If Ye Shenyue knew that because of his appearance, the King of Heroes' thoughts were exposed like this, not to mention the chills, he would be in a cold sweat.

But this time came a more shocking news.

As a summoned caster, he has no interest in the Holy Grail at all, and now he likes ambush and murder!And they were killing children!

Bloody cruelty!

Such a thing is really...

Unbelievable, such people are really not worthy of being called their opponents.

Soon, this time, the supervisor Kotomine Rizheng issued a mission. As long as he can defeat the caster, he can get the command spell left by the previous Holy Grail battle, which means that everyone can force the Servant more than three times!

It's a good thing for the masters.

As for Matou Kariya, he didn't say anything. He continued to be infiltrated by insects. He had no interest in Emiya Kiritsugu, nor in killing Caster. The only purpose of his participation in the Holy Grail was... He wanted to kill Yagami Yue. .

Who told him to actually betray Sister Kui! (Big fog) And now Yagami is on the side of Sister Aoi, who Kariya said.

Because there is still a period of time before going to bed, Ye Shen Yue Xian is also bored, so he studies magic directly in the study.

The daughter has a wife and a wife, and finally my king came back. It stands to reason that Ye Shenyue is proud of the spring breeze, but now there is one thing that is bothering him, and that is the little Holy Grail in Irisviel!

The girls of the Einzbern family have always been regarded as the Holy Grail in human form. They will accept the souls of the defeated Heroic Spirits. At the same time, once the Heroic Spirits are destroyed, their souls will be absorbed by the Little Holy Grail and become the little Holy Grail Irisviel. The activities that will gradually become the Holy Grail Human will be forced to cease, the more souls are absorbed the more so.

Yagami's main research over the years has been to solve the problem of the Holy Grail in Irisviel.

The Holy Grail and her have been fused together. If you take it out forcefully, it will only hurt her vitality, and if it is not taken out, it will be even more terrible.

And what Ye Shenyue is doing now can only be a little extraction, giving Irisviel a buffer time. From six years ago to now, only a small part of her body will not have a big impact. But it will take about half a month for the remaining part to be completely cleared. If the caster is extinguished immediately, she will still suffer a little.

What Yagami is thinking about now is to completely remove the remaining Holy Grail before the caster is destroyed.


However, at this time, there was a soft sound from the door, and then there was a nervous sound of fleeing.

"Where are you going? Rin!"

Rin, who was trotting quickly, found that his small body had been picked up, and Rin, who had double ponytails, puffed out his cheeks slightly.

"Hmph, they didn't peek at anything here, and they didn't want to learn magic or anything because she was the eldest young lady of the Tohsaka family."

Rin allowed Ye Shenyue to hold her up, but what she said was the same as always...


This is the truth.

Tsundere is really cute.

ps: Please collect the "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" sub-issue, thank you very much!

Chapter 0044 Come on, Rin's big adventure!Medium (three updates for subscription)

Seeing Rin firmly denying that she didn't come to peep and didn't want to learn magic, Ye Shenyue smiled, who doesn't have such a pistachio or two?

"Well, since Rin wants to learn magic, it's not impossible for Dad to teach you some."

In Rin's exclamation, Ye Shenyue hugged Rin horizontally.Then he pushed open the door and entered directly into the study.

This is the hometown of Dancheng Kui. The history of the Dancheng family is not as long as that of the Yusan family, but it is also a rising star in Fuyuki City.Moreover, the Dancheng family also has the blood of magicians, so Rin and Sakura inherited high-quality magic circuits from their father and mother when they were born.In the magician's home study, of course, it is the magician's objects that are relevant.

Ye Shenyue could see that Rin was still very unfamiliar with this place, so she also started to deceive children?

"Rin, it is not a matter of one or two days to learn magic, and it is even more difficult to achieve great success. Even if you have a strong talent, you need to work hard to ensure it. Rin, if you can't persevere, then give up now."

"I want to learn, Dad, I will work hard, because I am the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family."

Rin's little head nodded as fast as a chicken pecking rice, "Teach me quickly."

"Okay, then let me introduce you to magic books and magic items."

Ye Shenyue dragged Rin to the bookshelf, which was full of books, but the cover of the book seemed to be old and had an aura of agility.

The bookshelves had five floors in total. The higher the level, the more difficult the magic book. Ye Shenyue picked a light green magic book on the first floor and handed it to Rin.

"Each magic book has different abilities, and this magic book can find people just by feeding gems, which is equivalent to an active tracking notice, which is very convenient."

Not only is it convenient but also very expensive!To put it bluntly, this is just a toy, but anyway, the Tohsaka family burns a lot of money and gems, so it's nothing to let Miss Rin squander it.

"Come on, release a little magic and pour it into the magic book."

Ye Shenyue held her daughter's tender little hand, and it was really hands-on teaching. Rin was so excited that the light green magic book that had just been injected with magic power immediately emitted a faint radiance and then a small butterfly jumped out.

Just engrave the name of the item to be found and the person on the magic book and the little butterfly will take her there.

Because it was the first time that he was exposed to magic, Rin was quickly bought off and his face was red.

Ye Shenyue saw that she was cute, so she lowered her head and kissed Bai Bai's tender cheek heavily.

Rin suddenly jumped up.

"Stupid... idiot, how can there be a sudden relative!"

Rin suddenly covered the place where he was kissed, but the voice was loud enough and there seemed to be little dissatisfaction in it.The red face is so cute.

"Parents and children are showing their love for their children, how can there be any sudden..."

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