Kayneth's mind is mostly on the master of Yagami. Now that he has lost three Command Spells and cannot force the lancer, he has no confidence. Now Yagami's calm face makes him feel bad. a feeling of.

Lancer lost the competition between lancer and saber just now. If Yashenyue is arrogant at this time, he still has to explain it here.

He experienced life and death just now, so he didn't want to die even more.

"You can go, but... Kainas, give you a piece of advice, you have to go back as soon as possible, maybe you can save your fiancee."

"Fiancée, could it be Sora!"

If Kainas is afraid of death, he is also afraid of Sora being hurt!

"lancer! Quick, let's go!"

Kainas didn't care about anything anymore, and let Lancer take him to evacuate quickly. He felt that his heart was extremely flustered, and he couldn't even care about thanking Ye Shenyue for his grace of not killing and reminding him.

In Saber's strange eyes, Yagami's expression was slightly serious, as if she was thinking about something very profound.

Originally, SErvant couldn't interfere with the master's affairs, but somehow Saber couldn't help it.

"Master, is there something that worries you?"

The words have already been said, and only after Saber has finished speaking, did he realize that he seemed to be too impulsive.

"No... nothing."

Some things are better not to let Saber know.

Ye Shenyue shook her head, then reached out to touch Saber's face, Saber's body was slightly stiff but did not stop it.

It seems a little uncomfortable.That's right, she is the king of knights, who would dare to treat her like this?

Saber's awkward reaction made Yagami Yue's mood relaxed. What happens to Emiya Kiritsugu is his own business. Since he took the initiative to participate in the Battle of the Holy Grail, he must make the consciousness of death. Yagami Yue is not a saint. There is no will to save everyone.

Therefore, things will develop as they should, even if Emiya Kiritsugu wins the lancer, it is his ability.

And he Ye Shenyue only needs to destroy the Holy Grail in the end.

Thinking of this, I felt really relaxed.

Just looking at Saber who was still showing a serious expression, some impulses suddenly surged in his heart.

"Saber, what do you think of Lancer?"

"Lan... lancer?"

Saber's bright and clean face showed a puzzled expression, she couldn't understand the meaning of the master.

"I... think you like the lancer! From the heart-to-heart sympathy at the first meeting, the laughter of the battle and the loss when he left at the end, saber... you should fall in love with the lancer."


Saber's voice suddenly increased many times.

"This...isn't right, according to Bedivere, it's not like this is it..."

Saber hurriedly explained that the holy sword had been put away and now he was waving it with both hands, "I also don't think I put Lancer in my heart, I don't think about him all the time, I just hate and respect Lancer, I think he is A good knight, if I can meet him in my time, then I will definitely let him join the Knights of the Round Table..."

The King of Knights felt that his words were out of order.She doesn't know why she is so urgent, or... 730 just doesn't want the master to misunderstand?

"That's it..."

After getting the answer from saber, Yagami Yue felt more relaxed. He said how could the saber, who he couldn't attack back then, be attacked so easily? "So does Saber have someone he likes?"

"It seems...but..."

Saber looked confused, "But I don't seem to remember him..."

"That's it..."

Ye Shenyue patted Saber on the shoulder intimately, "It doesn't matter if you want it or not, as long as you are happy here."

"So... a fight, saber, you haven't showered yet... I'll take you with me."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Saber's hand involuntarily, although she had iron gloves on her hand, it didn't hinder Yagami Yue.

Instead, there is a sweet feeling of reliving an old dream.

"Eh...that's it...but..."

Saber pulled out her hand without nodding or agreeing, and even though she was holding her hand through the iron glove for some reason, she felt unusually relieved.

"There's nothing to say, let's wash together."

"Well... Huh? Together?"

The chaotic mind of the King of Knights finally cleared up a little, and a soprano was about to explode in Einzbern's castle.

ps: If you have free children's shoes, please collect "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and be grateful.

Chapter 0042 Return to the Holy Grail, Emiya Kiritsugu!next (one more)

Don't talk about the teasing of Ye Shenyue, let's talk about Kainas here.

Lancer's speed was very fast, and it took him only ten minutes to return to the temporary stronghold. Because the hotel had exploded, he first placed Sora in a hidden church.

"Sora...Sora, where are you?"

As soon as Kainas arrived at the church, he let go of his voice and shouted. If he was a smart person, he would not have shouted loudly to reveal his position, but Kainas, who was nervous now, couldn't think so much.

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