Yagami didn't tell Saber that what Emiya Kiritsugu was doing was correct in some way.

Because his creed is to sacrifice a few to save the majority, as long as he can save the majority, he can do it regardless of whether the sacrificed minority is male or female or young or old.

However, it is impossible to save everyone!An outstanding hero is not a person who saves a man by giving him a fish. It is better to teach him how to fish. It is better to let them learn to save himself than to save others. After all, even a hero will be dragged down abruptly.

Night God glanced at Saber, who was called by Irisviel to drink tea, and then continued to watch the development of the matter.

About Tokiomi, or about Kotomine Kirei, who could destroy Tokiomi.

Kotomine Kirei had already discovered that his father had died, but Ye Shenyue noticed the corner of his mouth, and it was a slight smile!

Seeing that Dad hung up Kotomine Kirei actually laughed!

"How is this possible! Who is it? Who did this!"

Kotomine Kirei quickly brought the news to Tokiomi, and there was no accident that he considered himself graceful and righteous, only to achieve the dream of a magician. In the end, he could only comfort Kotomine Kirei first. After all, it was his father who died.

It was just that Kotomine Kirei had no expression on his face, and Tokiomi was not surprised. After all these years of coexistence, he understood that Kotomine Kirei was such a person, like a facial paralysis, there was no way to cure it.

"What? Dad didn't have any sadness when he hung up, not only on his face but also in his heart."

Coming out of Tokiomi's room, Gilgamesh appeared in real form and looked at Kotomine Kirei.

"No, in fact, my heart is full of loss."

However, Kotomine Kirei shook his head, but the smile on the King of Heroes' face did not disappear, "Your loss should be."

"I couldn't kill him myself."


Kotomine Kirei instantly raised his head and looked at the King of Heroes.

"I said you are a boring person, because you haven't found your own fun, the reason you were chosen by the Holy Grail is that you want to use the Holy Grail to discover what you are interested in, you want to experience what is fun, what is joy, what is joy enjoy!"

The voice of the King of Heroes continued, "Whether it's killing your father who always binds you or betraying Tokiomi, this is what you want to do. Killing, you are killing every day but you can't find it in it. To be happy, because that's an order and you're just doing it!"

"So...you need to take part in the Holy Grail. Only by continuing can you find it and make your heart happy."

"And you, you need the most powerful SErvant and go to the end."

The King of Heroes smiled. He did not believe that Kotomine Kirei was unmoved. The King of Heroes was very annoyed. He needs another magician who can provide him with materialization.

And this Kotomine Kirei fits his requirements very well.

So the hero king Chi Guoguo came to seduce.

Kotomine Kirei looked at the King of Heroes, his lips moved, "It seems Tokiomi didn't tell you the essence of the Holy Grail War, what the Holy Grail needs in the end is the soul of the Servant as a tribute, and it can only be accomplished if all the Servants contribute. The real Holy Grail, yes, all the Servants! So, why is Tokiomi so careful not to use the Command Spell? That's because you need the last Command Spell to make you, the King of Heroes... kill yourself!"

Kotomine Kirei did not directly agree to the invitation of the King of Heroes, but his frankness had already shown everything.After telling the King of Heroes all these secrets, how could the King of Heroes continue to be loyal to Tokiomi?

As the King of Heroes does not want to die and wants to live in this world, Mine Kirei does not need the Holy Grail to fulfill his wish. His wish is to make the process of capturing the Holy Grail feel joyful!

No need to kill the King of Heroes!

The two are a perfect match!

The two looked at each other and saw each other's answer at this moment.

Well, seeing this, Ye Shenyue feels that he has seen the ending.

Tokiomi, you are really finished, not only is the priest on your side dead, the apprentice is going to betray, and then the Servant still has a back of his head. Dangerous state, really should not die if you don't die.

Yagami Yue stood up and walked to Irisviel, "Eli, go to the room with me, and I will take out the last bit of the remains of the Holy Grail in your body."

Then go to the meeting and meet Caster who is going to have a feast!

ps: Five shifts are over.The new book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" will be on the shelves soon. I hope you will continue to support it, and I will be grateful.

Chapter 0058 Appears, Roshan Demon King and Tentacle Monster! (One more request for subscription)

ps: Today's five more... probably.

"Tokiomi, I'll give you one last piece of advice, beware of everyone around you."

Knowing that Emiya Kiritsugu had already started to take the initiative, he possessed more than a dozen Command Spells to command lancers, and the back of Kotomine Kirei and the King of Heroes, Yagami Tsuki, shook his head, but called Tokiomi.

It is true that he and Tokiomi have a gap, but it is not necessary for him to hang up. After all, the Tohsaka family's family business is still very large. If Tokiomi hangs up, it will be time-consuming to manage. More importantly, it seems to be in time. After I hung up, Miss Tohsaka became a poor young lady. He always had to leave this world, but he didn't want Rin to work so hard.

The magic of the Tohsaka family is very, very expensive gem magic, and the cost is very expensive, and for this Holy Grail War, Tokiomi used the property mortgage to buy a large amount of gems. Let Rin change the seller's property to pay off the debt.This is not what an enlightened father should do, so Yagami is ready if Tokiomi survives, then let him sell himself to pay off his debts!

Tokiomi, I have given you a choice.

Whether they were blindly killed by Kotomine Kirei and the others, or survived and sold themselves to pay off their debts, whatever you choose, I have done my best.

Yagami, who had already made up her mind to let Tokiomi sell herself, rubbed her chin.

And the other side.


Tohsaka Tokiomi put down the phone, and then paced up and down the room for a while in silence. He was thinking about what Yashinyuki meant. There was no one around him except Kotomine Kirei... No, still There is a king of heroes.

Could it be that Yagami is telling him to be careful about Kotomine Kirei and the King of Heroes?

Kotomine Kirei has no desire and just wants to help him. Would such a person betray him?Moreover, the old priest had already been killed Tokiomi felt a sense of guilt towards Kotomine Kirei, so he would definitely not doubt Kotomine Kirei.

There is also the King of Heroes, the legendary hero who is also known as the most powerful man. He has surrendered to the King of Heroes and his loyalty has arrived, and the King of Heroes...will the King of Heroes betray him?

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