The following text: The brilliance of Guangdu slowly disappeared, and the last dirty inkstone also disappeared. The immortal myth of Matou dirty inkstone was finally broken.


Matou Kariya suddenly sprayed a mouthful of blood, but this mouthful of blood was bright red, and the blood was neither sticky nor mixed with insects.

Ye Shenyue thought it was right, Guangdu can heal everything and inspire everything, and now he can purify everything.Since it was able to purify so many monsters in the catgirl world at the beginning, now of course it can also purify the dirty inkstone and his bugs, which are not even called monsters.

The so-called purification is to evaporate the filthy and filthy things directly into the world, but the "evaporated things" will not feel pain, how benevolent.

Ye Shenyue glanced at BerSErker subconsciously. When the beam here ended, BerSErker and the others had already rushed over here.After the light shines on this historic Matou mansion, it seems to be revived.

The only thing that can make it gloomy is Lord Insect and his bugs. Now both Lord Insect and insects have disappeared. Most of the filth in the world has disappeared.

Dirty inkstone is a contradictory person.

Zuo Yan's dream is to eliminate the evil in the world.And what dirty inkstone does is the evil of the world.

But in the end he finally went the right way, he left to remove the filth and left.


Yan Ye spit out another mouthful of blood, the blood was still bright red and not infected by insects. When he was illuminated by the light of Ye Shenyue just now, the insects in his body evaporated before the toxin could be released, and his body was also exposed to light. Du's recovery returned to normal, but Kariya, who was somewhat unbelievable, still sprayed blood to check.

Wiping the blood on her mouth with the sleeve of her sweatshirt, Kariya looked at Yagami and finally spoke in a slow but verifiable tone.

"Yishenyue... I've decided, since the dirty inkstone has been disposed of, then I have no wish, and I don't want to participate in the next Holy Grail battle, so... I want to leave."


Ye Shenyue looked at Matou Kariya, and was a little surprised at first. After all, those who participated in the Holy Grail all had urgent wishes to be fulfilled, otherwise they would not have been selected by the Holy Grail, but they were relieved.

Matou Kariya was a chess piece of Zuo Yan from the beginning. Now Zuo Yan has disappeared and the misunderstanding between him and Kariya has been solved. Kariya has no reason to continue participating in the Holy Grail.

"Yes, I want to leave. Although there is no more shackles here, I still can't live in Japan, so I want to go abroad."

Kariya explained, "I still have a small wish in my heart, but it doesn't require the Holy Grail to realize it, only going abroad."

"Okay, when everyone wants to leave, tell me and Aoi to see you off."

Ye Shenyue didn't hate Kariya too much. Compared to Tokiomi, the priest, Chisi or Mapo, felt that Kariya was more of a flesh-and-blood person.Even if he wanted to kill him at that time, it was because of Zuo Yan's third-rate illusion and his BerSErker never cut him obediently... So now that Kariya has made a choice, Yagami can only support him.


Kariya stood up straight and patted Yagami on the shoulder.Although he has a crush on Aoi, Kariya is a person who can afford it and let it go. You can know it from the beginning when he blessed Ye Shenyue and Aoi.

"Hey Hey hey……"

However, at this time, there was an abrupt voice, this is the voice of the armor-kun.It's really a shame that he can endure the sore sound he makes while wearing a mask.

However, this armor-kun, who skipped the present first, seems to be in a bad mood.

"What do I do if you withdraw from the Holy Grail?"

It's just a high-level tone of questioning.

Kariya was almost moved, although BerSErker's tone was not good, although BerSErker was no big or small, he didn't respect him as a master, but now, so anxious for his departure, could it be that he wanted to rely on him?

It turned out that BerSErker had to rely on him!At this moment, Kariya even felt that the armor-kun, who was wearing armor that was taller and more magnificent than him, looked "cute and petite"...

But BerSErker's next sentence brought him back to reality. Delusions really weren't suitable for him.

BerSErker says so.Tell the truth.

"If you withdraw from the Holy Grail, don't I have no magic power to support? Don't be kidding, I still have things I want to accomplish!"

The veins on the temple suddenly burst, Kariya only felt that he was infinitely sad and angry, and that his BerSErker feelings were treating him as a magic battery.

"Just break the contract so you can find a new master and continue to participate in the Holy Grail and get magic from him."

Although he was very dissatisfied with BerSErker, the dirty inkstone still showed a clear path for the armor-kun.

"I see... Then I'll choose him. This man named Ye Shenyue gives me an inexplicable intimacy, and the magic power contained in his body makes people yearn."

"It's decided so soon?"

At this moment, Kariya infinitely thought that BerSErker might have already thought of betraying him!How else could it have found a new owner so quickly?

"Although my heart is not very comfortable, but...Yishenyue, BerSErker will give you, I hope you can win the final victory and please don't let anyone hurt Sister Kui, BerSEr4.lker is not talented but can also make a difference in protection. Two-part force."

The sincerity on Kariya's face almost pushed BerSErker's head down and bowed to Yagami.

It's just that his sincerity was trampled on by his servants again.

"My mother is not something that an ordinary person like you can send around! You don't think too much of yourself, it is the luck of your life as an ordinary person to be able to summon the old lady! And I want to choose the owner myself, I don't belongs to you."

It's still the same painful voice, but what is this arrogance and awe-inspiring?

And there are more important words.


Ye Shenyue felt like the world was about to end. Armor-kun, who was so burly and even a little taller than him, was actually a girl?

Tough girl!

Chapter 0050 BerSErker start (two more for subscription)

The so-called female man is a kind of independent girl who belongs to a girl but is different from a lady. They can subvert people's three principles and five constants, destroy people's three views, and completely shock people!

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