The spear stabbed the tentacles of the Great Demon King Roshan torn in half, but it recovered after a while. The regeneration ability is too strong. If you want to completely destroy it, there seems to be no other way to destroy it except for a one-hit victory so that it has no time to regenerate.

"Lancer, with the cursed gun."

However, when Lancer approached the tentacle and wanted to try again to see if he could find the weakness of the Great Demon King Roshan, Emiya Kiritsugu's voice came from the bottom of his heart.

Cursed gun?

Lancer's Noble Phantasm is the red spear in his hand, which is the spear of the curse. As long as the enemy is wounded by this spear, his wounds will not heal!

Won't heal 6 and certainly doesn't regenerate!

Lancer's eyes suddenly lit up, it seems that the master is sincere this time to "save most people" without any doubts The spear of curse in his hand stabs out!

Powerful speed and unbelievably sharp.

With a snap, the tentacles split into two halves and then trembled but didn't recover!

Can't reply!

No more recovery!


Saber chopped off two tentacles in a row and found that the other party could continue to regenerate, but he was a little surprised to notice that the other party couldn't regenerate after the lancer attacked.

"This is my Noble Phantasm. As long as the enemy is stabbed, a curse will be left behind so that the enemy cannot recover from the injury."

Lancer explained, "It seems to be very useful, but this Roshan Demon King is too big. If it can't recover at all, it will have to be stabbed thousands of times! If not, then it can only be destroyed in one fell swoop. Regeneration is based on having normal parts. If all of them are destroyed, then it will not have the ability to regenerate. "Just like cells, as long as there is one alive, they can continue to divide and proliferate to an unbelievable level, so it is said that To kill the Great Demon King of Roshan, there must be no residue left.

Direct destruction?

Saber stood firm, "This is exactly the role of my sword, Lancer, you wake me up, you need to use a Noble Phantasm! You go back first... I'll give this Roshan Demon King a blow!"

Saber showed a confident smile, holding the holy sword in both hands and the golden light from the tip of the sword enveloped her and pierced the sky. "The oath...the sword of victory! I will definitely win!"

The golden brilliance poured down but brought unmatched power, the huge Roshan Demon King seemed to have found danger but did not move at all or could not move at all!

Can't even dodge!


The huge sound came from the screams of the Great Demon King Roshan!

The golden brilliance enveloped it, and then wiped it away, and it disappeared before the screaming was completely over.

disappear completely.

This is the weapon used to attack the city, the sword of the oath of victory.

That time Emiya Kiritsugu ordered Saber to use this ultimate move to destroy Lancer. In the end, Lancer escaped because Lancer's master Kanas summoned Lancer away, and Saber also stopped and continued to activate. Everyone didn't care much. ,but now……

"RIder...let's go...this battle...I really don't want to participate."

Webb has backed away.

"That bastard, Ye Shenyue!"

Saber turned out to be so powerful.

Emiya Kiritsugu was extremely dissatisfied, knowing that Saber was so powerful that Emiya Kiritsugu's depression and 037 resentment came up again, obviously... it was clearly he who summoned Saber.


This hum was made by the King of Heroes. The King of Heroes was quite displeased. One Icarus was enough to make him cautious. Now there is another Saber!

Don't they all say that the King of Heroes is the most powerful?

why now...

The King of Heroes feels extremely dissatisfied, but...

The corners of his mouth twitched, and his sword of destroying the world was not a vegetarian, it would not be worse than Saber's.

Kotomine Kirei looked at his expression and had a calculation in his heart, it seemed that the King of Heroes still had a back-up move to deal with this saber.

Finally, it is Ye Shenyue's side.

"Joan of Arc, maid, do you still say that your sword is a holy sword?"

Looking at the stunned expression of the maid, Ye Shenyue joked, while Jeanne shut up, if Saber gave her the sword then it is very likely...

Joan of Arc would have thrown away the holy sword in her hand when she was black all her life, and she took it so seriously, and even made the maid of Yashenyue in order to restore it, but now... any sword can be Better than it is...

It really hurt Jeanne's heart.

Then Ye Shenyue was not going to ask the king girl, because even though she had a mask to cover it, Ye Shenyue intuitively sensed that this fellow was full of desire, envy and jealousy for the holy sword.

Although women are the most terrifying creatures, their minds are also the best guesses.

Chapter 0065 Broken Noble Phantasm! Justice for lancer! (Three more please subscribe!

ps: Ziqi's other book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" will be on the shelves around Thursday, and I hope everyone will support it. I am very grateful.

The sword of the oath of victory brings victory.

"Saber... It seems that you are still the best."

Lancer looked at Saber holding the holy sword bathed in golden light and immediately said, "Losing to you... is also an honor."

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