Emiya Kiritsugu fired a few more shots, but Kainas didn't say a word after all.Let the blood stain his body red.


The sudden change made Lancer stunned.

"Since you still think about the original master, then I can only destroy him! Then. Your master was killed by you."

Emiya Kiritsugu showed no mercy.

"Why...why is this..."

Lancer knelt on one foot on the ground and stuck his guns heavily in the dirt. His face showed the same pain as his heart. Why...why did he always take this path?He responded that the Holy Grail came to this world just to be loyal to the Lord but why...why is this...

Emiya Kiritsugu was expressionless.

In order to save the majority of people, there are always a small number of people who have to be sacrificed. If this cruelty can't be done, then... no one will be saved.

Emiya Kiritsugu's dark eyes seemed even more silent, and there seemed to be a heavy sadness that could not be resolved.

He gave up everything, and in order to save more people, he personally killed his childhood sweetheart, his father, and his adoptive mother.

There was no color in his eyes.

ps: The above are the plots of black potato shreds!

If you have leisurely children's shoes, please collect "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" and be grateful!

Chapter 0043 Come on, Rin's big adventure! (two more)

ps: It seems that the Felu server will be disabled for a few hours after two o'clock, so this chapter is uploaded first.

"Emiya Kiritsugu becomes the master again!"

The news made the other masters nervous.

"I heard that Emiya Kiritsugu killed his old master abruptly in front of Lancer. It's too cruel."

Webber walked up and down the room restlessly.

"Boy, it seems that you don't know enough..."

The King of Conqueror patted Weber on the shoulder and said, indeed, in his time in the war, not all opponents were so upright and upright, and there were people who liked conspiracy and tricks, but they were as cruel as they are now.

It's so rare.

It seems that Emiya Kiritsugu has to be taken seriously, this guy may be difficult to deal with.

It's not all accidental that the Conqueror King can conquer so many countries, just like Zhang Fei actually has a very careful and unique side.

And the other side.

Tokiomi Tosaka is here.

The dark expression in Yanfeng Kirei's eyes changed slightly, or his heart slowly became excited for some reason, this was something that had never happened before.

That Emiya Kiritsugu, when Iwamine Kirei heard that Emiya Kiritsugu's saber was robbed by Yagami Yue, he couldn't believe that the opponent he was looking for actually quit like this, and now it's like rejoining. Only in line with his opponent's benchmark.

Emiya Kiritsugu, this man is very similar to him, but...

However, Iwamine Kirei had the urge to fight Emiya Kiritsugu directly.Because he hates such people, he doesn't hate himself, he just hates people who are the same as himself, and hates people who have no pursuit.

He didn't pursue it, but this Emiya Kiritsugu didn't seem to be like that, so he hated him.

"Tokiomi is such a boring person..."

The King of Heroes spoke with a slight dissatisfaction, and upon receiving the news that Kiritsugu Emiya had returned to the Holy Grail again, Tokiomi chose to stand still, and at the same time asked the King of Heroes not to go out and cause trouble.

This makes freedom used to be extremely dissatisfied with the self-centered hero king.It's just that Tokiomi was doing him the courtesy of a monarch and a minister after all, and he wasn't that ignorant, at least that face was given to him.

Even though he was confined in a small house, Gilgamesh was not someone who would treat himself badly.

He had already changed into loose casual clothes and took out the goblet and fine wine from the remaining two-thirds of the treasure of the king. The wine was wine, but it was the best quality and taste that could be collected by the King of Heroes.

"I don't drink this stuff."

Yanfeng Kirei rejected the other goblet that the King of Heroes took out. Gilgamesh's face didn't show any angry expression. He would not be angry because Yanfeng Kirei rejected such a small thing. On the contrary, he Iwamine Kirei was very interested.

"Kirei, you really don't know what fun is. Let me ask you, do you really have no desire to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

Only those who have the wish will be selected by the Holy Grail and summon the Servant.

"I do not know."

There was no expression on Yanfeng Kirei's face, and what he said was indeed his sincere words.There is only a task in his heart, and as long as it is ordered by the church, he will definitely complete it.

"You will surely know that I am more optimistic about you than Tokiomi."

The King of Heroes supported his chin with one hand and looked at Iwamine Kirei, who had no obvious color on his face.

Iwamine Kirei was noncommittal in his praise of the King of Heroes.Apart from the ordinary servants, there were only three of them and Tokiomi in this house, and he spent a relatively long time with the King of Heroes.

So the relationship between the two seems to be better than Tokiomi's, and that's right, Tokiomi behaved as a servant, handing over the initiative to the King of Heroes, and then forcibly summoned the King of Heroes when Ye Shenyue slapped him in the face Going back, this stalk was immediately remembered by the King of Heroes.

The Command Spell is to serve the master so that SErvants can do things that go against their hearts, and now this one seems to be against the heart of the King of Heroes, and after the Command Spells are used up, those SErvants will not rebel.

And now, the King of Heroes seems to be no longer ready to stand on Tokiomi's side and prepare to seduce Kirei Kaiyanfeng.

Who said that only girls are cautious?In fact, sometimes men are like this...

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