Now, I am afraid that he is looking for his own death.

"Sakura? Could it be that..."

Matou Kariya raised his head suddenly, and then glanced at Sakura with blue hair and blue eyes, "Could it be that the old guy Zuo Yan wants to take Sakura..."

Matou Kariya suddenly became excited, "BaSErker! Let's go and chop up that old guy!"

Hey, Kariya, can you not be so excited? Ye Shenyue almost thought he was an outsider.

"Since everyone has the same idea, let's go to the Matou mansion first. I'll go to Icarus and ask for a card. Then we will divide the work."

Ye Shenyue nodded, but the next thing is Ye Shenyue, who destroyed Zhuo Yan, and she didn't have the time to turn over the entire Fuyuki City to find the various avatars of Zhuo Yan. Zhuo Yan is a cunning old fox who divided his soul into two parts. With N points, after Ye Shenyue's uproar, I'm afraid he divided his soul even more, in order to cope with Ye Shenyue's anger.

It was impossible for Zuo Yan to be unprepared for revenge after Ye Shenyue found out the truth about him cheating on Kariya, so he had to do a good job in advance. Even if Ye Shenyue got angry in the end, he could survive with a little soul.

And if he succeeds, he'll have an endless lifespan...and revenge for Yagami, who wanted to take most of his magic circuits.

What a wonderful ending.

It's a pity that he failed. He never thought that his illusion would be broken so easily by Ye Shenyue.Moreover, Ye Shenyue also has a magic weapon specially aimed at him.

"Dragon Ball Detector... No, it's a Dirty Inkstone Detector!"

Yagami put Saber on Irisviel's side as a bodyguard, and Ikaros on Aoi's side as a bodyguard, so Aoi went out alone and Ikaros also followed.At this time, it is best to ask her for a universal card.

The so-called universal card can realize all wishes, that is to say, as long as you dare to think, there is nothing that cannot be realized.

Ye Shenyue used the universal card to get a few detectors dedicated to detecting the soul of Insect Lord and then distributed them to Saber, Icarus and the others.

But at this time, the armor-kun, who had been watching the play for a long time and continued to be entangled by the dark aura, also came over.

The armor-kun looked particularly tall because of the armor, and he stretched out his hand to immediately attract everyone's attention.

"BaSErker? You'll help too?"

Since BaSErker's jaw-dropping act of snatching the saber holy sword just now, Yagami no longer regards him as an ordinary Lancelot.

Because that move is not something that Lancelot can do at all. Yegami Yue is also someone who has had a relationship with King Arthur. Naturally, he has seen Lancelot. Lancelot is an excellent behavior even if Even if he became a Heroic Spirit, he wouldn't be able to do something like "deceive the simple King Arthur by means to finally achieve his goal".

"No...Actually, if you don't take action, I also want to take care of the dirty inkstone."

Matou Kariya added that it seemed that Armor-kun's actions were also his instigation.

The fact that SErvant obeys the master is perfectly normal in this world, but it always seems that some anomalies are going to pop up here.

"Then you can do it yourself. I want to solve that disgusting old man. I want to do it myself. After all, I am a knight. Having a noble soul and being maddened by that old man is really unbearable. And...I hate disgusting bugs."

This is the first time the armor-kun has said such a long paragraph.

It's just that there is no respect for Kariya, the master, in this paragraph. It is completely according to his own preferences.

" bastard..."

Ever since BaSErker was summoned, Kariya hadn't found that this Servant had heard him.And how could Kariya not be angry when he was still so defiant?

It's a pity that BaSErker didn't even look at him. He grabbed the "Dirty Inkstone Soul Detector" in his hand and looked curiously at the little dots that flickered on it.

"Cough cough... Okay, then we will start to divide the labor now. Kariya and I are directly responsible for the Matou mansion."

This BaSErkeer really cannot be measured by ordinary standards.

However, the next thing is the real thing, a real thing against Lord Insect.

Chapter 0049 It's time for the Tong House and the Insect Lord to retreat! (four more ask for subscription)

ps: Ziqi's other book "Tongshinji Between Naruto" will be on the shelves in a few days. At that time, I would like to trouble you to show your support and don't spray. If you don't like it, just click "X" to close the page, and when you see a bad review I can't write at all, that's all, Ziqi is grateful.

Thank you.

The following text: Matou House.

Even if the sun is shining, the house still has a gloomy and cold atmosphere, not to mention the night time, the whole house is shrouded in darkness and has an uncomfortable atmosphere.

"We meet again, Matou Souji."

Ye Shenyue and Kariya came to Matou's house, and as soon as they opened the door, they saw Dirty Inkstone standing in the courtyard with a cane and a calm face. Dirty Inkstone was still the same, with a bald face full of wrinkles and the characteristics of an old man. stains.

It was a trace of the precipitation of the years, but Ye Shenyue knew that the person possessed by the dirty inkstone was not an old man but an aging body too fast.Zuo Yan's body has long since subsided due to normal birth, old age, sickness and death. Now he just injects his soul into someone else's body and then occupies someone else's body, just because the soul is just his soul and the original body can't fit well, so it's caused Excessive aging of the body.It was because he experienced birth, old age, sickness and death, and then experienced excessive aging after changing his body, that he felt that living was such a happy thing, and that he thought... to live longer!

That's why he is so paranoid and so eager for life.

And now such an old man is standing in front of Ye Shenyue, his eyes are not cloudy and become sharp, "I was just waiting casually, it seems that I really waited for you. Ye Shenyue, I am not afraid of you, because You can never kill me, as long as there is a trace of my soul, then you can't do anything to me... um... this is..."

The words of Zuo Yan who was talking suddenly froze, because he felt that his soul is a common split soul, no matter which one has his consciousness and can feel each other, just at the moment he speaks He felt it, felt that one of the souls was wiped out!

Without the support of the body, the soul will disappear directly!

That is to say, the body that I put in other places was destroyed, and it was destroyed together with the soul!

" must be must just be accidental..."

The soul just now, he remembered that he put it into the sewer, no one could have noticed it, right?Some wild animal must have accidentally damaged his body.

"It's not an accident, it's a fact, you will soon find out that you are the last you, Dio Yan."

Ye Shenyue threw the "Soul Detector" in her hand into the air and then cast a dangling magic. Now Dirty Inkstone can also see the bright spots on the detector.

There are dozens of bright spots. He carefully counted the number of souls he split out.

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