The King of Heroes' eyes were slightly dull, which was a sign of falling in love.

"Mordred, daughter of saber, Arthur II!"

And Mordred announced his name without hesitation, exuding awe-inspiring aura all over his body, this is the aura of a king, and living at the highest point all year round has melted into the nobility of his soul.

The momentum attacked Gilgamesh.

The King of Heroes seemed to be stunned. The last second he was thinking of conquering the saber, the awe-inspiring golden saber, but now the other party actually has a child?Already married?Already a mother?

With a click, it seems like something is broken in my heart, and it will end before it starts?

"Impossible... chops, go to hell!"

The hero Wang suddenly became furious, and then behind the treasure of the king appeared a long sword with a tapered shape that exuded a strange and terrifying aura. The sword was engraved with dark red patterns like a string of incomprehensible words.

This is the star of deviance!


The Sword of Deviance is out.

With loud noises and collapses, the historic Tohsaka house, which was expensively constructed with a protective net made of various gems, was instantly shattered into ashes.

Destroy the world and cut off the sky!

The last trump card of the King of Heroes was also the trump card he wanted to fight with Ye Shenyue!

Chapter 0073 In the debt of the robbed hero king and Tokiomi (three more subscriptions!

ps: Another book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" by Ziqi will be on the shelves tomorrow. It will be released on the tenth day of the day. If you have free children's shoes, please support me, Ziqi is very grateful.

The following text: As soon as the deviation sword came out of the Tohsaka house, it collapsed instantly, the surrounding dust was flying, and Ye Shenyue threw it and was bound by the Noble Phantasm "The Lock of Heaven" and could not move!The king girl beside him didn't even have a weapon, and the wind was blowing, making it very cool.


Gently humming, arrogant humming.

In the eyes of the King of Heroes, Ye Shenyue and Mordred (Arthur II) beside him have become fish on the chopping block. How to cut it!

The guy who hinders this king and makes this king dissatisfied will die!

When Yagami appeared, the King of Heroes wanted to kill, and the King of Heroes wanted to destroy the world after the king girl said she was Saber's daughter Arthur II!

That jealous and twisted mood trapped him like a cage.

Now, he will destroy it all!destroy!Destroy the world and cut everything!This is the Deviance Sword that belongs to his Hero King and only he can use!The strongest sword!

"Is this the end? It's really boring..."

Yanfeng Kirei, who was almost ignored, clasped his shoulders and watched all this happen. When the King of Heroes raised the stray sword, the frightening power from that sword made him feel that the King of Heroes was sure to win. .

And so the Holy Grail ended.

"You bastards...go to hell!"

Without any hesitation, the King of Heroes held his sword and slashed straight down, with a terrifying aura and a power that would make people turn to ashes.

This is the Deviance Sword, the sword has not yet been split, and the momentum is full!


With a soft voice, the King of Heroes turned his head slightly and looked at the knight with red eyes as well.

His sword could not be chopped out, and Gein touched with a pair of snow-white and delicate hands that looked like suet jade... No, he was holding his stray sword.

Saber's daughter Arthur II actually held his stray sword!

You must know that the Deviance Sword is a sword that can destroy the world!It is also a sword that only belongs to him. With his brand on the sword, no one can hold it. As long as it touches the Deviance Sword, it will evaporate directly, but now someone holds his Deviance Sword, and it is still the sword that is about to attack!

The sudden change made the King of Heroes stay for a while and then became angry, "Bastard, who asked you to hold this king's sword... Why don't you give it to this king soon... uh..."

The King of Heroes didn't finish his words, and then he found that the Deviance Sword he held in both hands trembled enormously. The purple-red inscription began to tremble, then disappeared with a slam, and then a new inscription appeared.

It was a purple-black inscription that did not belong to him.

Sword... The Deviance Sword that only belongs to him is engraved with someone else's name like this!

With the sword drawn, the King of Heroes himself retreated more than ten meters, as if he was hit by a big truck. The King of Heroes struggled to get up, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, again blood!

He vomited blood for the second time, Yin Hong's blood!

His eyes were full of naked murderous intent and hatred without any cover up!He already understood that this king girl turned the Deviance Sword into her private property!The thief!Even Yeshenyue, who was supposed to be trapped by the "Lock of Heaven", has regained her freedom!

A black and purple inscription was also printed on the lock of the sky and it became hers!

"You're that bastard BerSErker!"

Only BerSErker has the ability to take someone else's treasure as his own!So this red-haired girl is BerSErker!

BerSErker held the stray sword with awe-inspiring power.

"It seems that the feng shui turns to my house this year, and it is my turn to be the emperor today."

The king girl looked quite happy, she held the Deviance Sword in both hands and felt satisfied with its connection.

The sword already belongs to her.

Mordred looked at the King of Heroes, his tone turned slightly cold, as if the King of Heroes looked at Assassin's expression, "And a word for you, you are a bastard! Take it!"

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