Very likely.

Kotomine Kirei Tokiomi felt that he should not doubt it, but the King of Heroes was likely to betray him, because the King of Heroes was the king, and the king did not like to be restrained, and that time he used the Command Spell to force the King of Heroes back to avoid him directly and his brother. ·The younger brother Ye Shenyue met, the King of Heroes was very angry and criticized for this, and the King of Heroes was a person who was very public and respectful, so...the gap this time is likely to be enlarged.

Tokiomi thought of this, he hadn't thought about it before, but now after Yagami's reminder, he really felt that the King of Heroes was a very dangerous character.

He did not doubt Ye Shenyue, even though he knew that Ye Shenyue also had a gap with him, but because of Ye Shenyue's identity, he did not doubt him. After all, he was his own younger brother (Tokiomi thought so), even at the last moment. Either he or Yashenyue will win the battle, it's all like a play from his Tohsaka family, Yashenyue doesn't need to kill him!

And Ye Shenyue has no reason to harm him, anyway, whether it's for the Holy Grail to come or the Holy Grail to disappear, SErvant must be the one who will die in the end!He, the master, belonged to the crowd who didn't have to take a lunch.

However, Yasuzuki made this call and asked him to be careful of Kotomine Kirei and the King of Heroes.

If these two people really have the heart of betrayal, aren't they in the most dangerous situation?

Although I was sorry for Kotomine Kirei, Tokiomi still had a clear head at this time, so he was his younger brother and his assistant, of course he chose to trust his younger brother.

It's fine if it's just Yagami Yue's overthinking, but if it's true then...

Tokiomi looked at the spell, and finally stopped turning around, walked out of the door and walked towards the King of Heroes. Although the priest died, Caster was still a magician and the manager of magic in Fuyuki City. He had the duty to destroy Caster. ...


Caster appeared just after six o'clock. He appeared in the center of the lake, with his cloak flying high and his face raised, matching his tall figure, showing a sense of self-confidence...

Caster's huge eyes swept over to Ye Shenyue, then shook his head slightly but spoke in an excited tone.

"Oh... Ye Shenyue... You're here... Where's Joan of Arc? Where's my Joan of Arc? Could it be that you are the only one at the banquet? It seems that you think my sincerity is not enough, so I will give it to Joan of Arc's feast Put it out for you to see... Is it enough for Jeanne to come out!"

"Master... hurry up, I want to witness what the real COOL is as soon as possible!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout on the bridge, it was a young man with extreme excitement on his face.

"O... Ryunosuke, please wait a moment, after all, it takes time to release magic. O?"

Caster replied that Ryunosuke didn't even finish his sentence when he noticed a bullet rushing towards his head.

But Caster waved a string of fat tentacled monsters in front of him instead and was hit by bullets and he was unscathed.

"It turns out that there are other guests who are not on the invitation list... Well, if that's the case, then let you all participate."

Caster's face didn't look annoyed at being attacked, he didn't even look at where the bullet was fired, and the magic book in his hand glowed purple-black.

It's like throwing a small pebble on the calm lake of 1.6, and then a circular ripple slowly rises in the place where the pebble is thrown and then spreads around.


Slowly the huge object emerged from the water and slowly revealed its real appearance.

This is the huge accumulation of countless rotten flesh and countless corrupt substances!The body is tall and disgusting, and the most disturbing thing is the fat, thick, long... tentacles that the monster stretches out to all directions!

The public enemy of women, loli's tentacles of fear!

Damn Roshan Demon King!


Ye Shenyue has never seen a real tentacle before, but seeing such a Roshan Demon King immediately made a decision, she must... must destroy this Roshan Demon King!

Chapter 0059 Kill Long Zhisuke (two more subscriptions)

"Be sure to kill Caster!"

This is the common voice of the Masters who are near or far in the vicinity of the Great Demon King of Roshan.Not to mention the rotten flesh of the Roshan Demon King or its freshness, just the fat, thick and disgusting tentacles with suckers are enough to make people want to kill it.

The Great Demon King of Roshan is made of carrion and his body is as terrifying as a hill.

" Joan of Arc, start now...and our feast is about to begin!"

Caster let out a roar of excitement and then two thick tentacles crawling with suction cups one pulled on his face and tugged at his waist all the way and rolled him in like an octopus roll.

Caster was eaten by the Roshan Demon King he summoned?

No, he used his magic power as the food for the demon king of Roshan to become a body.

"Oh, sir, it's so cool! Oh, those giant tentacles are awesome!"

Ryunosuke, who was watching from a distance on the bridge for fun, roared loudly. 07 was full of excitement and excitement, and he waved vigorously towards the huge tentacles that extended over.

"Awesome, sir, I want to be hit by this huge tentacle too!"

Have a shot?

Ye Shenyue hates the cold, does this Ryunosuke want to be blasted so much?

He waved at the dark armored man, "BerSErker, give me your sword."

Yagami only brought BerSErker here, and the other Heroic Spirits stayed at home and did whatever they wanted.Anyway, Ye Shenyue has decided that Saber must not be allowed to stay with the king girl who is dangerous and has the temperament of Shacangfeng's descendant.

The king girl put on the armor again, still thick black armor. BerSErker was slightly taken aback at Yagami's order.


She couldn't help but stay for a while, because Ye Shenyue didn't ask her to attack but wanted her sword!You must know that the weapons of heroic spirits are the weapons of heroic spirits after all, and mortals cannot use them without authorization, and there is a more important reason.

"Once the sword leaves my hand, it can only be an ordinary item and cannot be regarded as a treasure."

This is her special ability, as long as anything she holds in her hands will become her treasure, which is similar to Medea's dagger that can deprive followers. "So then it will only be a scrap of iron."

In the eyes of heroic spirits, this sword is only scrap metal.

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