Is it immortal?'s probably not enough damage!

Tokiomi frowned, then stepped forward and said, "King of Heroes, please use that sword that can destroy the heavens and the earth to attack. Only one blow can destroy Caster, otherwise it would be bad if he let it go ashore to prey on him."

Anyway, in this Holy Grail battle, he won or his younger brother Ye Shenyue won. This is a family game. There is no need for intrigue, so Tokiomi, who has figured it out, is not willing to hide it, and immediately let the King of Heroes use the strongest big weapon.

It's just that he has now let the King of Heroes use the unique trick King of Heroes to quit.

"Tokiomi, I threw out four swords just for your sake, because I've been touched by that disgusting monster, so I'm not going to take them back, but let me use my most precious sword to cut through this pile of mud. I have no interest at all! So, I will not intervene! Don't ask for so much from a mere minister!"

The King of Heroes had already made up his mind to betray Tokiomi and Iwamine Kirei's alliance, so no matter what Tokiomi said, he would not do anything, leaving Tokiomi on the side with a magic wand was extremely helpless.

At the same time, he is also secretly concerned. If the heroic king really wants to talk about rebellion, the probability of it will reach at least [-]%!

He looked at Yanfeng Kirei, "Kirei, how is the situation now?"

Tokiomi is no better than a heroic spirit who can hear voices from thousands of miles away. Everything is from Iwamine Kirei's Assassin. Assassin has an advantage, that is, being a spy, he can spread information from a distance. Iwamine Kirei replied.

"Ya Shenyue has summoned a new Servant."

His voice was flat but the corners of his mouth were slowly raised. Normally, there are only seven masters and seven followers in a Holy Grail battle, but this time there were eight masters and eight followers. But now...

You can summon Servants again!

Is this possible?

Is this science?

ps: There is one more update.The new book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" will be on the shelves around Wednesday, and I hope you will support it, and I will be grateful.

Chapter 0062 Broken Caster!On (five updates for subscription)

It wasn't just Iwafeng Kirei, who was ambushing Webber and the King of Conquerors nearby. Emiya Kiritsugu and Lancer also saw the long silver hair that appeared on the water sloping down, and the snow-white armor was holding the snow-white in their hands. The long sword, and then the slender eyelashes blinked slightly, opening the tightly closed eyes.

There seemed to be a cold light in her eyes that made people feel a biting chill, and the long sword in her hand quickly froze.

Because she is the master of ice.

This is a Servant... a newly summoned Servant!

How unscientific!

Emiya Kiritsugu's face was gloomy. He was forcibly robbed by Yagami Yue and then took the lancer from Kainas and got the Command Spell from the old priest. However, now, now what?

Ye Shenyue actually summoned another Servant!How cruel, how unscientific and how unfair it is that you don't even need to draw a magic circle!

He has the feeling that he has lived as a dog for his age!


Originally excited to go mad at the sight of the red-haired king girl, but still, the giant Roshan Demon King began to shake violently and terribly. Large chunks of rotten flesh peeled off from his body and then grew back, just like It is generally reborn.

Rise from the ashes?

No, this is just Demon King Roshan or Caster, who has "fitted" with the Demon King Roshan, expressing his surprise and excitement.

"Oh... Joan of Arc! You are Joan of Arc! Joan of Arc! Remember me?"

Caster's excited voice came from above the Demon King of Roshan.

However, Caster's roar almost knocked the ambush down!

Caster who just saw the red-haired BerSErker behind him shouted Joan of Arc, and now when he saw the silver-haired girl, he shouted Joan of Arc!

In the end... Who is Jeanne?Could it be said that it is a girl and then carrying a long sword is Joan of Arc?Or is Caster already suffering from madness and calling him Joan of Arc no matter who he sees?

Then Ye Shenyue spoke, and he put away the card in his hand. It was a card with a faint silver-white brilliance. It was a universal card that could only fulfill one wish a day from Icarus.

Sure enough, this universal card is omnipotent, and even summoning skills can be used directly.

Ye Shenyue looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her and had further plans in her heart, but she had a gentle smile on her face, "Long time no see, Miss Jeanne. Or my maid," this guy is really Jeanne!

Hearing Ye Shenyue's voice, the SErvants showed curious expressions on their faces. This time it was Joan of Arc who was summoned?The Joan of Arc that has gone mad and Caster has been looking for?

And what is the connection between the "Maid Maid" and "My Maid Miss" in Ye Shenyue's mouth?

Now what will happen when the Lord meets?

Love triangle... Definitely a love triangle.

The gossip people have already started to imagine the gossip. For example, Caster and Joan of Arc are a pair of lovers, and then Yashenyue suddenly appeared and snatched Miss Joan of Arc and made her her maid. Caster who lost Joan of Arc is all over the world. Looking for Miss Joan of Arc, her former lover, and then replaced by a madman who is Miss Joan of Arc no matter who she sees.

What a touching and heartwarming story.

The King of Conqueror was almost in tears by his own imagination.

"It's been a long time, but I hope you can take back the title of Maid. After all, I have paid for drawing Vlad's weakness and have been your maid for many days, so I have already paid for helping me repair the holy sword. Paid. And now, call me Joan of Arc."

The silver-haired girl looked quite calm.


Yes, it is Vlad, the Joan of Arc of Vlad who can say this name can only be the Joan of Arc of the Nth generation that Ye Shenyue knows!

This is Miss Joan of Arc from the world of Aria.

"and many more……"

However, at this time, Joan of Arc was directly facing Ye Shenyue's side, and when she heard the trembling voice of the overwhelming muscles (the meat of the Great Demon King Roshan) from behind, she immediately turned her head back and the ice cube's expression instantly thawed.

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