"Sakura, let's do something together tonight."

Rin immediately found Sakura when get out of class was over and said her intentions. "I want to find Qingyin. The magic book my dad gave me last night happened to be able to find people and things, so..."

Immediately after, the two Loli started the journey of finding people with the pale green butterfly.

And Ye Shenyue also received a call from Kwai.She arrived at "What? Rin and Sakura both ran away by themselves?"

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly, and quickly called Icarus to find the picture of Rin and Sakura.

When he saw these two children running wildly, he remembered that in the original book, there seems to be a scene where Rin really went to find the friend who was kidnapped by Ryunosuke. It was also because of this experience that Rin seemed to go to the path of the magician. .

On the screen, Rin and Sakura have followed the butterfly to find Qingyin, and Ryunosuke is trying to abduct them too, but Rin and Sakura simultaneously grabbed the magic ring that Ryunosuke used to confuse the children, and they touched it with a crisp sound. The ring shattered directly because of the magic disorder.

That's right, the magic power in Rin and Sakura's body has already surpassed that of ordinary people, and Sakura's body is twice that of Rin.It's no wonder that this little magic ring can hold up.

It's just that when I saw Ryunosuke Yagami, what I thought of was Caster. In the original book, Caster mistook Saber for Joan of Arc, so is it still possible now?

If so, maybe I can give Caster a real chance to meet Joan of Arc.

Although the Joan of Arc he had seen was fake, she was just an expressionless loli.

"and many more!"

However, Yagami, who originally thought that the two daughters were not in danger and wanted to let Aoi go there to pick them up, immediately became nervous, because the two little guys directly called the police after rescuing the children who were abducted and abducted by Ryunosuke during this period. But they didn't show the appearance of doing good deeds without leaving their names, but behind them there was a disgusting tentacle with thorns!

That's the caster monster!

Tentacles are such things, and they are still cute girls... How can I even touch them before... No...

Anyway, Yagami was immediately annoyed, and she disappeared in front of the two little guys with magic in an instant with Icarus' puzzled expression.


The two loli were frightened by the big tentacles. It stands to reason that Rin is more courageous, so he should think of some tricks to fight at this time, but the tentacles were really disgusting, and Rin was stunned...

Sakura, on the other hand, looked at the tentacle indifferently, as if she was facing danger, and she was more like an older sister than Rin.

I don't understand that because he took Sakura to Matou's house and saw the constantly moving bugs, Sakura's inner anti-nausea ability was strengthened.

"Sakura is amazing."

Ye Shenyue would never be stingy with her daughter's compliments, and touched Sakura's little head, while Sakura raised her head slightly and showed a smile.

With such a beautiful smile, the blackened expression he saw before must be wrong.

Ye Shenyue felt comfort in her heart.

And the tentacles that were still lingering on the side were already evaporated by a flame from Ye Shenyue.

"Come on, let's get out of here first..."

Although Tentacle-kun has been evaporated, the two little guys seem to be a little bit afraid, and Ye Shenyue is also thinking about whether to take them somewhere to play and be shocked or something.

It's just this time, Ye Shenyue, who was originally hugging Rin, suddenly reported Sakura, and then flashed to the side like lightning, and a crack several meters deep appeared where he was standing. .

This can't be caused by ordinary people's attacks, it can only be caused by heroic spirits!

It was covered in black armor and there was a manic and gloomy aura all over it.


Ye Shenyue frowned immediately after seeing the person who attacked him. If BaSErker is here, then Matou Kariya is also here!

"Long time no see, Ye Shenyue!"

Kariya appeared with a hat on his head and a windbreaker, but his tone was not very good, and his face also showed a hideous look, "How dare you treat Sister Kui like that...BaSEr2.lker! Cut him!"

Kariya ordered, and BaSErker's long sword was raised.


let go. BaSErker didn't listen to him!

"BaSErker! What are you hesitating about, cut Ye Shenyue! I can't spare him!"

It can be said that the purpose of Kariya participating in the Holy Grail is to kill Yagami Yue.And now how can he not be angry if his Servant doesn't do it?

"Don't order me casually!"

However, Lord Armor spoke up, and his voice was still indistinguishable from men and women, "I have only one purpose in coming to this world, I want to kill Arthur!"

Is this in the nest?

Ye Shenyue silently looked at the pair of master and servant.


"Anyone looking for me?"

However, at this time, a heroic voice came, blond hair, butler clothes.

Saber is actually there!

The Basaker was shouting that he was going to chop you up just now!

Chapter 0046 The jaw-dropping armor man!A relationship with chaos broke out (one more subscription)


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