
The knight stepped forward sharply, and the Mercury Lord beside Kainas immediately changed from a ball to a wall-like defense that protected Kainas in the center.It has no consciousness but was originally given orders to attack and absolutely protect Kainas according to Kainas' will.

This is the precious crystallization of nine generations of magician families.

It is so powerful that it can protect Kainas from any damage in the bomb. No magician can underestimate it, but that is just a magician, and now it is facing a heroic spirit!A Heroic Spirit whose level is higher than that of a human and a magician!

And this heroic spirit is a powerful A-rank heroic spirit.

Walls made of mercury can't stop King Arthur from conquering at all!

In the blink of an eye, the sharp blade had passed through the mercury.


The sound of metal crashing.

This is not the sound of cutting directly to Kainas.It was the sound of weapons colliding together. It was...two long spears. The spearmen used their own strength to forcibly take down King Arthur's offensive.


Looking at the center of Lord Mercury again, Kainas is already squatting on the ground in a state of embarrassment. He is holding the wall with one hand as if he has experienced the test of life and death. It is indeed the test of life and death. will be cut by saber.

Yes, it is cut!

Really get killed!

He has always been at the top, staring at the halo of genius since he was a child and thinking that everything is in his hands, but now... when there is a real threat to his life, he only knows, he only knows that this Holy Grail War is... It will really kill people. of!

ps: Thanks to zhz78 for the tip, the first tip this month.

When you have time, please collect the "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" sub-period, I am grateful.

Chapter 0040 Under the conspiracy of Emiya Kiritsugu (three more subscriptions!

ps: When you have time, please collect the "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" sub-period, I am very grateful.

The following text: "Saber we met again, but it doesn't seem to be in a particularly good state now."

Lancer was still wearing blue armor, and the two spears in his hand bounced off Saber's holy sword.

"Well...if there is a chance, I really want to have a real contest with you."

Saber stepped back slightly but the offensive has not changed. Now they are in a state of hostility and their side has the advantage. It is impossible to use Saber to compete with Lancer now?

Yagami touched her chin and thought about it. Saber is a knight, and the knight's favorite is the knight's set. And this lancer is also a knight, and it seems to be right to Saber's appetite.

Both of them wanted to fight in an upright manner.

But now it has stopped due to hostile relations and circumstances.

"Okay, Kainas, you let Lancer and Saber fight once and I'll let you go. This time I'll let you go out safely."

"Really? This can be... but..."

Hearing that there is still a chance of surviving and still alive, Kainas, who had just experienced life and death, immediately stood up against the wall.

Just stopped in the middle of the sentence, "Your saber's ultimate move..."

He used the first Command Spell to make Lancer escape. If Saber uses his ultimate move, he will no longer have a Command Spell for Lancer to escape. By then, Lancer will die. It's good for Lancer to hang up, but if he hangs up, then Kaynas will withdraw from the Holy Grail War.

Fear of death...but...don't want to give up.

Kainas's heart is very tangled.

"Okay, Saber doesn't need to use his ultimate move. Anyway, the official engagement is a battle of force rather than a siege."

Ye Shenyue looked at Saber, "It doesn't matter if it doesn't apply, right?"


Saber nodded, she didn't like to use the ultimate move very much, because that is the power of the sword, Saber is also a proud person, what he wants to show is his own strength.



Saber gave Yagami a grateful look.

Whether it was restricting her from using her ultimate or letting Kainas leave, Ye Shenyue was taking care of her, knowing her little wish to fight with Lancer in an upright manner.

To know that Ye Shenyue can completely dispose of one of the eight masters now, this is one step closer to the Holy Grail, but he gave up.

This concern is very serious.

Although Yagami Yue used strong means to snatch her away from Emiya Kiritsugu, but now the strange feeling in her heart has disappeared and disappeared.

Compared with Emiya Kiritsugu, this master of hers really suits her better.

Ye Shenyue didn't know that it was this small act that made Saber's heart allegiance. If he knew it, he would definitely be stunned. Could it be that a girl would be moved so easily?

This is the difference between boys and girls.

Soon, Saber and Lancer were fighting on the snow in front of the castle. If you don't use the treasure, Saber and Lancer are about the same power.

All they saw on the field were the afterimages of the two of them, and the sound of weapons colliding from time to time made people nervous.

Neither lancer nor saber likes the use of spears, so even if they are evenly matched, they only use the simplest tricks to fight, but despite this, the chaotic footprints on the snow still make people's eyes widen.

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