"How is it possible...there is such a thing in this world!"

His lips trembled slightly, which was directly frightening. He had to know that the division of souls was his last resort, and now these souls were disappearing at an unbelievable speed. Every time a bright spot on the detector disappeared, he could sense the absence of a soul. , that is to say, the bright spot on this detector is really where his soul is!

And his soul is being destroyed at a rapid rate!

"Kariya... Kariya..."

Zuo Yan's voice had become a little hysterical, but after thinking that Kariya would not intercede for him, he immediately shouted, "Yishenyue... I know you grew up with Kariya, so you don't I might just watch Kariya die like this! He only has less than half a year, and I can let the bugs living in him come out gently. If you want to take out the bugs abruptly, the bugs are dying At that time, it will release concentrated acid, and then Kariya will surely die."

"So... let's make one last deal. I'm not involved in the Holy Grail, and I'm not staying here, as long as you can spare the last bit of my soul I can leave this country."

Thinking that back then, he had finally made it to this place from other places and settled down, but now that he said he wanted to leave, it proves that Zuo Yan was telling the truth this time.

It's just Zuo Yan's last resort. He's a cunning person, so when he was about to push Kariya as a pawn, he had already thought of the worst case of failure.

He knew that Ye Shenyue would definitely come to him to settle accounts, so he prepared his trump card, and the last trump card was to save Kariya as his trump card.

At that time, even if this hole card can't play the best role, he still has a backhand. He split his soul into more parts scattered in various places in Fuyuki City, some are bugs that burrow in the ground, some are Insects that hide in the dark in the sewers, and some are hidden on other people's bodies, as long as he doesn't say it, no one will know!Even if Yagami killed the current him, as long as one soul survives, the real "he" will not be destroyed!

However, he didn't expect this day to come so quickly, and at noon he was even thinking about how to get BaSErker to snatch the dagger that could deprive him of the contract in Yagami Yue's hands.

As long as the Servant who can strip the dagger of the contract and swipe Yagami takes his strongest Servant away, the Holy Grail War will be won.

However, this can only be imagined that Ye Shenyue has appeared in front of him now, and he has directly killed him so that he can't resist at all.

"No... Ye Shenyue, don't listen to Zhuo Yan, kill him quickly, he actually framed me and made me almost make Sister Kui regret my life... As long as I can kill Zhuo Yan, I have no regrets."

When Kariya saw that Ye Shenyue hesitated, she urged her immediately.

He was planted with worms by the dirty inkstone, and he knew that he would not live long, so he was not afraid at all.

Zuo Yan was doing everything he could to survive, but Kariya didn't want to live at all.

This is really interesting for the direct bloodline, but Ye Shenyue won't let Zuo Yan because of this. Since Zuo Yan repented and wanted to kill him through Kariya's hands, then he killed the dirty ink by himself. No one can say anything. .

Repay him with his own way!

Ye Shenyue raised her eyes and the "soul detector" suspended in the air had only the last bright spot, which was the dirty inkstone standing in front of him now.

"Zi Yan, goodbye."

Ye Shenyue didn't take out a weapon and didn't use ice or fire. Although using fire to burn bugs was the easiest way, there may be a better way now.

In Kariya's slightly surprised eyes, Ye Shenyue's hands appeared a faint silver-white brilliance. This brilliance was incomparably warm and incomparably broad, not only covering Zuo Yan and finally covering him, but the whole dim sky did not see the light of day. The Matou mansion was shrouded in this warm glow.

Enveloped by this radiance, the whole body is warm, as if the whole soul has been purified from the beginning to the end.

Because this is the light of purification.

In the brilliance, Zuo Yan's expression changed and became softer.

"The most...the first dream..."

His body was soaked in the warm brilliance, but the corners of his mouth slowly turned up. He seemed to have returned to the past and recalled the beautiful past. Why did he forget the past?

That was five hundred years ago.

He has just entered the country of Japan, and with the sunshine of a young man, "I want to save the world" and "I hope the world is peaceful!"

Such a desire, together with Einzbern and the Tohsaka family, formed the Yusan clan to start the Holy Grail War, in order to meet the original bloody desire.

World Peace.

I want to save the world.

However, he failed. He felt the fragility of human life. He didn't want to be so fragile. He still wanted to live. He wanted to live regardless of everything.

but now.

"Zorgen, you kept us waiting too long."

Gentle voice, Sorgen was the name of his youth, a name he had long forgotten but still remembered!

He opened his eyes and saw, seeing his original friend, Einzbern and the head of the Tohsaka family.

They smiled softly at him, waiting for him.

waiting for him.

Go where you need to go together.

"Well... I'm here, I've made you wait for a long time."

A smile finally appeared on Zhuo Yan's face, "Wait for me."

Immediately, he followed, and the Yusan family finally went together.

The light slowly dissipated and there was nothing in the place where the inkstone used to be.

Not only was the body dirty and the soul also purified in the end.

ps: You have no opinion on purifying Lord Insect directly. This is definitely not plagiarizing Shinji's book. It is definitely not.I have something to do today, the chapter in the early morning will be changed to tomorrow at 11 o'clock, please forgive me.

Chapter 0049 Matou Kariya, leave! (One more request to subscribe)

ps: Ziqi's other book "Tongshinji Between Naruto" will be on the shelves in a few days. I will trouble you to support me at that time, and Ziqi is very grateful.

Thank you.

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