Although the blow has been fired, Saber is still infinitely powerful, bathed in golden brilliance, and Lancer has been convinced.

"No... lancer... Didn't you use the Cursed Sword last time you competed with you? If I hurt my thumb then I can't use it... um... lancer... you..."

Saber was about to wave his hand and say, but the thumb of his right hand holding the sword was bleeding like a gushing blood, and the blood slipped from the fingers and fell on the water and rippling.

Her thumb was injured, it was shot!

The red gun of the curse!

The lancer attacked her with the cursed gun!

"'s not like that..."

Lancer stared blankly at his actions, and stared at the gun in his hand!His body made a "stab" action, "I didn't think so at all! I... Could it be that..."

The lancer was flustered and nervous and finally became angry.

"Emiya Kiritsugu! Emiya Kiritsugu!"

Before his angry shouts could be heard, a huge blue magic circle appeared under his feet, and his figure was instantly absorbed by the blue light, and when he reappeared, he appeared beside Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu summoned him.In the vast sea, only Saber is left!

Lancer's sudden attack and Saber's sudden shooting... It's beyond people's imagination!

Hit the black gun when the hero completes the task!

Even the King of Heroes couldn't see it, "This kind of bastard playing with conspiracy..."

It's really a conspiracy, let Lancer and Saber fight against the Great Roshan together at first, and then wait for Saber to win a surprise attack.

A shot in the back of the real version!Black gun!

And Ye Shenyue was also annoyed. He didn't expect such a change to happen after destroying the Great Demon King Roshan!

Emiya Kiritsugu!

This man is really cruel!Everything is used for the purpose!

It was only at this time that Yagami understood why Emiya Kiritsugu would put the lancer over to help instead of hiding in the dark like other masters and servants. It turned out...he wanted to trick him!

lancer ah lancer...

"Master, please don't blame lancer!"

Saber had already covered her injured thumb and retreated to Ye Shenyue's side. Seeing that Ye Shenyue was about to run away, she hurriedly said, "Lancer didn't even know about it."

"I know."

Ye Shenyue suppressed his anger, he has not been swept away by anger, and now the more important thing is Saber's injury!He hurriedly looked at Saber's thumb, his finger was bleeding and he couldn't stop it.This is the effect of the cursed gun and wounds won't heal from it.And with a broken thumb, Saber will not be able to use the ultimate move of the Sword of Oath of Victory, and Saber has been sealed with a large part of his strength.

"Arthur, please lend me the holy sword, and I'll help you get revenge! I'm very angry now!"

BerSErker... oh no, it should be the scumbag girl who was already angry, and without waiting for Saber's response, she grabbed Saber's sword and rushed to the side.Emiya Kiritsugu immediately summoned Lancer back after the successful sneak attack, and then used the Command Spell to force Lancer to take him away at the fastest speed, and the direction that the king girl was chasing was exactly where Lancer and Emiya Kiritsugu left. direction.

Ye Shenyue squatted down and used Guangdu, the blood had disappeared and even stopped.

"Still can't move."

Saber knew what Yagami was going to ask her, her thumb was hanging down and she couldn't even lift it up.

"As expected, the Spear of Curse carries an irreversible curse."

Ye Shenyue nodded, his light crossing effect is very good, but the principle is only to stimulate his own cell proliferation and proliferation, if it is a curse, then this is limited.

There is a cursed circle blocking the part of the cells that should be restored and cannot proliferate and restore.

"Master, take a look at how Saber is now? Has the wound healed?"

However, at this moment, the voice of a king girl resounded in her heart.

heal?Of course the wound didn't heal properly... The king girl should not be talking about his healing but...

Ye Shenyue stared at Saber's hand, Saber moved a little, and found that her thumb was bent!You can move!

"Could it be that Lancer was killed by BerSErker?"

Saber was a little surprised.Even if she doesn't use her ultimate it will take a while to beat the lancer and BerSErker is so powerful?Success in such a short period of time?

Is so powerful really a man?

Yagami also has the same emotion, BerSErker's strength is comparable to Saber's benchmark, but is it really a man to win so quickly now?

"No...lancer still ran away. Although I was angry, I let him go."

BerSErker's voice came again, and after a while her figure reappeared on Yagami's side.

"His integrity made me unbearable to kill him... But he was too pedantic, he always stopped me from beheading his master and in the end I had to slash him and run back."

The king girl continued, "That guy is just a spearman and actually refused the invitation to join the king's team... It's too much, it's already cheap to cut him... But it seems that SErvant needs a lot of magic power from the master to get injured. ... that Emiya Kiritsugu also seems to lack magical power... Ha..."

This king girl actually has a bit of pride in conquering the king... When she sees people, she wants to join in...

However, the act of depleting Emiya Kiritsugu's magic power in the latter half of the sentence seems to be her sincerity. She respects Lancer's integrity but does not like Emiya Kiritsugu.Giving a knife to Lancer is both an act of saving face for Lancer's refusal to join in, and it is also an act of Kiritsugu's Evil Palace.Kill two birds with one stone!

"But... Since I didn't kill Lancer, but Saber's curse has disappeared, which means..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly understood.

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