"What kind of monster is this... So disgusting, a hundred times more disgusting than a guy like Vlad!"

It's really disgusting, Ye Shenyue quite agrees with Joan of Arc's point of view, but she looks a little apologetic when she looks at Roshan Demon King who is overjoyed.

"Forgot to tell you the reason why I summoned you here, in this world I met this Caster who had followed Joan of Arc, and he turned into this figure for a banquet for Joan of Arc, so in order to appease his anger, I prepared Offer you as a sacrifice and then you can happily go back to your hometown and get married. Of course, you can beat it. Those tentacles are quite..."

Ye Shenyue's words were interrupted.

"Night God Moon!"

Miss Joan of Arc immediately shouted loudly, "How can I defeat this monster alone! Isn't it a maid... I do... I do it!"

Miss Joan of Arc stepped back slightly and then went all the way to the side of Yagami, and then kept on the same level as her.

Joan of Arc-Saint, what about the imposing manner and conduct of your saintess?

Seeing that Tentacle-kun immediately obediently became a maid Jeanne?

"No no no no……"

Seeing Joan's backing, Caster's voice became anxious, "No... Joan, how could you reject me? How could you do this? I'm so happy that you're still alive in the world, but... even, Joan of Arc, you actually learned how to bend and stretch... I'm so excited!"

"However, if you could have done this earlier, have done this earlier...then you wouldn't have to be sent to the gallows...why were you so stupid in the first place?"

Lost Tone Lost Words Lost King Roshan is bowing his head.

The Great Demon King of Roshan is Caster and Caster is the Great Demon King of Roshan. At this moment, the Great Demon King is about to collapse.

ps: The new book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" will be on the shelves around Wednesday. I look forward to your support at that time, and I will be grateful.

Chapter 0063 The collapsed Caster!Next (one more ask for subscription)

But it hasn't completely collapsed, because the Roshan Demon King is still there, the tentacles are still there, and Caster is still there!

The silver-haired petite girl turned her face to look at the Great Demon King Roshan, she heard Caster's voice, then raised her face slightly, "That's you stupid... Although I don't know who you are, I think you've been deceived. is still kept in the dark.”

"In the dark?"

Caster repeated it and then the body of the Great Demon King Roshan became quiet.

"In the dark, of course."

Ye Shenyue saw that the girl named Joan of Arc, the maid, had an undisguised expression of contempt on her face, which was completely the opposite of her usual icy expression.

"Since Joan of Arc is a saint, how could she be so foolishly sent to the gallows and burned to death? Everything is just a trick to fool the world. The one who was sent to the gallows was just a substitute, and then the real Joan of Arc was sent to the gallows. Deeply hidden merit and fame. Finally got married and had children, and then I was the Nth generation of Joan of Arc!"

marry?Having a child... Then this is the Nth generation of Joan of Arc!

Hearing the news of the maid Joan of Arc's self-destruction, the three groups of forces lurking in the vicinity became a little excited, but this secret is really the secret of Chi Guoguo! So it seems that this Joan of Arc is the Nth generation of Joan of Arc so and Ye Shenyue didn't take it for granted. Just now, they were a little worried and worried that Ye Shenyue knew the first generation of Joan of Arc. The first generation of Joan of Arc has been hundreds of years ago.Isn't that another Matou Dirty Inkstone?

Just according to what the maid Joan of Arc said, her ancestors got married and had children... this...

Everyone focused their attention on Caster, the Demon King of Roshan.

If Caster has a crush on Joan of Arc, how would he feel when he heard that Joan of Arc got married and had a child?Outraged or... happy to accept this bloody fact?

Everyone saw that the caster moved, and the huge Roshan Demon King trembled violently.

"No...no...it can't be like this...it can't be like this...if that's the case then...then...what I do, then what's the point of everything I...have?"

The huge body of the Great Demon King Roshan shook violently, and his body suddenly lengthened and shortened without rules, as if he had lost control.

Sure enough it's going to be broken.people thought.

"Oh, how could Joan of Arc be like this? If you escaped from the gallows then why...why didn't you save me by the way? I was also caught on the gallows and it was so painful..."

Caster babbled, and his tone was full of depression.

He didn't care that the girl he liked got married and had children, but that he didn't save him.

Sure enough, this is still a caster, he has long been broken and definitely not broken now.

"Who are you? Why do you want to save you?"

"Me? ... Gilles de Rais, the former companion of Joan of Arc."

Caster said quickly, but the maid Joan of Arc waved her hand, "I haven't heard of it, after all, our Joan of Arc family is famous for its strategy and noble status, and many people follow it. So how can you make time for a plan?"

It seems that this Joan of Arc family is really not an ordinary black heart.No matter how you look at it, it looks like a cult took the initiative to attack the black believer Caster is such a cruel man, the caster is still thinking of Jeanne Sang for Jeanne, and he doesn't remember him at all!

Could time be more tragic than this?

Ye Shenyue looked at the maid Joan of Arc and there was only one sentence in her mind, "Joan of Arc... a lifetime of darkness."

The words that the natural cut is also black inside seem to be confirmed by Joan of Arc.

"Ow ooh..."

The huge Roshan Demon King instantly doubled in size, and the violent tentacles could no longer hold back, "Jean... You are too much... ah ah ah..."

The caster at this time is really crazy!He was shattered by Joan of Arc-sang's few words.

Faith collapses, heart collapses.

Emiya Kiritsugu is here.

"Lancer, if Saber appears, then you will also help to solve Caster with Saber. Caster's Roshan Demon King is too dangerous and has infinite regeneration and recovery capabilities. If it goes ashore, the entire Fuyuki City will be destroyed. So for the sake of most people I can only kill this big demon king of Roshan one step earlier!"

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned as he watched the humans who had begun to stretch out and wanted to see the other side of the coast, who could not see clearly due to the barrier, attacked.

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