"No need, it's almost here anyway."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and gently patted Kwai's hand on the steering wheel, the back of her hand was smooth and warm like jade.

Kwai nodded, but she drove the car faster because this would allow Ye Shenyue to rest in the Dancheng mansion earlier.


However, when I was driving at high speed, I was slightly startled when I saw the scene ahead and braked quickly.

Because I didn't react so quickly, the car grabbed the ground and swayed violently. Yashenyue focused her attention and mobilized the magic in her body to stabilize the car, but she stared at the whistling and rolled up eight tentacles in front of her. The tentacle monster, the tentacle monster rolled over its tentacles, and two of the tentacles were still stretched out. If the car didn't stop, it would hit it directly.

At that time, the tentacles will be rotten meat all over the place, or the car will be covered with rotten minced meat.

Just thinking about this picture makes me sick.

Ye Shenyue didn't want Aoi's car to directly hit this ugly and disgusting tentacle monster, and immediately mobilized the fire element in her body to attack the tentacle to kill it in place and evaporate until it disappeared.

In the end there was no ashes left.


Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief.

In my heart, I made a sincere apology to one of my adopted sisters. This tentacle is too disgusting and can't save the city without burning it, so I'm sorry Kotori, I can only borrow your flame.

However, if Kotori could receive this kind of apology, it might not be able to quell the anger, but would have the opposite effect. Since she knew she was disgusting, why did she use her flames to contaminate it?Isn't this also insulting her fire?

"Yue... Look, there is a letter on the ground!"

The tentacle monster has disappeared, and Aoi has settled down. The girl really doesn't like the tentacle-kun who is full of evil, but when she settles down, she finds that there is a black letter [-] meters behind the tentacle monster. letter.

black envelopes?

Ye Shenyue directly waved the letter with her hand and flew over as if she had eyes.

The letter says so.

"Dear Master of my Joan of Arc.

The world is so amazing that we can meet in this world.

I thought she could only be awakened by obtaining the Holy Grail, but she didn't expect her to appear here too.

As a former comrade-in-arms, I am very happy, so I want to do something for her.

Although you took Joan of Arc under your command forcibly, this does not stop me from wanting to hold a lively feast for Miss Joan of Arc.

So tonight at [-]:[-], I will hold a special reunion feast for Miss Jeanne at the sea in Fuyuki City, which is the sea north of the pier where you met last time!

At that time, I hope you and Miss Jeanne can come.No, it must come.

Well, I am here waiting for you.

Caster stayed. "There is no doubt that this letter was specially sent by Caster. The tentacle just now was probably the messenger, and he also knew that Ye Shenyue would kill Tentacle-kun without hesitation, so he put the letter behind Tentacle-kun.

However, according to the content of this letter, Caster seems to recognize Saber as Joan of Arc just like the original. Caster was once a companion with Joan of Arc, but he saw that Joan of Arc, who had given everything, ended up being hanged, so his heart was twisted.



Ye Shenyue immediately compared the Joan of Arc he knew to Saber in her mind.

The first is the hair. Joan of Arc has silver hair and Saber has blond hair. If this is all wrong, isn't Caster colorblind?

Then there are the expressions, Miss Joan of Arc is a mouthless loli, while Saber is serious and more like a knight.

Then there is the holy sword. Miss Joan of Arc's holy sword belongs to children's toys, but it was cut off by Bai Xue with one sword. Saber's holy sword is golden and dazzling.One white and one gold, can this be mistaken?

The last is the ending of Miss Joan of Arc. According to the information of Miss Joan of Arc of the Nth generation who has no talent for painting, Miss Joan of Arc was not sent to the gallows and was actually hanged as a substitute!

This is the deception of the first generation of Joan of Arc!I deceived everyone including Caster of course!

In the end, isn't this Caster a color-blind idiot and then a deceived poor bastard?

Ye Shenyue showed a helpless expression. He seemed to think that if he really called Miss Jeanne out to confront Caster, then Caster would be too pitiful.

ps: The new book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" will be released soon. I hope you can continue to support it, and I am very grateful.

Chapter 0056 Emiya Kiritsugu's attack and deprivation of the command curse (four more subscriptions)

ps: Today's five shifts, tomorrow will add another update for my sister's birthday.

In the church in Fuyuki City, Kotomine Kirei's father, the old priest, was standing in the center of the church.

"It's the first time I've heard of such a thing as a supervisor for so long. Neither the Master nor the SErvant have any interest in the Holy Grail, and what is extremely bad is that they are determined to kill ordinary civilians!"

One of the strict rules in the Holy Grail War is that civilians must not be killed at will, and even civilians must be avoided when fighting so that they cannot be seen by ordinary people.But this time, Caster and his master actually trampled on this agreement and hunted ordinary people at will!

"So, as the supervisor of this Holy Grail battle, I have issued a mission. As long as the battle is temporarily stopped, as long as the master can defeat Caster, I will give the excess curse marks left by the last Holy Grail battle to the winner."

The old priest paused and looked at the shikigami released by several masters and continued, "It is well known that the Command Spell is a gift from the Holy Grail to the master's followers. As long as you have the Command Spell, you can compulsively command Heroic Spirits, but every master There are only three times, three precious times, but the Command Spell from me can increase the number of trend followers! I'm sure you all know what that means."

Everyone knows that the use of Command Spells can force Heroic Spirits to unleash their power that would otherwise be impossible, and they can also commit suicide against the Heroic Spirit's wishes!

The end of the Holy Grail is to offer all the heroic spirits as sacrifices and then summon the Holy Grail to fulfill the master's wish!

This is the secret and the most important one!Therefore, it is most important to leave a Command Spell for the Heroic Spirit to commit suicide!

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