It's just that BaSErker couldn't take Saber's holy sword away.

So jaw-dropping!Is this really that man's Lancelot?

"Lancelot? No, you're not Lancelot."

Saber also stepped back a little, but the armor-kun is holding the long sword on his shoulder at this time, and it seems that he wants to steal the holy sword of sab120er and is ready to evacuate.

A battle is over.

Looks safe.

"saber! Why are you here?"

Yagami Moon only had time to ask Saber at this time, he put Icarus on Aoi's side, and Saber was assigned to Irisviel's side, if Saber is here then that means... Alice Fei Are they there too?


Before Saber could answer, a little loli sprang out from the road, with a purple robe and silver hair like a snow-white angel.

The little hand had already grabbed Ye Shenyue's pants, and then lifted up her tender little face.


It was Elijah!

Ye Shenyue looked at the road and saw Irisviel, who also had silver hair and scorching eyes. There were several packaging bags at her feet. It seemed that Saber went shopping with her, and then saw Yagami Yue Saber coming first. Helped, so the bag was still there.


X2 The daughters who had just settled down here immediately raised their voices and met Illya's red eyes.

The three looked at each other.

The big eyes... are actually staring at each other.

Ye Shenyue faintly smelled the smell of burning. Is this the prelude to the war or the end?

Chapter 0047 The deceived Kariya and the helpless Yeshenyue (two more please subscribe!


This is the slightly hoarse and weak voice of a man, this is Matou Kariya's voice!

Let Ye Shenyue be speechless, what did his daughter call him Matou Kariya to mix?And also called Daddy!Even if Kariya wanted to call Daddy, he wasn't dirty inkstone.But when it comes to the dirty inkstone, Ye Shenyue grabbed so many magic circuits from the dirty inkstone, and now those magic circuits are in Sakura's body, if Kariya wants to call her father, if you look at the root cause, it must be called. Sakura is the father?

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue's expression immediately became embarrassed.

have to!Yagami's side also fell into the same chaos as Saber's before.


Being stared at by three pairs of eyes, Rao Shiyueshenyue's face was thick enough, but she was still sweating coldly. After thinking about it, Yeshenyue was going to put down both Rin and Sakura in her hands and let the three of them get to know each other first. But the silver-haired elf who was just about to squat down and grabbed his pants showed a bright smile.

"Dad Ye Shenyue really wants to put down these two children who don't know where they came from and then carry Ilia up?"

The silver-haired loli who was pulling Yagami's trousers said so.

Elijah, you are provoking a war, you know?Didn't I tell you that you still have two sisters in this world?If you use "I don't know where it came from" as an adjective, you are killing yourself, right?

Ye Shenyue was determined to help this little daughter who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, who took the initiative to start a fight, but the two daughters who were still in her arms were already restless.

"What did you say? You're the little one who jumped out of nowhere. If you're Illya, then I've heard your name, but I... Rin Tohsaka, the eldest lady of the Tohsaka family is older than you. Two years old! You have to call me sister no matter what."

At this stage, Rin didn't know what tolerance was, so he immediately held his head high and showed an incomparably noble and high-quality "smile", while Sakura didn't speak, just stared at her with her blue-blue calm or disdainful eyes.

Illya's small body suddenly took a step back, obviously frightened.But I don't know if I was irritated by Rin's words or scared by Sakura's eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Illya's mother was not far behind her. She was frightened and took a step back just now. As long as she stepped back, she could enter her mother's arms and use the advantages of a child... and cried.


If she can do that then it can't be said that she is a pixie goblin.

Tears slowly flowed down the white and tender little face like this, "Dad...these two bad sisters bullied Illya..."

The silver-haired little Loli immediately took two steps forward in the step back just now, and instead of pulling her pants, she hugged Yagami Yue's leg.

"Uh... Illya doesn't cry anymore."

Ye Shenyue had no choice but to cry to a girl, and even more so to a little loli, that pear blossom with rain looks distressing.Ilya was not tall enough, so he had to squat down and put Rin and Sakura down, then silently Illya's head.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy well Illya—Dad, don't you want them?"

Illya was still crying, but she said these words while crying, "If you don't agree, then I'll cry even harder."

"Hey...Little dwarf, what are you talking about! You are so arrogant...if that's the case...then...I'm, Sakura, you should cry, I can't cry."

The eldest lady of the Tohsaka family immediately became angry, but her anger seemed to carry a lot of shocking things.

cold!What terrible things did you say!What is it that you cry too? Do you all want to cry?

Isn't this to approach him in the middle of the valley?

"Damn... Damn Ye Shenyue!"

At this time, a voice with anger and killing intent came over. This was Matou Kariya, who was still being eroded by insects and the armor-kun wanted to snatch the king's holy sword just now.

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