holy medicine for healing among his many treasures, and it did not require the master to provide magic power to heal.

He stepped on the ground with a ruthless foot, and the ground immediately sunk into a big hole. The King of Heroes stood up, and his hands spread out, and a golden light appeared again behind his back.

That's the king's treasure!

"You can destroy one-third of this king's treasure with one blow. You are very brave! Choppy, this king wants to see if you can take this move!"

Gilgamesh has already taken out his last weapon from the treasure, the black sword with the ominous black and purple pattern that can destroy the world!

Everyone's heart froze, they recovered so quickly from such an attack, and they also meant to fight again!

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