"how so……"

Tokiomi leaned against the wall decadently and sat down, his physical strength and blood were rapidly draining, and he was about to reach the limit.

Could it be that... his biggest enemy is Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, is it all... Gilgamesh's fault?

"Does the teacher feel very depressed?"

Kirei returned to the table and took out the silk cloth from the small box that originally contained the silver sword, and wiped the blood-stained silver sword.

"Actually... there's another possibility, it's probably not the hero king who killed it, and it has nothing to do with the teacher, that is, the person who really killed my father was Emiya Kiritsugu, and Emiya Kiritsugu's Command Spell has been taken away by Yagami Moon. Although he signed a contract with Lancer, there was no Command Spell, so he was likely to attack his father. Later, when facing Caster, he could make Lancer attack suddenly, which is the function of the Command Spell. He used the Command Spell against Lancer's will. In other words, he has a Command Spell! The Command Spell cannot be acquired for no reason, so it must be that he killed my father and then wrote the teacher's name on the ground to let us kill each other," Yanfeng Kirei said little by little, The minister said with difficulty, "Since you speculated that neither I nor the King of Heroes killed the old priest..."

"So...what do you want by doing this?"

Tokiomi's voice has become weak, even opening his eyes seems to have become difficult, but he still tries hard to look at him.

"what do you want?"

The corners of Yanfeng Kirei's mouth curled up, but he did not laugh out loud, "I just want to see the teacher's dejected expression after going through all these betrayals and surprises, it's the same as what the King of Heroes said, it's really interesting. ."

This time, Yanfeng Kirei laughed, his voice was slightly gloomy but it made one's heart chill.

At the same time, a golden light appeared.

The glittering man proudly held his head high and looked at Tokiomi, who was dying soon, with contempt.

Chapter 0071 It's all Tokiomi's fault (one more subscription)

ps: Another book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" by Ziqi will be on the shelves tomorrow. It will be released on the tenth day of the day. If you have free children's shoes, please support me, Ziqi is very grateful.

The golden light appears, this is the King of Heroes.

The King of Heroes is still in golden armor, holding a glass of fragrant wine in his hand.He looked at Tokiomi arrogantly but contemptuously, the golden light reflecting on Tokiomi's blood-stained arm.

"I thought Tokiomi would always be so boring, but now... let this king see a good show."

Jin Shining shrugged disdainfully, then glanced at Tokiomi, who was pale and bleeding too much.

"I thought you would be stupid forever, but I didn't expect you to actually appear in such a scene, but I've been waiting for you to call me..."

The King of Heroes' voice seemed a little melancholy and then looked at Iwamine Kirei, looking at the back of his hand, it was the command spell that originally belonged to Tokiomi and could command Gilgamesh.

"Gilgamesh...you didn't deal with RIder...could it be that you...don't..."

Tokiomi took a deep breath and then spat out a small mouthful of blood because it was too hard.

He seemed to understand that it was not Iwamine Kirei or Gilgamesh who betrayed him, but both betrayed him, and even saw through the "test" he was going to make.

He asked the King of Heroes to attack RIder, but the King of Heroes didn't move at all!The King of Heroes is too independent and has absolute freedom!This caused his betrayal!Direct betrayal!

Because Tokiomi is a minister and the King of Heroes is a king!

If the courtier drives the king?Wang Lai has always abused his subjects in every possible way!

"Tokiomi, strictly speaking, I am very dissatisfied with you, very dissatisfied! You summoned me forcefully during the station with Yashin Yue, do you know how much face you have made this king lose? It is absolutely unbearable. shame!"

The King of Heroes' face became distorted and hideous.

Tokiomi didn't speak. He knew that the Hero King always hated this matter, but why didn't the Hero King think that if he hadn't used the Command Spell to summon him back, would the Hero King still be alive to this day?

"However, this king doesn't want to leave this world so easily, so I want to sign a new contract."

The King of Heroes said something, and then Yanfeng Kirei immediately bowed to the King of Heroes, "I wonder if I can be attracted to the King of Heroes for my incompetence?"

"Well, since you are so eager for this king, then this king promises you once, you are much more interesting than Tokiomi."

The two of them had an unabashed relationship before the original owner, Tokiomi.

Then Jin Twinkle looked over, and suddenly there were countless golden Noble Phantasms behind him.To conclude a new contract is to lose one's own consciousness except that the original owner is willing to do so.In other words, there is no other way but to kill Tokiomi.お "So...please die once! Tokiomi!"

As the King of Heroes started to shoot down countless swords towards the weak Tokiomi, he couldn't escape when he was normal and intact, let alone his dying state?

"Puff puff……"

Knife into the body!

Tokiomi's eyes widened, if he could still speak, he must shout...he regretted it.

I regret it, he should listen to what Ye Shenyue said, and he must take good care of these two guys!

He seems to understand a little bit, understands why Ye Shenyue is unwilling to join forces with him, maybe he has seen through these two people long ago...

He regrets... I regret it so much. If he had died heroically on the Holy Grail battlefield, he would have added glory to the Tohsaka family, but now... he was stabbed in the back by "my own people"!

How cruel and how depressing!

If there is regret medicine in this world, then he must buy a bottle!

"Tokiomi, you are wrong. You should not treat the hero king as a courtier and hand over the sovereignty."

"Tokiomi, you're wrong, you shouldn't trust Yanfeng Kirei so much, and hand over the protection as well."

"Tokiomi, you are wrong..."

Everything...it's all my fault!

This was the truth that finally appeared in Tokiomi's mind.

Everything was Tokiomi's fault, and the bitter fruit that he sowed was silently and completely borne by him.

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