Emiya Kiritsugu was silent, the old priest was explaining what everyone knew, but now where can I find another SErvant? He doesn't have the dagger in Yagami's hand that can deprive SErvant, of course, in addition to deprivation, there is also the master's initiative. Give up, then he will be able to conclude a contract with the Servant, but... Which master will give up his power?

Einzbern Castle on the other side.

The SErvant in the hands of Emiya Kiritsugu was robbed by Yagami Moon!

Take it straight away!

Ahad, who heard the news, almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Feelings... Feelings have already ended before they even started!

Thankfully, he took out the scabbard of the most powerful King Arthur with all his hard work, but it was taken away by the opponent without the slightest effort!

He worked so hard to help others make wedding dresses!

"My lord, Emiya Kiritsugu asks to see you."

However, the servant outside the door said this at this time.

Emiya Kiritsugu?

What's the use of a guy who's no longer useful?Do you want to ask him for compensation without fulfilling the contract?

"No... drive him away..."

Ahad frowned and waved his hand directly, only to say the words and then changed his words, "Wait... I'm going out, you let him go to the small secret room."

Even though Emiya Kiritsugu failed so easily, the person he spent eight years selecting couldn't possibly be... just so weak.

There must be something behind Emiya Kiritsugu.

Ahad pushed open the door and went out.

ps: Please collect the sub-issue of "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" and I am grateful.

Chapter 0035 Amnesia? (Second, please subscribe)

A faint sea breeze with a slightly salty taste blew from the side.

Sitting on the beach, you can see the relaxing sea view of the waves under the faint moonlight and the neon lights of the city. The waves are sometimes small waves and sometimes calm.

Although not as exaggerated and grand as the ebb and flow of the tide, this small wave gives people a sense of tranquility.

Saber stood, letting the sea breeze stroke her hair, and let the sea breeze lift the skirt of her blue dress.

Saber's uniform is based on a blue skirt similar to a maid's suit, and the exterior is equipped with silver-white hard but flexible armor, which is still the evil taste of Yagami.

It's just that things are different, and it has been ten years since who wanted to see each other again.

Ye Shenyue was a little dazed. He sat on the beach and looked at the sea, recalling what happened in King Arthur's time. Ten years, he was a little strange. For ordinary people, ten years may mean vicissitudes and fragility, but he It feels like ten years!

It seems that no matter how long the time is in his eyes, it is only a short moment.

However, even though it was an instant, he completely remembered what happened in the past ten years. He remembered the birth of Rin, the birth of Sakura, and even the birth of Ilya. He remembered every moment of playing with them. Remember……

Perhaps because she recalled something good, Ye Shenyue couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

Saber and Icarus stood side by side, watching the figure sitting on the beach, watching the rising sea breeze, watching the person who was sitting and thinking.

Saber stared at him, the wind blowing, the peace and quiet sitting by the beach, somehow...

She seems to have seen such a picture... somewhere.

It was like this in my memory, sitting down and leaning against the big tree with a relaxed face, and then my face... I couldn't see my face clearly, because the other party was wearing a white robe... so that no one could see it...


Saber suddenly covered her forehead, and when this image flashed in her mind, she immediately felt a stinging pain. She is a knight who is not afraid of pain and is not afraid of sharp knives, but this stinging pain is sent from the body itself, making it impossible for people to stop her.


Ye Shenyue turned around and saw that Saber's delicate face had a painful look on her face. She immediately got up and hugged Saber's shoulders.

"Suddenly my head hurts, as if there is something in my memory but I can't remember it."

Saber explained.


Could it be that... lost memory?

Ye Shenyue felt that he finally knew what was wrong with Saber. Could it be that he lost his memory?

Otherwise, it is impossible not to recognize him!

It's just that it's still too early to jump to conclusions, he needs to... verify it! ...

"Wow wow... Master, these people's battles are so handsome, Frog, that killing people with countless swords is really exciting, if I also have this kind of skill, how great it would be..."

The owner of Caster, the only one who didn't attend the party on the dock, looked excitedly at the lavender, dark crystal ball in Caster's hand.Inside the crystal ball is what happened on the pier.

Ryunosuke was unspeakably excited when he saw the golden treasure of the king, but when he said that, he talked about the method of killing when the caster didn't respond, which was very abnormal.

It's a bit strange to know that Caster likes blood and murder the most.

Ryunosuke looked over and saw that there was something wrong with Caster.

"Oh... I found it, I found it. I thought I needed to find the Holy Grail to see her again, but I didn't expect to see her again now! Ah... It's really great, I have no more wishes."

Caster's already abrupt eyes became even more abrupt, and an ecstatic expression appeared on his face.

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