This girl seems to be very photogenic!

In an instant, Ye Shenyue had removed her from the roster of female men and turned her into a lovely girl.

"Why are you still here? Or..."

The king girl glanced at Ye Shenyue, "Or you want to..."

The voice of the king girl suddenly lowered a few notes, "A close relative?"


The four characters in one place immediately made the Yeshen Yuehu body shake and then remained motionless.


Ye Shenyue didn't know how to answer this girl.

But the girl looked up at him, her brows moved slightly under the mask, "Don't think that I don't know that you are staring at King Arthur all the time, and I am her descendant, if you catch her then you will still be here. If you peek at me taking a bath, wouldn't that be insinuity?"

This time, it was no longer a shock to the tiger's body, and Ye Shenyue was almost stupid.


This word almost knocked him down. When did my king have offspring?Shouldn't my king be single?Or did something unimaginable happen when you left early?Or is there a secret?In order to maintain the rule of Great Britain, my king has found an heir?Then adopt it and become the current king girl?

Originally, King Arthur was famous and then gave her such a status, so the king girl has a morbid admiration and love for Saber?

For a while, Ye Shenyue alarm clock came up with countless conjectures, but somehow none of them were married to my king.

Perhaps it was because she felt that the force of the blow was not strong enough, so the king girl sneered twice, causing a chill in her heart. "Not just descendants, I can tell you my relationship with King Arthur, she is my father!"

When she said this, the king girl reflexively looked around, and she felt relieved that she didn't notice the sudden appearance of the figure and the sudden increase of violent particles on her head.

"So do you think you still have the guts? Do things like insidious rape..."

The king girl who didn't continue to be beaten after calling out her father seems to have found confidence, and she has a kind of fun and sense of turning over to be the master, and she can do whatever she wants in this world!How cool is this?

"Looks like you don't know me yet..."

Ye Shenyue has acquiesced to the setting of the heir that she just came up with. This is how people can unswervingly implement something once they identify with it, "I believe that you are Saber's child, and I don't mind you shouting. My dad...because..."

"The flat chested thing is the most loving... and I really like this one."


This time, it was the king girl, Jiao, who was shocked.The red eyes stared at Ye Shenyue tightly.

His eyes seemed to be emitting a million volts of light.

"So... have you seen her boobs?"

What kind of explosive speech is this, have you seen the chest of the King of Knights?

Even if you've seen it, you shouldn't ask about the little girl's film, and it's still with such a strong interest.

ps: It's even more rare that someone actually submits a reminder.

Chapter 0054 saber, we have to take it slow (two more subscriptions)

When the king girl asked the question about the knight king's chest with excitement and interest, Yagami had already made a judgment in her heart.

This child is likely to be a lily in the future!

Even though it is summer, Ye Shenyue still feels the cold wind, and the word lily is not unfamiliar, because in Kempfa's world, classmate Shacang Feng has fully demonstrated to him that the borderline between heterosexuality and human beast love. among the white lilies like flowers.

It is said that other people's affairs should be less involved. If the king girl is really Lily, then it's okay, but with the other party's attitude towards the king of knight's chest, Yagami is very worried that the person who thinks of Lily is the king!

How can a scholar kill a lily?If you want Lily, he has to come to the Lily Knight King... Uh, no, it seems to be wrong. It should be that the Knight King is his Lily Girl and can't take it away.

So I felt that the angry Ye Shenyue was being dug into the corner and stared "ruthlessly" at the king girl, and all her eyes were shot at her flat but cute and cute chest, as if she could suppress her heart a little. anger.

"But it's really flat..."

Ye Shenyue sighed with emotion. Sure enough, she and Saber are not in the same family, and Saber really chooses the 07 successor, even if she chooses a chest smaller than hers.

Can he secretly guess Saber's intention?

Now that she knew about the Shacangfeng attribute of the king girl, Ye Shenyue didn't have much interest in staying there, which made the king girl a little strange, but it was strange that she continued to take a bath safely.

"As expected, it's the most comfortable when no one disturbs you~~" "Wash, wash, take a bath~, there is an Arthur that is indispensable~, rub your hands and feet, my Arthur is really amazing~~" It came out again.

It was a coincidence that Ye Shenyue had just walked out of the bathroom and came to the yard when he saw the blonde girl he had just thought of.

This must be a girl, whether it is her beautiful blonde hair, her calm and serious expression, or even her slightly bulging breasts, she is also showing her female identity.

Dressed in a knight's suit, he held the long sword majestic in his hand, but he was doing the simplest attack, raising the sword, stabbing it out, and then retracting it.

There is only one movement, but it does not show the slightest impatience, and every movement is so serious and focused.

"Drink! Drink!"

Her voice can be heard from a distance.It was really hard work, even though it was so late, I still exercised myself like this.

Ye Shenyue has a strange feeling, like crossing time and space again and meeting Saber again, under the same sky and the same moonlit night, he stood and looked at the girl who was sprinting, then stopped, and sprinted again. The tender place in my heart was touched.


Saber found someone looking at her and turned her head slightly.

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