"Is there a thousand missions tonight?"

Ye Shenyue saw that Saber had stopped and simply did not stay there, but appeared directly in front of Saber.He grabbed his hand back and immediately appeared, "Well, it's still two hundred strokes away, um, thank you."

Saber replied seeing the towel that Ye Shenyue handed over, and then reached out to take it, but the moment he reached out, his body seemed a little stiff.

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue didn't make any special observation and found that Saber was vaguely wrong.

"No... it's not your problem, it's me."

Saber's right hand clenched into a fist as if checking if there was anything wrong with his hand. "Just when I was about to end the towel handed over by the master, my body reacted directly and naturally to take it. It feels like what I'm doing now."

"What are you doing now?"

"It's just practicing swordsmanship. Since I was thirteen years old, I have to train a thousand times every night to fall asleep. This is about to become a habit, but when I was about to pick up the towel handed over by the master, the feeling of getting used to it seems to be more than every day. The training you're going to have to be familiar with. It always feels like... it feels like the same thing happened."

There was confusion on Saber's face, "I felt it from the moment I saw the master, master... Have we met before? You give me a feeling that you are very familiar and familiar, but you can't recognize it... "

Ye Shenyue's heart skipped a beat. Even if some words can be guessed, the effect of hearing a real person say it is definitely not acceptable. Saber is already used to him?

Get used to him being around her?Ye Shenyue remembered that when he was in the era of King Arthur, he stood by watching Saber practice swords and then brought a towel to wipe the sweat when he saw the sweat.

Such a simple answer could almost be swept away by Saber's heart.

You must know that according to Alaya, saber has forgotten everything about him!

However, Saber now has a faint tendency to recall it. Does it mean that the memory is going to be restored?

This is a happy event.

"No, Ye Shenyue has never met you."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, but in her heart she added that you met Merlin.

"That's it..."

Saber's mood was slightly lost, "However, when I saw the master, I always felt that I had seen you. I just can't remember... I have memories from childhood to adulthood, but I always feel that a part is missing..."

After that, both of them were silent. It wasn't that Yagami Yue didn't want Saber to think about it, but he thought that even if he remembered it, what was the point of letting Saber know that he was Merlin?He likes Saber, but what about the other party's heart?

And if I really think about it, it should be Saber himself.If you rely on him to tell her then there is no point, it becomes her receiving instead of spontaneous thinking.

And more importantly, Saber knew Merlin, but he was just friends with Merlin, or he was also a teacher and a friend. In Ye Shenyue's view, it was definitely not the relationship he wanted emotionally, and he could do restricted-level things. She thinks of Merlin and then restores her friendship, she might as well work harder to grab Saber's heart!What you couldn't do before is now done!

Otherwise, you will miss the chance to come to this world.

"The missing memory can't be found right away, and to get it back, you'll be looking for someone else slowly, and it's someone else, so."

Ye Shenyue paused.

"So, saber... let's take it slow."

Ye Shenyue smiled and stretched out her hand to Saber. "I can help you."


Somehow Saber found himself a little unable to refuse, and then extended his hand too.

This time, she directly touched Ye Shenyue's palm without gloves, and then clenched it tightly as if it were a promise.

"You don't have to call me saber, you can also call me Arturia."

Saber said with a slight smile.

"Well, it's too raw to be called Master, so you can call me Ye Shenyue."

"Okay, Ye Shenyue."

Try calling.

"Well, Arturia."

Familiar title.

The eyes of the two meet, and they can see their own reflections in each other's eyes.Clear and bright.

Saber's hand has not yet broken free, she has a warm feeling.

Under the same sky and the same moonlit night, her hand was being held, and it was the same feeling of being tolerated and pampered.

This feeling of warmth and comfort is what she has been looking for.

Now, it seems to have been found.

ps: If you have free children's boots, please collect the "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and I am very grateful.

Chapter 0055 Invitation letter issued by Caster (three more subscriptions)

Time returns to the morning when Kariya was sent to leave Japan in pursuit of the French girl.

Ye Shenyue was in the car, and after sending off Kariya to witness this good friend leave the Holy Grail, Yashenyue felt a sense of exhaustion.Not because of the loss of oil, but because the King of Knights and BerSErker are constantly sorting things out.

Last night he persuaded Saber to slowly recover his memory, but there was a terrible incident of the king girl sneaking to attack my king three times at night, which made him guard my king all night to prevent her from falling into the lily heir Sha Cangfeng In the hands of the second-generation king girl.

"Honey, would you like to lie down in the back seat for a while?"

The driver of the car was still a good wife and a good mother, Miss Kui from Dancheng. While waiting for the traffic light, Kui turned to face Yeshen Yuedao, who was sitting in the passenger seat with one hand supporting her face.

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