What does it mean that the opponent is too strong and it is better to obey than to fight?

But this time Tokiomi stopped pacing, he walked over to the antique table, opened the drawer and took out a box.

"Trouble you this time, I have decided to admit defeat to Yagami, so this is my compensation to you, after all, you have also studied magic with me for a while, so I will graduate after learning magic from the Tohsaka family. reward to you."

Tokiomi pushed the small black box to Iwamine Kirei.

"How embarrassing this is, I have never had any desire for the Holy Grail. I just helped the teacher out of my father's order, and I don't need to receive compensation."

However, Iwamine Kirei declined.

Sure enough, there is no desire.

Tokiomi nodded secretly, feeling a little guilty for suspecting Yanfeng Kirei because of Yashinyuki's words.

"This is not a reward but something like a ceremony, and 957 must accept it."


Yanfeng Kirei had no choice but to accept it, and opened the box in front of Tokiomi. Inside was a short silver sword inlaid with gems.

The sword is beautiful and shiny.

Yanfeng Kirei's eyes lit up slightly, and then bowed towards Tokiomi, "Since the teacher said so, then I will also express my heart."

Iwamine Kirei maintained a bowing posture, "I also think that the teacher's decision is right, since it is a battle that will definitely be lost, then there is no need to fight, I will let Assassin take care of Emiya Kiritsugu. Self-defeating, and at the same time...Teacher should pay attention to the King of Heroes, this is a rebellious person, if you let him obediently admit defeat, changes may occur, so teacher should pay more attention."

The King of Heroes is indeed a danger...

I thought you were dangerous too!

Tokiomi nodded secretly after hearing Yanfeng Kirei's words, Kirei could make him pay attention to the King of Heroes, which means that Kirei was on his side, Tokiomi's heart calmed down, and it seemed that Yagami also misunderstood. Yes.

"I know. Then you're here today, so you should rest early."

Tokiomi gave Kirei a gentle and graceful smile and then walked out. It was indeed getting late tonight, so he should rest.

Today Yanfeng Kirei can say that the stone in his heart has finally been put down.

But at this moment, a shadow appeared behind him, Tokiomi didn't have time to turn his head, and the shadow of the silver sword appeared and the blood-stained world appeared.

Chapter 0070 Yanfeng Kirei, betrayal! (four more ask for subscription)

ps: The new book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" will be released on Thursday, and I hope you will support it.


Fresh blood, still warm blood shot violently from the broken arm, Tokiomi's face was covered in sweat, he turned back with difficulty and saw the dagger he gave him standing blankly. Iwamine Kirei behind him.

A few drops of blood were running down the blade on the silver gem-encrusted dagger. It was his blood!

It was Yanfeng Kirei... who attacked him!

"Kirei...you...why do you do this..."

Tokiomi's voice was not as full of energy as before, and now he was weak and covered in blood, his blood was red and hot!

Tokiomi's face was mixed with pain and disappointment.

Because Yagami asked him to be careful about the phone calls between Yanfeng Kirei and the King of Heroes, he became restless, so he decided to give Yanfeng Kirei a try. Kirei, who was watching, would definitely take action. When he said that, he directly used the Command Spell to order the King of Heroes to come and kill Kirei, and then if the King of Heroes was unruly, he would use the last Command Spell to make the King of Heroes kill himself!

This is his plan.

But Yanfeng Kirei made him pay attention to the King of Heroes' actions, which made him feel that Yanfeng Kirei can be reassuring, so he gave up on Yanfeng Kirei's defense, and was attacked by him in the end!

He knew that his heart was not cruel enough, but... this fact was so cruel.

Tokiomi covered the place where his right hand was severed, and his hand was immediately stained red with blood, and his eyes were wide open, staring at Yanfeng Kirei.

"Kirei, didn't you say you have no wishes? Then why do you do this!"

"Teacher, do you still remember my father?"

There was still no smile on Yanfeng Kirei's face, nor was he proud of his success, but a serious question.

"Of course, I'm very sorry old priest..."

Tokiomi was thinking about the old priest being killed, but he didn't know who did it.

"Yes...because my father...was killed by you."

Iwamine Kirei continued, "I checked his body, and there are some bloody words under his hand, and it says Tokiomi Tosaka!"

"That's my father's handwriting. That means it's my father's last words. It's you who killed my father."

Yanfeng Kirei's words seemed to have no tone anymore, plain and ordinary, but serious.

"No...I really didn't do such a thing. Kirei...you misunderstood..."

Tokiomi explained, but Yanfeng Kirei continued, "Yes, I believe that the teacher will not do this... But my father wrote the teacher's name, which means that he has nothing to do with the teacher, since the teacher did not do it by himself. Then it can only be done by the King of Heroes!"

Did Gilgamesh do it?

"That is to say..."

Tokiomi saw that Yanfeng Kirei had picked up his severed hand, Yanfeng Kirei's arm was covered, and then the remaining two curse marks appeared on Yanfeng Kirei's hand.

"I'm going to let the King of Heroes kill himself, but I'm afraid the teacher won't do it so... I'm going to do it myself."

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