How many tricks did they go through!

However, Yagami is still satisfied that this lancer is indeed a good person. Since Saber doesn't have a big move, he didn't use the red one of the two long spears even when he was almost hit by Saber just now. Bundle.

That one is a cursed gun that can't heal wounds.

If he can attack Saber, then Saber can only resist the injury and fight him, and now Saber's attack power will drop a lot.

At that time... maybe Saber is going to fall behind.

Seeing that it was about to end, Ye Shenyue glanced at Kainas, "Speaking of Kainas, how do you know that Irisviel is the container of the Holy Grail?"

"Someone released news, I think it was directed at me..."

There was so much more time to buffer the turbulent mood, and Ye Shenyue had promised him not to pursue it, so Kainas' mood relaxed a little.

It's just that these words fell into Ye Shenyue's ears, but it was not a simple meaning.

Someone released the news?

Besides Einzbern, Matou, and Tohsaka, who else knows this news?

Knowing that Iris Phil is the little Holy Grail!

In the Holy Grail battle, as long as you have Irisviel, you can get the Little Holy Grail, and then kill the other masters and SErvants and inject their souls into the Holy Grail. At this time, the little Holy Grail can fulfill the wish!

This is the Holy Grail that everyone wants!

However, it is impossible for the three families to leak this matter, because it is better to enjoy it alone than to leak it to others, Tokiomi is impossible to do so, because it does not conform to the "elegance" of the Tohsaka family, at best it can only be regarded as It's vulgar.

Similarly, the Matou family is impossible. Kariya is an introvert, a loner but not a bad person in nature, even if it is controlled by Zou Yan, he will not do such a thing.

Regarding why Matou Kariya participated in the Holy Grail, Yashinyuki recalled that when she and Aoi got married, she saw that Kariya had worm eggs on her body.

this poor man.

After all, he was someone he had known for a long time. If Kariya wasn't hostile to him, then Yashenyue might turn away. 0.0 and Einzbern...

Ahad should not have the guts... so it can only be...

Emiya Kiritsugu!

It was news from Emiya Kiritsugu!

Emiya Kiritsugu... You are cruel!

Deliberately bombed the hotel where Kainas lived, and then released the news of the Little Holy Grail to lure Kainas to Einzbern and let the night gods kill him!

What a murderer!

Knowing that I won't sit idly by once someone's attention is on my woman!

Yagami clenched his fists. He knew this person deeply again. It seemed that Emiya Kiritsugu not only carried the burden of the world on his shoulders, but also used such a shameful method.

Any means to the end will be used! !ps: This is a chapter of Kuro Emiya Kiritsugu, fans of Emiya Kiritsugu should not be surprised.

Chapter 0041 Return to the Holy Grail!Emiya Kiritsugu!On (four more)

However, because of Saber, Yagami did not kill Kenis according to Emiya Kiritsugu's wishes, and did not let him do as he wished and did not become his "sword".

and many more……

Yagami Yue deepened her understanding of Emiya Kiritsugu and suddenly thought of a point, since Emiya Kiritsugu could not continue to participate in the Holy Grail except for signing a contract with a new servant after losing his saber, then why does Emiya Kiritsugu continue to participate in the Holy Grail? Does Si still deliberately spread the news of the Little Holy Grail and design Kayneth to let him defeat Yashenyue?

The reason for that is...

Yagami knows that Emiya Kiritsugu is not the kind of person who will do meaningless things. After all, his goal is world peace or saving the world, and his life is only for meaningful things.

Therefore, Emiya Kiritsugu must have other purposes.

He aimed at Kayneth, or at least the lancer!

Maybe... Emiya Kiritsugu still gave up the Holy Grail, he wanted to come back, he wanted to make another Servant to return to the Holy Grail!

And the best thing a Servant can get is... a lancer!

Emiya Kiritsugu set his sights on Kenny 07. It turned out that all this was just for... lancer!

"Bang bang bang..."

And now, the battle on the snow is over, one of Lancer's guns swiped past Saber's waist and the other shot was only close to Saber's neck, but Saber's blade had already touched his neck.

And Saber is a two-handed sword, if you want to lose both at this time, then Saber must be faster.

In the battle of lancer VS saber, saber narrowly won.

"Looks like I still lost...but, saber, I'm convinced that I lost."

"No... In fact, your strength is very strong. I just won in speed."

Saber shook her head, she was a serious person and gave lancer a very high evaluation.

The two looked at each other with a sense of sympathy.

Opponents can actually become friends sometimes.

The two saluted each other and then withdrew their weapons. Saber and Lancer suddenly disappeared and appeared behind their master.

"That... Since the comparison is over, Ye Shenyue, you can let us go."

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