Ye Shenyue noticed that Saber was looking at him at this time, with deep doubts in her dark green eyes, as if she had something to say to him, but it was inconvenient to say it now.

In the end, Saber made up his mind, "I can be your SErvant, but please grant me a request. I hope you can spare Emiya Kiritsugu. As a knight, he can't be loyal, but he was my master after all, so I said... also please. You promise."

What a kind and gracious king of knights!

The King of Conqueror also nodded, this way he was the opponent he revered.

"Okay...I promise you."

Saber's behavior seems surprising, but it is reasonable. Saber has always been a serious and sincere person. Although Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want to see her, she was his servant before and had an obligation to protect him.

And now, only this last effort can be made.

Yagami Moon nodded, and the King of Knights had automatically walked away from Emiya Kiritsugu in front of him, which was equivalent to joining his camp.

Ye Shenyue raised her head and looked behind the crowd.

"lancer, I know you're nearby, since saber has become my SErvant, I'll say thank you instead of her, fortunately you didn't use the cursed spear in the battle, otherwise maybe I'll have to take Saber next time came back."

Ye Shenyue's voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder in everyone's ears.

The lancer is still there!

ps: Hey, the decoration next door is too noisy today, and the update is a bit late.

Chapter 0033 Leave! (Fourth, ask for flowers!

When Lancer was about to be hit by Saber's Sword of Victory, Lancer escaped because of the summoning of his master, but now Lancer is still here!

Look at them in the dark, but from the observation just now, Lancer should be a proud spearman with his own integrity. If he is still hiding in the dark, then that is his master's idea!

Another shameful master!

Everyone's eyes fell on Emiya Kiritsugu's body faintly and then moved away, making Emiya Kiritsugu extremely irritable.

What the hell happened today!

He held his forehead with one hand. Everything he suffered tonight made him almost breathless. He glanced at the former SErnant from a distance, and finally sighed and left.

No one is stopping him from leaving now but that doesn't mean it won't be.

Emiya Kiritsugu left, and after Jin Shining, he left the stage in a daze.

Emiya Kiritsugu, leave the stage!

Then, someone appeared.


From the roof shrouded in shadows, a proud young man with short blond hair stepped out, with his hands behind his back as if he had endless confidence and arrogance.

As soon as he appeared, the lancer behind him also showed a shadow.

This is the owner of lancer.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. As Kaynas, the successor of the Archipelud family with nine generations of magician blood, I just wanted my lancer to wait here for your SErvant. There are so many heroic spirits gathering here, it is really a pleasure to meet.”

Isn't Kainas letting Lancer hang around here on purpose to "fish"?He actually said that he wanted to welcome you all. It seems that this guy's face is not ordinary.


However, Weber, who was beside the King of Conqueror, suddenly hugged his head, which was a kind of fear, anger and irritability.

Kainas, it's actually Kainas!

Webber's heart was a little flustered, he took the relic of the heroic spirit prepared by Kainas and summoned the hero king Kainas. You should know it!Unexpectedly, without the relic Kainas, the heroic spirit is still summoned!

"Ara...I thought who was next to the King of Conquerors below? It's actually my student Weber, who took the hero's relic prepared by the teacher and shamelessly summoned the heroic spirit that the teacher prepared to summon. , classmate really opened the teacher's eyes, just like your unrealistic and completely delusional product, really... eye-opening."

The last four words "eye-opening" were deliberately said very seriously, making people focus their attention on Weber.

He took other people's things and then summoned the King of Heroes. This person's character is really...

"Humph! I don't care where my relics come from, now... I only admit that Webber is my master, the King of Conquerors. If I had to say it, then the person who wanted to take my relics in the first place was a thief. Steal my stuff!"

Conqueror Wang Hu shouted loudly, and then patted Weber on the shoulder. He didn't think Weber was bad. In his eyes, he was just a young boy who could grow up with a little training.


Kainas snorted and stopped arguing with the Conqueror. After all, the Conqueror's words were left there. If he grabbed Webber's braid at this time, it would appear that his mind was too narrow.As the successor of traditional magicians, Kainas still has his own pride.

Kainas looked around heavily, and finally his eyes fell on Icarus and Saber behind Ye Shenyue, his brows wrinkled, "Since you have all met, then... I will leave first, You are all people who have been on the battlefield, you don’t need me to say more about what to do next time you meet, right?”

Canas had already re-entered the black shadow while speaking, and Lancer also glanced at Saber and left.

Not being able to fight Saber formally still made him a little disappointed.

Heroes with broad minds, such as the Conqueror King and others, care not about the result but the process of fighting, fighting, they get endless joy, excitement and value from fighting!


At this time, in the corner, he was still holding the first black armored sword that the King of Heroes shot, which had become his exclusive sword. The voice came out.

"Next time, I must..."

Armor-kun's tone seemed very excited, irritable, and mad. His voice was still blocked by the armor, making it impossible to distinguish between men and women, but his figure slowly disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's say goodbye. Although I am very happy to open my eyes today, next time, even if I can't defeat me, I will fight! King Arthur, Ye Shenyue, and the lancer who showed up!"

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