The sound of the sword moving fast in the air.

As soon as the armor-kun heard Saber's voice, he directly slashed over, without any sign, he attacked with all his strength.


However, the vigilance that the King of Knights has cultivated over the years is not soy sauce. The butler uniform has not been changed, but the holy sword has already appeared in his hand. The armor-kun did not know where he got it, but he regarded it as his own Noble Phantasm. down.


The dark armor-clad armor-kun's long sword and Saber's holy sword collided heavily, but the two seemed to be evenly matched and did not let the other step back.

Another knight.

Saber's eyes are not trouble, but fighting spirit. It's amazing to be able to participate in this Holy Grail battle. It's wonderful to be able to realize your wish and fight against so many heroes from different eras.


It seemed like an uncontrollable voice.But anyone could hear the excitement in the voice, as if a long and undignified road had finally set foot on the right path.

BaSErker's body trembled slightly, this was not fear but 07's excitement, as if every cell was happy.

Sure enough, it is BaSErker, indeed a Berserker!

"Hey! BaSErker! I want you to slash Yagami, now what do you do with saber! This is an order!"

On the other side, Matou Kariya, who had been glaring at Yagami all the time, finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Kariya was extremely unhappy, this SErvant had established a contract with him, but he never listened to him.

And now, he actually left Yashenyue, who he wanted to kill the most, without cutting it off, to compete with Saber!

"To shut up!"

The armored man with the long sword in both hands did not turn his head, but the words he said made people pale, this... this, this, such a Servant with such a personality seems to be more arrogant than the King of Heroes.

Even though the King of Heroes was dissatisfied with Tokiomi, he didn't directly say that he was just arranging it behind the scenes, but the armor-kun here was good, and yelled at him directly in front of the master.

"You are too loud. If it wasn't for the fact that you can still provide magic to keep me materialized, I would have slashed you, the loud guy!"

Well, the next sentence directly seriously injured Kariya, and Kariya spat out a mouthful of blood again.

And Ye Shenyue is staring straight at the armor-kun, is the armor-kun in the original book really as stylish as he is now?

The identity of Lord Armor in the original book is that Lancelot seems to have fallen in love with Saber's wife... The princess who came to marry and then felt sorry for Saber to deliberately provoked Saber's anger and wanted Saber to slash him, so that he could Peace of mind.

Because Saber knew this and didn't blame him, but treated him kindly. Saber's broad-mindedness made Lancelot uneasy, so he deliberately targeted Saber just to beg for death and peace of mind.

But, even so, Lancelot can't be like this... Pull it!

"Excuse know me?"

Saber understands even if he is dull at this time. This armor-kun seems to know her, otherwise he will not target her all the time.And always called her Arthur.

She is King Arthur.

Her original name was Arturia, but there were very few people who called her Arthur, only the official title would be like this, such as the title of the Knights of the Round Table to her.

and many more.

"You are the knight of the round table... no, if it is the knight of the round table then I should be familiar with your offensive but..."

Saber's side has already fallen into chaos, and the thought that the opponent may be his acquaintance Saber's sword's offensive seems weak.

"I'm Lancelot!"

Armor-kun saw that Saber's strength was suddenly reduced, so he approached Saber a little, and then roared loudly.

Saber lost his mind for a moment.And Armor-kun's right hand strikes directly at Saber's hand like lightning.

Is this a chest attack?No, this is the raider?

Still not right!

One of her hands has been pressed on Saber's hilt, and a purple-red engraving appears from the hilt. This is the ability of the armor-kun to convert all the weapons it touches into her own treasure, but the purple-red Only when the engraving appeared, a golden brilliance burst out from the tip of the sword, hitting the engraving directly from top to bottom.


Like the roar of a lion, the golden brilliance engulfed the purple-red engravings.

BaSErker's skills are disabled.

"Cut... God's blessing is too annoying."

Armor Jun retracted his hand and held his long sword again, and then took a step back, as if nothing had happened, but everything happened, okay!

"……this is……"

Ye Shenyue, who was watching with her two daughters in her arms, almost froze. How could this picture make you want to complain.

Similar to this look.

A and B were playing together, and B saw the toy in A's hand and wanted to bring it over, but was too embarrassed to speak, and then suddenly screamed, "Look, there is a UFO!"

"Where? Where?"

A looks up, and at this time B takes the toy from A's hand.

That's the picture.

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