"That... lord, who is this woman?"

Ryunosuke was a little curious. On Caster's crystal ball, a girl with golden hair wearing silver and blue armor appeared...

"Oh, Ryusuke, didn't I tell you? I used to follow Joan of Arc, now... Now Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc is in front of me... This beautiful face, this sacred temperament , this is Jeanne!"

Caster almost danced.

"I must... I must give Jeanne a surprise! A big surprise! Ryunosuke, are you willing to help me by my side?"

Caster's two long big hands were pressed on the shoulders of Ryunosuke, who likes to kill.

"Huh? Although I don't understand it very well, but... lord, the next step is to kill more people, right... We want to kill more people, right? Welcome your Joan of Arc with that blood feast? "

"Ah... Ryunosuke, you're amazing, why didn't I think of it? I just wanted to go to Joan of Arc rashly, but now we should have a welcome party for her, a blood event? This is very good , let me make preparations."

Caster was already dancing with excitement, and then his big eyes became more obvious, "Joan of Arc, I want you to see how stupid your decision was at the beginning, to be sent to the cross by those boring people representing justice, You have to know that there is no God and no God in this world!"

"In this case, Ryunosuke... Let's start the biggest event of 4.1, it will be extremely lively."

Caster's tone was filled with infinite excitement. He had already thought about it. He wanted to change the concept of "Joan of Arc". There was no chance before, but now... hum.

Caster clenched the dark and evil magic book in his hand, "Yeah."

Ryunosuke nodded, as long as he could kill people anyway, this was his fun.The eyes that were originally clear to outsiders have revealed a crazy color.

These days, following the master's killing activities, it really... made him infected.


ps: When you have time, please collect the "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" sub-period, I am very grateful.

Chapter 0036 Meeting and Butler Service (three more subscriptions)

ps: When you have time, please collect the "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" sub-period, I am very grateful.

Einzbern's castle.

Ye Shenyue and his party came here.It's just that when he came back, he asked Icarus to go back to Dancheng Aoi first. Although Tokiomi is a better person, he is not the kind of person who would use his family to threaten others, but if it is Yanfeng Kirei then it is difficult to say. , after all, in the original book, he had repeatedly attacked Irisviel and eventually wiped out Irisviel completely.

This kind of person has no emotions, and there is no feeling of pity and cherishing jade.

And Jiuyu Maiya is studying at Yashenyue's side, but her magic talent is not high, so the main thing is to train the physical quality, no matter how strong a person is, 07 can't compare to becoming a hero of heroic spirit, this is The physical strength of a human being is determined by the physical strength of Iwamine Kirei. His SErvant ability is not strong, at most he can be a spy or something, but only one of those Assassins can solve Maiya.

In order to ensure their safety, Yagami can only transfer Icarus.

Unlike Tokiomi, Ye Shenyue is always on guard against this fellow.

On the other hand, Einzbern has a new one—saber!

Dressed in a knight's uniform, he was majestic and heroic.

"What a nice view……"

Resting her chin with one hand, and letting her long silver hair slant, Irisviel seemed to be fascinated, as if she was viewing a delicate work of art.

Intoxicated and...excited.

"What a beautiful person, Ye Shenyue, where did you find her? It's so wonderful."

Irisviel finally put down her hands, but what was shocking was that the hands that were put down were raised to her waist and her fingers folded together to make a circular motion.

This is... awakening some strange attribute!

"Alice Phil?"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly called his wife's name. Didn't she see the child's eyes widen and looked at this place with curiosity and doubt?Now is the time to give children a proper and bright image.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I just thought of something embarrassing."

Irisviel hurriedly lowered her head towards Saber with an apologetic expression.


Saber is very considerate, even though the look of the silver-haired girl just now gave her a feeling called "scared".

"Well, in that case... can you promise me one thing? Please."

Alice put her hands together on her chest, and there was no false sincerity on her face.

"If it doesn't violate the morality of knights then... eh?"

Before Saber's words were finished, he realized that he had already been pulled by the other party and ran away.

"What exactly happened here?"

Ye Shenyue pulled Illya to her side and hugged her, her eyes full of doubts like Illya's eyes widened.

The time of doubt did not last long, ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Ye Shenyue had a bright feeling.

"Master, you have been waiting for a long time."

He held the plate gracefully in his left hand, gently picked up the cup in his right hand and placed it on the table, his eyes closed slightly, showing respect but not humbleness, obedience but not blind obedience, seriousness and not panic.

There was an aura called nobility and heroism on her body, the elegant posture of the black housekeeper's uniform, and the serious expression.

This, this, this... If there is a device that can measure charisma in this world, then the charisma of Saber at this moment must be full.

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