The terrifying destructive power emanating from the sword in Gilgamesh's hand was terrifying even from this distance.

This is the king of heroes, the oldest king!

"This hatred, my hero king Gilgamesh will definitely remember, ten times... No, Wan will be returned!"

The King of Heroes' voice was still there, but a magic circle appeared under his feet, "Damn, that guy Tokiomi..."

He only had time to say such a little bit of golden light before disappearing into the magic circle.


Tokiomi was originally irritated before Jin Shining could be killed so easily, but now that this guy has recovered, and let go of the rhetoric, it is very likely that he will be killed again, and it is the kind of complete destruction.

In order to protect himself, Tokiomi had to put away the impulsive and arrogant Gilgamesh first.

Lest this guy even fully expose his last hole card.He was not a tragic person like Emiya Kiritsugu.

However, although Tokiomi's actions were correct, Gilgamesh became more and more dissatisfied with him, and perhaps it was at this moment that the bitter consequences of the future were planted.

The focus is refocused on the docks of the hero cluster.

There was no surprise on Ye Shenyue's face when Jin Shiny disappeared. Tokiomi was more cautious, so he would definitely take Jin Shiny with him. Besides King's Treasure, Jin Shiny had two other treasures, one was his Heaven Destruction Sword. , the other is the lock of the sky, an iron chain that can bind the gods.

It was really tricky to get that chain out.

However, Tokiomi probably wouldn't let Jin Shinkyo make a move before he knew the situation of everyone, so Yagami, who had already had an idea, was not surprised to see Jin Shiny finally disappear.

Yagami's attention was focused on Emiya Kiritsugu, who was still having difficulty getting Saber to take him away.Emiya Kiritsugu was alert, and he had secretly prepared in his heart that if Yagami Yue had any changes, he would immediately use a Command Spell to force Saber to take him away. He had used the Command Spell just now to make Saber appear. The remaining two Command Spells can only force saber twice.Although the Command Spell is precious, it is still a little lighter than being able to retreat completely.

Emiya Kiritsugu was immediately ready.Slightly forward with his right hand and slightly backward with his right foot, this is the best move that can be advanced and retreated, and it is the best posture against the enemy that he has explored for so many years.

But a hearty hello.

"Long time no see... Emiya Kiritsugu."

It's like greeting from an acquaintance. I haven't seen you for a long time. "XXX, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been and how are you doing?"


It turns out that Saber's shady master knew this master with the strongest dSErvant?

The Conqueror Kings, who were once again passers-by, continued to be passers-by. Anyway, they didn't have to worry about their debts. Anyway, the attack power that Ye Shenyue showed just now made them feel depressed.

A saber's Noble Phantasm is an attack on a city, a hero king's treasure is to be able to tear up the world, and the current one has almost destroyed the city.

This battle... how is it going to be fought?

[-]% will lose!

The King of Conqueror's big eyes opened wider, showing interest. Even if he knew that he would lose the battle, he would participate, because... He is the King of Conqueror, and he wants to conquer the world. people!He enjoys the battle rather than the end result.

This is the legendary focus on participation.

"What are you going to do? Or what do you want to get?" Emiya Kiritsugu was very vigilant and at the same time quite nervous. He didn't know what Yagami Yue would do now.Because, he felt it, felt the malicious gaze from Ye Shenyue.

"It seems that you 943 are very sensitive... However, I don't need your stuff. I don't want to fight tonight, so I won't fight you."

Ye Shenyue had a smile on her face. Seeing that the people around him were nervous about him, he almost went back to the country and thought he was a big devil.

His smile was so bright that Saber had a strange feeling.

And this voice.It seems to be exactly the same person who echoed in his mind a long time ago.

"Could it be that……"

Hearing that Yagami Yue was no longer fighting, it seemed that Weber felt a lot more relieved, but Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly improved his mentality.

He finally noticed it, and noticed that Ye Shenyue just casually glanced at him and then looked directly at the SErvant in front of him!

King Arthur, king of knights, saber!

"Saber, my wife really wants to see you, how about you come to my side?"

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand to express her kindness, "As long as you abandon your master and come to my side."

The tone was so gentle but the words were so... terrifying.

Forsake your master and submit to me.

In this case.Wouldn't that mean Saber's betrayal.

Chapter 0032 Snatch! Saber's choice!Next (three updates for subscription)

ps: If you have free children's shoes, please support the sub-period of "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" and I am very grateful.


Emiya Kiritsugu, who was the focus, drooled.Appearing nervous.He knew that Ye Shenyue wouldn't be so kind, and now his purpose is... it's actually saber!

If SErvant is robbed then how does he participate in the Holy Grail battle?

Just as Emiya Kiritsugu was about to say something, he found that Icarus behind Yagami Moon had already made preparations for battle, and the bow and arrow that destroyed one-third of the King of Heroes' treasure appeared again!

And this time the person aiming at... the target is him!

This is not an attack that people can dodge at all!Emiya Kiritsugu was irritated in his heart, and he already knew that Yagami Yue was fully prepared this time.


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