Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't move, and at this time, even if he used a Command Spell to order Saber to take him away, there was nothing he could do.

"I'm very sorry, although you give me a familiar feeling, but I can't violate my rules. My current master is Emiya Kiritsugu. I can't betray it because of the contract."

Saber shook his head gently, his face still serious.

Everyone knows what refusal means, and it is likely to be strongly oppressed and violently attacked by the other party!


Hearing Saber's words, Emiya Kiritsugu's heart calmed down a bit, but everyone present, in addition to admiring the spirit of the knight king, also paid attention to the "familiar feeling" in the knight king's mouth. Is this Yagami Moon and the knight king also Ever met? "Familiar feeling?"

Ye Shenyue hesitated for a while, this saber was no different from the saber in his impression, but he always felt... um, a little bit of a relationship with him.

What's going on? But now is not the time to talk peacefully. After all, there are N pairs of eyes watching.

Ye Shenyue paused and looked at Saber's dark green and pure eyes and said, "That means you obey Emiya Kiritsugu because of the contract?"

Everyone feels a little confused, because isn't the connection between the Servant and the Master through a contract?It is because of the existence of the contract and the Command Spell that SErvant obeys the master.

This is already a fait accompli, and there is no need to doubt it. Why do you still ask this?

Is it possible to sever this connection?

"In principle it is."

Saber nodded, now she has not established a good relationship with Emiya Kiritsugu, so the connection between them is just a contract.

This is all to blame for Tudou himself, who is always dissatisfied with the saber involuntarily. For example, the other party confronts his creed or something, and the burden of the entire country is actually lifted on such a young shoulder.

"That's it, it's that simple!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, making everyone wonder, does he really have such an ability? The passers-by who had already been reduced to onlookers continued to develop strong onlooker skills.


Ye Shenyue drank, and the most powerful SErvant behind him responded and took out a card at the same time.

At this time, Icarus is not as exposed as in the original book. At least some of the scenery can only be enjoyed by himself. Icarus, who is now outside, is well dressed and wrapped.

It was a faintly flashing card with golden patterns or a universal card.

It's just a trick card of Icarus, it is said that any wish can be realized, "The ten thousand talismans will definitely break the ring dagger!"

Ye Shenyue thought softly, and immediately a lavender dagger with a strange aura appeared in her hand.

"Saber is ready!"

The figure of Yashinyuki with the dagger in her right hand disappeared instantly, but there was a sound of metal collision on Saber's side. Saber had already fought against Yagami, and the sound of the metal colliding was exactly the sound of Yagami's sharp blade and Saber's holy sword colliding.

It's just that what's even more jaw-dropping is that Ye Shenyue is actually on a par with Saber, who is a heroic spirit!

Is this...really human?

It is because of the limitations of human beings that more powerful Heroic Spirits are summoned to fight!

"Sorry, saber, I know too much about your attacks."

Yagami quickly dodged Saber's blow and then took a moment to stab the dagger into Saber's waist from the side.

Saber's body suddenly stiffened, and the attack that was about to land on Ye Shenyue's body was also abruptly stagnant!

It's as if time stopped at this moment.

Ye Shenyue stood up.

"This is the dagger of the legendary witch Medea, a dagger that forcibly strips SErvant of control."

Everyone quickly turned to Emiya Kiritsugu, the owner of Saber.

this is……

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the back of his hand in amazement. The two Command Spells that originally existed there... actually just... disappeared!

The Command Spell is gone!

This is forced deprivation!

Saber's control has been taken away!

At the same time, a new Command Spell appeared on Yagami's left hand, which was exactly the same as Emiya Kiritsugu's hand, or it was forcibly transferred to Yagami's side!

Saber no longer feels the bondage of his contract with Emiya Kiritsugu.

Webber was nervous, and the King of Conquerors stepped back a little, after all, such a stalk appeared in front of them! SErvant will actually be deprived!

What a terrible thing this must be!If it happened to me then wouldn't it be...

Weber shuddered, what a fight like this!

Just after depriving Saber of control, Yagami looked at the universal card that has been used once and can only be used once a day, eh.Eh.

Isn't the ultimate goal of the Holy Grail War in this world to make wishes come true?

Wouldn't it be possible to use a universal card?

If so, what war is there to fight?

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a heroic loneliness.

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